Can anyone give me some semi-accurate information on what it will take to end my life with Xanax and Alcohol...

Can anyone give me some semi-accurate information on what it will take to end my life with Xanax and Alcohol? I wasted like half the pills I had between the last two days. I think I've taken somewhere around 6 or 7mg in the last 8 hours or something, and I have 15mg still here. I have way more than half a bottle of bourbon to work with. Google just brings me a bunch of self help forums and shit like that and I know you faggots aren't exactly going to be much better but I at least have faith you'll attempt to give me some actual information.

unless you're a for real manlet or 100 pound understand faggot that isn't enough of either, even when combined, you'll just have a great time then black out

used to eat 20mgs a day. eat it all at once, dont forget to chew, then just drink as much as you can, then hop in a car and just drive.

Sorry OP, a human is really hard to kill. You'll have to try something more hardcore to end yourself


I'm really adverse to hurting any innocent people accidentally in the process. And if I get pulled over and am forced to keep my life going, I'll just end up homeless since I'm a paycheck to paycheck fag who's life would be ruined by a revoked license.

If you have a car, carbon monoxide is the better way. Drive to somewhere with a great view, blitz out on Xanax and hook up the exhaust pipe to quietly go to sleep.

Or just deal with your shit and don't be the fucking pussy you'll forever be remembered as if you kill yourself

I'm okay being remembered as a pussy, I've lived as one for my whole life. I just scrape by. I like your idea, but I don't think I can make the Xanax last another day so I can head out somewhere pretty to end it. I am in a rural area, maybe if I can find somewhere far out into the countryside the stars would be enough. I am just overly concerned about hurting someone else since I've been drinking for hours now.

All of them.

How old are you g?

And I'm not trying to be insulting, genuinely interested

Currently using 30mg of Celexa, normally I can drink like 10-12 beers without any issue.

However, last time I did not count and blacked out, got into a fight, broke some shit at my friend's house. Basically made a fool of myself.

Expect to drink half of the alcohol you would normally do.

Do you have a degree or anything?

I'm 23. I've been struggling with life and the will to continue pursuing it for somewhere around 8 to 9 years now.

I wanted to die for like 3 years when I was your age. At the moment I have a girlfriend and I'm about to travel the world.
It gets better bro, but you have to keep fucking stepping. You have to make tiny changes again and again until you walk your self out of the shit.

I am both a High School drop out,(GED) and a College drop out. I couldn't handle the stress of working a full time job while also going to school full time. I come from a very poor family and the government gave me enough cash to cover about 2 months rent before I had nothing but my standard wage-slave income.

Do you think you'd like teaching english or anything man?

You could save enough to get some ESL training and go to south east asia. Live cheap, fuck whores, drink in the sun...

You only have to spend like 30ish hours a week with asian kids who don't really give a shit about learning anyway

23, you're a young user yet bro. For what it's worth, I hope you don't go through with it. I bet you'd be surprised at how many people would have their world's shattered by it. I went through my own darkness, but I realised how it would destroy my friends and family, and I'd always be remembered as the sad guy who killed himself. Now I'd rather make my mark on the world somehow and be remembered for something great.

The part I feel most insanely about is having a girlfriend too. She knows I struggle greatly, but she isn't aware of how close I get very often to going ahead and getting it over with. I'm I'm not trying to be a selfish douche prattling on about myself, sorry guys.


Dude, you're not selfish. You're in agony.

Tell your girl that you can't bear it sometimes and ask if she can help you get help.

You're a bad enough motherfucker to get out of this

No need to be sorry g. Having a gf is an excellent sign; most of us anons don't have a hope in hell of getting to feel the touch of another human being. I let myself slip to a very bad state over several years, but luckily I had a great ex who is also my best friend, and she made me get some help. I saw a psychiatrist and got some great meds, and now two years later I don't need them and I'm in a whole different place with my mental health. Dont let fuckwits scare you off getting medical help; mental health is hugely important and we're slaves to our neuro chemistry,

You have really helped me drag out of the dark place I was sinking into tonight. This won't be the last time, it never is, and everytime I become less afraid of just going through with it, but the humanity in here has really helped. I love you guys. This stupid place has been keeping me from losing hope in this dogshit planet in fucked up and genuinely beautiful ways for like a decade now. Genuinely, thank you guys. I think I'm just going to have one more stiff drink, chill on the Xanax for the night, and try to make it to my dead-end job tomorrow. My girlfriend is graduating very soon in computer engineering with great employment prospects and she's going to force/help me through getting some kind of certification or 2 year degree and people like you help the world feel less empty and cold. I love you guys.


This guy. Always so uncommitted.

I know to go to hipsters for acid, homeless people/mexicans for coke, anyone for bud, but who the fuck do you go to for Oxy? There's like none in the south.

Yeah you too, cock merchant

No worries man.

The dark tunnels will always be there, but after you go through a few you learn to know that it always gets lighter. It'll be hard, but it will never be the end.

Walk on brother.

if it ever gets too much, just do whatever you need in order to bail and go to Asia.

Good shit man. Who knew a cesspit like Sup Forums could help people out. Best of luck

Go to a high place, maybe one out in the wild with a big drop off (you can google for em in your state/whatever). Then take both and let your trip do the rest. I hope you change your mind though user, I've been there before. GL with life

>possible latent homosexuality
Wow, I was a sceptic for a second there

If you're serious about exiting this world this is a sure way even the EMT's can't bring you back. Drop 10-10mg of Valium and you go to sleep and your breathing stops. There is no life shot that can bring you back. Don't do it user I've been in a dark place for a couple years but it will get better. Life sucks sometimes you can handle it!!

DNM. Look up the subreddit and any drug is yours, provided you have some grasp of technology it's easy

I'm 29 and dealing with this shit right now. It's been a recurring theme for about a decade. I just quit my job and have no prospects for what to do now.

Before you eat any benzos, drink a large glass of grapefruit juice, then eat the benzos. Start drinking a lot of alcohol, or better yet combine it with some opiates as well, and it's sure to stop your breathing.

I'll lay it out for you:

Step 1) Drink a ton of grapefruit juice 1-2 hours before eating the benzos. The juice inhibits the production of a certain enzyme that will cause your body to barely metabolize most drugs.

Step 2) Eat the benzos

Step 3) Snort/inject a high amount of oxycodone or heroin.

Step 4) Drink a lot of fucking alcohol quickly

Step 5) You will be as relaxed as you have ever been in your entire life. Everything will quickly and calmly fade to black

Step 6) ???

Step 7) Profit! You're dead.


not trolling here OP, but if you want proof that you can be happy, go take some MDMA.

your depression chemical.

go have a taste, feel the serotonin flood your senses, enjoy not being dead a little longer.

That is because Sup Forums is full of pussy faggots now like most the people in this thread, the only response to op should of been "do it faggot."

if you niggers want happy fun time to blow each other while talking about your feelings and how worthwhile you are then go back to redit fags. You robbed me of a death tonight.

anti psychotics and alcohol are not friends