A Westerner asked a Muslim man: "Why do your women cover their bodies and their hair...

A Westerner asked a Muslim man: "Why do your women cover their bodies and their hair? " The Muslim man smiled and took two sweets, he opened one and kept the other closed. He threw them both on the dirty floor and then asked: "If I asked you to take one of the sweets, which one would you choose? "

The Westerner replied: "The covered one. "

Then the Muslim man said: "That’s how we see and treat our women.”


would you really take the skanky, rotten, probably BLACKED one on the right here?

Other urls found in this thread:


>would you really take the skanky, rotten, probably BLACKED one on the right here?





At least with the open one I could tell if it had a dick or not so I wouldn't be in for a nasty surprise when we hooked up later

>probably BLACKED
>sexually insecure

treating your women like an inanimate object that you own and can buy and sell.

I was in a lecture today where a Muslim student and me lecturer got in an argument on the rules of Islam. The Muslim dude was arguing that what Turkey is doing is wrong, and women should be given the choice to wear the hijab. The lecturer was arguing that it's their culture and they should be able to do as they please. Think about that for a second.

sweets and women are to be prized, protected and converted

the man protects his woman, and she loves him back

the west had this too, until you guys pissed your culture away, and became a society full of degeneracy, single mothers and disposable relationships

>they should do as they please
doesn't count for the women apparently

trips of truth, sage.

So, you think that if a woman wears something on her head, she couldn't possibly be a slut? Like it's some sort of magic barrier?

>clothing around their head means they're virgins in our culture.


A westerner asked a muslim man: "Why do your women cover their hair covered bodies and their hair?"

end of story. Westerner wasn't interested in women with hairy tits.

humans =/= candy
fucking retard
but what more would you expect from a dirty Muslim

Are you retarded or you pretend to be reatrded for replies??!?!!?!?!?

If women are prized so much in middle-eastern cultures, then why the fuck are there so many rapes and beatings, as well as levels and levels of misogynistic control? Western cultures still have systematic misogyny, but there's way less incidents than the middle east and at least it isn't written into the fucking law.
Fuck off with your middle eastern bullshit.

>he threw them both on the dirty floor
>that's how we see and threat our women

The main difference is that western women aren't thrown to the floor.

>humans =/= candy
women = candy

Turkey? Not wearing the hijab is okay in Turkey.


This is now a clothed Vs naked thread

That's a part of Islam that's actually decent, along with being charitable.
And I say this as a feminist btw.

>which one would you choose?
miley's filthy skank ass, tbh fam

what, no hairy tits ?



You do realize miley cyrus isn't the standard for american women right. I don't know anyone in and of my friend circles that would actually want to sleep with her all memes aside.

I'd personally take the left but I still hate Islam.

using that logic, we should wrap cloth around everything

(why am i replying to a troll thread)

>Systematic misogyny

Is this Sup Forums or tumblr? Deepthroat a cactus, whore.

Yea, muslims are known for their feminist views.

in the victorian times, western women were so modest, they even shy at going to the beach. They had respect for their bodies, respect for their man, respect for other people.

you talk about the crusades and tradition of western civilisation when islam is brought up, yet you guys want all this modern degeneracy that made your society so shit and disposable in the 1st place.

S M H famalam

I dont go around throwing candy on the floor.


And the Westerner replied: "We don't throw our women on the floor in the first place."



A Muslim man asked a westerner why they let their women woah around uncovered. The man took two dogs and put a sweater and a muzzle on one. "Which one looks happier?" The westerner asks the Muslim

"The uncovered dog" replied the Muslim.

"Exactly" said the westerner "see its not about what you want all the God damn time"

No way. That would hurt.

dreams of a modern day western male, rotten by porn and excess, unguided by religion and conviction. He takes the drugs, clicks on the browser tabs, and jerks off into his tenga.


>Muslims treat their women like objects, throwing them on the floor without hesitation
Really fucking progressive, huh



Wait for it.

