Is this the beginning of AutismKino?

Is this the beginning of AutismKino?

It looks great tbqh fampai

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persistence is never rewarded the way you think it will be, user.

>implying this movie isn't a batman movie in disguise

>the beginning of AutismKino

Looks pretty good t.b.h.

I can't watch any of these movies. Grew up with my autistic brother so whenever I see the way ben acts in this movie or the way Tom hanks acted in Forrest Gump I never actually see a dude with autism, it's always some dude acting like a dude with autism. Completely takes me out of the movie.

Does Bourne have autism?

godamn. never heard of this until now...and im hyped.

>autistic role
>pick someone handsome

just stop hollywood

Looks ok.. will torrent


This is looking like it might be pretty damn good.


>ben affleck
>anna kendrick

batman & squirrel girl cross over?

first of all, no that is not what a good movie looks like

second, Ben somehow looks even dumber with glasses and might be the first person in history to do so

Woah contain your autism freindo.

Ben Afflicek is kinda stupid, funny to see him in such movies.

it's a well edited trailer but the premise is retarded

Here is some true "mentally challenged kino" for you to watch.
It's a great french movie about potatoes.

Great another film being shilled every single fucking day

>movie about high intellect guy, possibly autist
>"the accountant"
>expect something cool and special
>it ends up in a him shooting, punching, blowing up guys and doing some kind of heist



>Autistic Batman vs the Government

I like it.

OP means the euphorious return, fämillia

>Has the 'Guy writes equations on glass' meme in it.

Into the trash it goes, also what he said

Would be interesting if autists started hitting the gym.