Hey Sup Forums, just bought this 1/4th from my dealer for 100 bucks, she says its medical, how'd I do?

hey Sup Forums, just bought this 1/4th from my dealer for 100 bucks, she says its medical, how'd I do?

heres a close up of the buds

bumping bc genuinely curious

unless you can get it legally this is about par for the course



allright, thats what i was hoping haha still wanna find a new dealer though tbh... last time i picked it up I had to wait around for an hour and a half for her to show up

>Calling it a 1/4th
Also $100 for a quarter is pretty damn pricey, at least where I'm from. What's your location?

it's not medical, so she scammed you. you should have payed 70

looks pretty good, a little leafy but still good bud

In NE, a quarter is 70-75 depending on strain

Everyone check out darknetmarkets. Its where I source everything.

if u need a hookup

Maryland, my gf goes to school in NY and her dealer gives her 8ths for about 40 so it was more than i was hoping but whatever

shigity shigity shigity shwagg.

Yeah these prices are typical by me too. OP should find a better dealer

how can you tell, annon?

>a 4th for 100 bucks
you fucked up, but in the end, you got some weed, which is not at all a bad thing. As for the quality, I'd smoke it, but it's nothing special.

Expensive, but quality looks good.

Expensive for something that looks average would need to touch it for better judgement

it looks alright. not top grade, but not total shit either. she probably gave you just under a quater so like 6.5gs or something. $100 is way too much, you should pay like $65 max for a quater. where the fuck are you from?

Not bad, looks kinds like some cheezy shit. But $75 would be a qrter here. Still not too bad, just roll up & get high af

medical comes in shake. at least my friend who has his card gets it like that from dispensaries. No one with their right mind will risk selling with a medicl card unless it's a close friend.

You got jewed, goy.

I would never pay more than 70 for a quarter. Let alone some skinny ass dry looking nugs

how does all this work? looks sketchy as hell

looks good mayne. a little frosty on account of the trichromes and appears to be harvested at the right time looking at the pistils.

what's your location, sir?

I bought the same amount today for only 25. Looks about the same as yours.

This. You overpaid but there's nothing you can do now except enjoy the pot and get high. Dunno how many dealers you have in Maryland but try to explore more options


100? fuck that cunt for over charging you


Just outside NYC, Westchester county

isn't it still a felony in maryland?

how the hell did you get a quarter for 25 bucks?

You wouldn't happen to live around clarksburg would you

0 sketch. Just go to /r/darknetmarketsnoobs if you want help.

you can possess under a gram and get away with a misdemeanor I believe but yes

Nahh nigga. For $25. You bought that Mexican weed, that brick. You know that trash shit

decent nugs, not medical but still not bad
unless you have a legit hookup who pushes a lot of weight, 100 is average for buying it from some middleman dealer

Nice. I have friends in the city. Most of them buy for significantly reduced prices compared to Connecticut and Mass, though

eh its about 45 min from my house

A gram or an ounce?

10 grams and under is a civil penalty of 50$

This is really skirting the line between mids and kindbud. It should be 35/40 per eighth and 60-70 per quarter. Keep the bud but send her a text that next time you want it for less or the quality needs to improve.

i pay 10 dollars an eighth for top shelf medical weed from humboldt california :')

just a gram iirc, though not 100% sure

Well if you're ever in the Rockville area I could get you a good plug.

Lots of stems :/ medical to me means high CBD.

Dunno but the oz goes for 90. Practically never run out

Do not meet up with someone from the internet after creating a drug thread.

this is how to be an asshole
just ask if she has anything better, dont demand shit like a fucking dick

thanks for the advice, user. btw how do you guys tell if its medical or not? frostyness? bud size?


You need a dealler, just ask a nigger thats what i did got preemo bud from his dealer ever since

>how did you get a quarter for 25 bucks

Because the guy has the dirtiest, compressed schwag you've ever seen. It would never run out with me either because i wouldn't smoke it.

