What's his name again, Sup Forums?

What's his name again, Sup Forums?

Min Erals

Itzhak Schrader

Hank Hill, private inbreastigator


A sack Shredder

A. Sack Shred

Hank "Dick In My Fist When I See That Amethyst" Schrader

G. Suschrist Marie

King Pin


Shray Derbrow

Ballsack Schrader


The guy who showed up in an episode of Lost and an episode of Six Feet Under.


>There will never be a Hank and Gomey "buddy cop" spinoff where they hunt down druggies while Hank makes racially insensitive jokes about Hispanic people and culture

Oy vey szchrader

I suck shredder

And i thought i would never wish to fuck her.


I'd show her my rocks, if ya no wut im sayin

That's the new spin off prequel to Breaking Bad
Actually I just wanna see the events that unfolded after the BB finale

you expected a reply about minerals? too bad

>There will never be a Breaking Bad sequel series that shows what happens to Jesse

let it go, aaron

I'd settle for a glimpse at least maybe shown in better call Saul

Mike Ermintrout

he discovered his need for speed

>caught and went to jail forever
>battled PTSD for a decade or two and either moved on our killed himself
I know that's not what you meant, but he's only got so many options, and that sad fuck has suffered enough.

Assistant Special Agent in Charge Hank R. Schrader

>caring about what happens to a dog murderer

Aaron Paul has been too busy.

my sack shredder

Super Shreder

isn't that set before breaking bad?

she looks crazy as fuck irl

don't ever stick your dick in crazy

Aye Zach Schrader




This is actually very interesting. There's no way Jesse is going to live peacefully. He has no money, carries the guilt of that dead girl and her orphan son on his back, is tied to one of the biggest drug kingpins of all time and is probably being searched 24/7 everywhere.

There is literally nothing that could link Jesse with Heisenberg. The only ones that knew were Hank and Gomey, both dead