Trips checked and also sage as fuck

Dreams of a modern day male muslim... being a terrotist, killing innocents on and going to heaven to fuck virgins!



Even in some sharia countries this is not forbidden. Morocco is ruled with Sharia tules, but not wearing the hijab isn't forbidden. Erdogan is just gonna bring back the capital sentence to kill his opposants.

OP. fellow Muslim here, stop being ignorant cunt. Comparing women to fucking sweets is absolutely horrendous and just fucking wrong. That being said, I would never understand the weird unreasonable fucking obsession that the Western folks have about hijab. It's just a piece of fucking clothe that Muslim women wear because of their religion and more importantly their choice. For example, my mom is quite devoted person, and she never wore that Hijab. Some Muslim women do, some don't, but cover up their heads depend on their culture and what's norm in their countries. One thing I agree with ya tho, Western women has become a cock sucking cum gazling major A sluts. I really feel bad for my Western men brethrens. They hardly have any choice, but to kiss whore that their breathe smells like other dudes cum. Even worse they have to plant their seeds with a highly polluted slut's wombs, and those stinky slut cunts would kiss their little babies with a mouth full of cum which she used to suck the entire village. I feel ya my fallen western brethrens. Condolences!!


are you triggered by the truth? or can you not handle discussion on a topic you are uncomfortable with, that you have to spam porn like a child?

look into the abyss and the abyss looks back at you. Western civilisation drifts towards the edge and you guys only have yourselves to blame.

The blood of your forefathers run through your veins but you do not hear their whispers.

>I would never understand the weird unreasonable fucking obsession that the Western folks have about hijab
Eurofag here and I feel you

religion (any)... what is wrong with this world... like there are not enough ways to guide/manipulate the fucking sheep, we also needed fantastic old men that live in the sky... jesus titty fucking christ

Edgy obese autistic neckbeard detected.

>because of their religion and more importantly their choice
>more importantly their choice
Why is it that there are still countries that will kill women for not wearing this clothing?


Dude you are talking about religion!!! How can I take you seriously when you believe in magical old men who leave in the sky and books that some other delusional people wrote at a time that humans believed that the earth is flat!

Go back to the dark ages....

Well I don't agree with Islam I do agree with the comment on America.

don't tell ANYONE about this
[spoiler]it's not cp[/spoiler]

Just kill yourself, childabused little faggot.
Back to /mlp/ with you, autist.

just chiming in

there are different sects of islam, just like there are different sects of christianity and catholics...

some are waaay more moderate than others, others are very unforgiving

this is a muslim woman too

I am teh neckbeard!?!?!? Here are you religious "leaders"/priests

>Systematic misogyny

In my work all the managers are woman and they treat the men like stupid metbags that can lift objects. They're always bitching about one another and can't handle stress at all. It's a fucking matriarchal nightmare in my work, so GTFO with your systematic misogyny you clueless cunt.

My issue is that Islam is inherently incompatible with secularism. It was an admirable attempt at bringing order to a brutal and chaotic existence. It no longer serves that purpose.

>I am teh neckbeard?!?!?!?!?!
Yes, faggot, you are. Not a jew, but I bet you are, you autistic fuck.


The amount of pleasure I would get from fucking the one on the right is hard to comprehend

3 major religions in teh pic, christians, jews adn muslim priest all professional neckbeards.

Me stating taht religion is about the mases believing in magical old men in the sky and you beleiveing in books that were written thousands of years ago whan science and understanding of nature were at its infancy...

All you do is curse me cause you have no valid argument? Go pray for a better world and sit in your church/temple waiting for your god to solve yours and humanitys problems...

well the Westerner doesn't have to throw women on the dirty floor in order to eat them up ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>treating your women like inaimate object
At least we don't need to show a woman in her underwear just to sell shampoo. Your women's honor is way cheaper. And muslims that treat their wives like that are exeptions because it is sunnah to treat your woman well. Same as the exceptions that happen with white women

No, religion is about understanding the core of human nature back by learning about morals and how to be a better person.
You wouldn't know any of that stuff, you childabused fuck, now would you?
Go and cry more about how daddy beat you while your science keeps killing you off and failing you.