>paying over 10$ a gram
are you people still in high school or something

Pay $160 per ounce for this

I didn't tell him how to say it. You should obviously ask more politely than that. But,
>Just ask if she has anything better

Then you've set the precedent that she'll charge you 120 or more for good stuff because you already paid 100 for mids. Don't be a dick but ask the dealer to be reasonable, politely. Your way is how to be a cucked hippie.

Don't listen to this fag I can also sell you some LSD tablets and marijuana injections if you like. All legit.


nah Im just new at the whole thing lol, I'm trash at finding connections

must be canadafag?

NE has pretty standard prices. What's your location?

Hey I'm in MD, could you hook me up? My dealer bluffs on me 9/10 times I need some bud.

Nope, NY but I happened to meet the right guy. Really shows how much some of these fuckers make

You just have to be more social. I bet I could go out to a club in providence and buy some E tomorrow night

kek this

yeah dude thats a serious rip off most definitely some outdoor 100% not medical 99% of people who try to sell you "medical bud" are lying just look for the greenness of the buds (greener the better but not always), leafyness (should be little) the formation of crystals (more the better always) other cannabanoid signs (orange hairs) and the smell ( will vary incredibly but generally the smellier the better)
source: been a full blown pothead and have had my fair share of business related to this field for 10+ years

Maryland is like one of the most expensive places to buy weed, right next to D.C. I visited Washington state and bought a quarter of headies for 65 bucks

paying 50$ 1/4 here in winnipeg canada. 60$ for really good weed. sucks to be where you are.

same boat as you, annon need a new dealer asap so cant really help you haha

oh its shameless the prices ive been seeing here makes my cry but i suppose this is what happens when pot goes mainstream

Most actual illegal resellers of quality weed (not importing schwag in kilos) don't make that much. Maybe $100 an ounce. And additionally, the costs are mostly theoretical. How much are you really making with the risk of an expensive arrest involved? This is why weed is expensive, not massive actual profit margins. Growers have a higher profit margin, but the aforementioned risk is even greater, so asking for reasonable money is understandable.
regards, ex grower.

He's a good hookup but not worth the trouble

its legal in d.c. though, wouldn't it be cheaper? actually thought about making a drive down there to get some if I had a fake i.d.

Did terrible to me we get better out here for 40 a single q but way better deals in bulk but prob NB other places

I once had some dark green lemon haze. Didn't have much smell, but the flavour was nice and it had cool orang coloured hairs. It got me ripped 9/10 times



>wants his nugs moist
>wants to pay for water
>wants to have to dry his weed out so it doesnt smoke like shit

Nigger come on

no I went there to look around. Most bull shit ive seen in a while. Fuck DC

>cannabanoid signs (orange hairs)

Those are pistils and completely inert. If anything, swollen calyxes taking up space (which you want) will make the amount of pistils seem to be less.

Save up and go to Portland OR

Haha faggots with their "dealers".
I buy my weed at the weed store cuz I dont live in a fascist redneck backwater. $10 grams at or above 22% THC by weight. Suck it prohibitionist fags.

dealers need to get the most amount of money they can before shit gets legalized and every dealer gets fucked over

It's been 40 in most places since the 90's?


Just jealous.

Meh. I like weed, but I'll take my AR-15 over weed.

hermy? what are you on about?

woah there little guy

Lol no. It's just shit weed not hermie.

actually no. i can get ounces for free because some of it is so shit and of course i siphon it out and turn it into an oz of cootah

That's why I like selling G's, cause at a quarter, you're loosing half of your potential profit. I'm that scum bag that buys $120 halfs even though I know I'm costing my dealer profit, and therefore diluting the market



I think it's just an oddly twisted up leaf. Good eye though. me:

Get some seeds from a seed bank and grow your own shit, but one of those auto growers. It's cheaper in the long run, easier, fun, and you smoke when you want, never waiting

ignore user

yea i used to buy an eighth and sell dimes and just worked my way up for a little while

>prices of electricity going up
>all bills go up
>weed prices never change

Thats how i get the poontang
and then we 'room tang' if you get what im saying ;-)