ITT you post a picture of your car and wait for others to say what it tells about you

ITT you post a picture of your car and wait for others to say what it tells about you.

Starting with mine.

it means you like really overpriced miatas


>not wanting the Evora

guessing you're Asian, small dick, loves rice, dating a girl who goes to Stanford. Did I nail it?

I also like regularly priced Miatas.

Almost. Caucasian, two kids, loves going to the track. You were right about the small dick, though,

Dont have photos but I got 3

1992 Jaguar XJS
1998 Mitsubishi Eagle Talon
2004 Mitsubishi Eclipse

You have good taste.
Medium-priced sportscar that's built for fun and never looks out of place.
I hope you enjoy it.

I feel you bro... Nice car though



Up on stands atm :'( but let's see how long till someone guesses the type

somebody who uses an app to get groceries

Haggard Garage, is that you?

pls no bully

I just bought it actually. Does anyone have any experience with the 3.7L EKG engine? Is it any good?
It's on a lot of the ram 1500's and jeep liberty. It seems like a pretty reliable engine and from the sounds of it fairly easy to fix up if there is an issue.
I don't care about the issues of acceleration and whatnot, I bought it because I hate winter driving and this is a full-size SUV with 4x4 which will actually make me not hate winter for once in my life.



One of my cars


>middle age
>living in trailer park
>Slightly bigger lot than every body else
>Fills with cars you think are nice but are really just average.
>Still has car from when he was 20

Not claiming I could ever afford one, but for some reason I see a bunch of Maseratis on the road. I remember it used to be like once a year you see it and think "wow, cool car". Now I think"that's the third Maserati I've seen this month". Did they get cheaper or something?

High school or college kid into DIY car modding, working out of their parents' garage, and this car is their only car. Probably a MCM fan, used to play Need for Speed Underground or Carbon. Car was cheap, parts were not.

you're retarded. this is not based off a miata and it's one of the best cars out there. and its leagues better than the POS evora.

you have kickass tastes. I have one as well but thats all I'll say.

2016 WRX STI Limited

Still need to put a wing on it :(


rolling around in dem hollywood hills


20 something mlm scam artist that gets the cheapest modern supercar available to show off to other 20 something suckers

bro, a subie without a wing isn't a subie.
Also, r29 is dream car :(



Do you give children free candy?

Pretty bad taste.
For the money, there's much much better you could have gotten.

Looks good without one imo

No because I have good Lamborghinis

thats clean as fuck. Don't know what it's called tho



i don't have a picture of mine sitting around, but this is what I drive.

spoilt underage faggot with mum's credit card on standby?

>>Slightly bigger lot than every body else


I dont have a camera so i made this and took a picture



Exactly what I think when I see some dude in a 2004, riced out Gallardo lol

Lamborghini jalpa

Here's a pic of the jalpa with the countach

Is that the TJ or the YJ?

Bullshit op

Love my car

I drive this every day. She shifts automatically

No wing, Dude.

No idea I also have noticed a huge influx in Lincolns & Teslas.


Riding a shark would be pretty fucking sweet, pretty jealous

Please. Why woud I lie?


One of these

>two vintage lamborghinis, both moving under their own power at the same time


Double clutch, I see.

>about a reasonably affordable car
Not even him, but come on.

stylish and powerfel, yet thrifty.

And also not taller than 5 feet or so.

96 cheyenne

Original engine?

My friend had one of those ones but his was red.
He picked me up every weekend to go to bars on the city and pick up drunk chicks.

He died a year ago.

I miss him, he was a real bro.


lol im 28 bro. u appear upset.

Worked hard and purchased my first new car this year.

What does my taste for children have to do with my taste in cars? This is my other ride.

84 rabbit gti, wheels are silver now

Have another


Small dick.
Slightly bigger than OP, but still small dick.
Small dick and small wallet
8/10 would go fishing with
Small dick and small wallet

those tires must be hard as fuck to find

You own a car. Probably have more disposable income than I have.


You worked hard to blow it all on a car.

Yeah im mad

Og 305, not the 350.

74 Monte Carlo

This looks oddly like an RC car..

busted faggot

>anything kind of nice means you have a small dick

I'm too lazy to get up, but this is the same model and color.

Oh hey there Uncle Tom


None of those are nice, user.

Pirelli actually still makes them. Not a big deal




What do you think is nice, then?

you seem to be missing half your wheels.

Yeah cause you know my income faggot.

I sure spent every dime I had on this car /sarcasm

Just because you're a poorfag doesn't mean people can't live comfortably AND have a middle class vehicle.

I actually drive my car

Not the guy you quoted with the silverado, but trucks are pretty common up north in Canada, like 50% of Canadians own trucks and SUVs and it's not because of "masculinity issues" it's because of winter
Americans are always surprised when they come up here and they see gigantic trucks fucking everywhere, but they do actually have a reason for it.

*Lower class vehicle

haven't had the time to add larger tires or anything really fun yet. Did get dirty yesterday though.

Um what the fuck. How do you make money ?


You get something other than a geo so you can make it to work without the engine rattling off the mounting brackets

Post what you drive with timestamp or shut up you queef