That's just food, you were talking about women.

Fucking this. There was a time that you shouldn't have to deal with douchebags who smile in your face and then bang your daughter. Nowaday you welcom that guy in your home.

all religion does is to sell you a set of convictions. The belief is the glue that keeps you on that conviction.

most people are weak willed and give in easily to temptation , and thus cannot control themselves.

Its like studying philosophy to become a better person, instead of wallowing in basal needs like a animal in the mud.

OP that last image was a muslim woman who was got sucker bunched by a complete fucking stranger. It took place in London, you lying piece of shit. youtube.com/watch?v=wuwKv4dHQdo

No it doesn't mean she isn't a slut but at least you keep the public decency. If you wanna be a slut behind closed doors then go ahead no one is going to find out. But there are also girls who really wear it to stay chaste and modest. You got all kinds user

Lel so how does the analogy play into not letting wimmins drive and honor killings? Sandniggers: they have the world figured out.

I give up mate, you have the IQ of a retarded baboon, who had a stroke...

Keep your beliefs and your religion to yourself! After all religion is like dicks... its good to have one, but don't keep waving it around in the middle of the street!

>attacked by nigger for no reason

of course



trying to get people to the islam on the one of most fucked up board in the WWW... man u as a muslim should know that u shouldnt be here xD thats so funny everytime when i see "muslims" here... ure not a muslim ure just a wannabe nothing else... this page is fucking haram probably more than that... i met soooo much muslims like you ... i was raised as one but never believed in that just acted for the sake of other ... i can i never saw a real muslim and never will be even if i have 3 -4 lifes or more... go get knowledge bout your religion before postin shit like here ... man u all piss me the fuck off ... i hate so called religious people .. religion is fuckin ignorant but they beg for tollerance while their religion is build on ignorance... shhh religion fucks your head guys

>say people have IQ of baboon

>cant even type for shit and has the most boring of all arguments

you're either underage or lacking in education

I proved you wrong, made you trigger like an autist, and you're calling me retarded? Typical atheist, double digit IQ and dying of obesity.
Fuck your feelings, faggot. I'll call a crusade to your disgusting house and get you killed. Nigger.

Yeah but Islam has never had a reformation. And all of them believe that the the Koran is the perfect unchallengable literal word of god. So they are all bretty much fundies.


>Dude you are talking about religion!!!
butthurt sperglord atheist spotted

A Muslim asked a westerner why he allows his women to walk around so indecently.

The westerner replied "They aren't my women! They can walk around however they want!"

Fuck Islam and every other oppressive religion.


You sound like you worship a man in the sky. Stay delusional and afraid, buddy.

>A Westerner asked a Muslim man: "Why do your women cover their bodies and their hair? " The Muslim man smiled and took two sweets, he opened one and kept the other closed. He threw them both on the dirty floor and then asked: "If I asked you to take one of the sweets, which one would you choose? "
>The Westerner replied: "The covered one. "
>Then the Muslim man said: "WRONG Kafir! You rape both of them and call them sluts! HA HA HA!!

M8, there are still Islamic countries that kill women for the stuff they wear.

I respect your passion, but you need to acknowledge that this shit happens.

post modern societal structure you scary

I'd just wash the uncovered candy. What? Do Sandniggers think white women don't bath? They probably do it more often than their women.

Kazakhstan has a very diverse population with many cultures.
Because she is from Kazakhstan doesn't make her a Muslim.

I knew muslims were rearded, but if they don't fail to see how that logic falls apart... Well.. That's a whole other level of retardation.

The great Eastern Bear will wipe out your kind after the West falls.
Your clock is ticking.

>muslim man displaying his culture with a bizarre allegory about the advantages and disadvantages of undressing your rape victim before or after you toss her to the ground

Would that not solve your problem though?