What are cinemas near you showing?

What are cinemas near you showing?
>a cinema nearby me is showing pic related, so I should go right?
>tomorrow it is showing Aguirre and Kapar Hauser

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>tried torrenting Das Boot
>it was entirely in German

thats the point!

I've never had a patrish cinema.

Only an 8 theater multiplex and some 2 theater beast from the 50s that eats up the scraps the multiplex tosses out.

>not wanting to watch the greatest war movie ever made in the cinema

there is this locally

also OP, go to das boot. its breddy amazing.

forgot pic

Wait are you serious? I deleted it and everything?
Is there English subtitles?

Many downloads have subtitle tracks if not you can download them. What player do you use?

Just wondering whether I should study instead. Never seen Das Boot, it's the theatrical version, how good is it?
>Also is Kaspar Hauser good?
>Seen Aguirre and love it

last time my local cinema tried showing it a bunch of antifa showed up and disrupted the projection.

Saw Alien at midnight at a repitory theater, next week is Aliens

MoMA has good shit


Das Boot - The Original Uncut Version




Is it weird to want to visit a foreign country for a movie theater? I'm genuinely depressed I don't have a theater like this near me. Profoundly depressed


Theatrical is not at all how it should be viewed.

The longest version is the best, that's the 260 min TV air. Theatrical is 149 mins or thereabout, it was butchered so audiences didn't get sore bums.

>also it may have had a subtitle file included
>pic related

Well theatrical is what they are showing

I rented the long version when I was a kid and it's an experience that's never left me, so I can only recommend you skip it and wait until you get your hands on a longer copy (the 200 min director's cut would be an acceptable substitute)

Kaspar Hauser is an interesting story.

every friday, almost every theater in hawaii shows some random anime movie

i guess people are going to it if they keep showing

I assume you mean The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser? I really liked it, mainly because of the lead. But I watched it in german and was familiar with the story. 8/10 imo


matching to your video source ofc

That's come and see you tasteless fag.

you in Melbourne OP?

Not OP, but Astor is truly a based cinema

Agreed, hyped af for Zerkalo in 35mm.
Cinematheque is pretty based too.

holy shit how are you even using greentext you massive mong

get the fuck out this website

how can you be so fucking dumb that you don't understand greentext?

what the fuck is wrong with kids these days

if you don't go see Aguirre on the big screen you are a fucking tool

I was able to rewatch The Searchers earlier this week, truly a nice experience.
They are also showing The Rocky Horror Picture Show but I think it's 2gay4me.