Reposting from earlier

Reposting from earlier

haaaaa fuck

mother cunt


anybody want more or should I let this 404?

Oh my fucking god wtf nononononononono why?


really op??!


>black elves don't matter


oh lord you have returned

oh god i puked wtf OP


Hahahaha, man!

h-haaaa shiiit fucking hell

Fuck, i scrolled passed that thread earlier. I missed it :(

Are dubs required for requests ?

not really ttaking requests rn. if someone gets an epic get with a request I guess I'll sterilize up and go again I guess


What is the weirdest shit you've done ?

I stapled my dick to Celestia plush and poured homemade horse cum lube (fully edible! accurate taste and consistency! Even caffeinated!)

So hurting yourself is your fetish
Another question
How many scares do you have on your peepee ?

no scars, I never do enough damage to leave a scar.
and this is not a sexual thing really. Its more of a cathartic/shitposting thing

just an ironic prank bro

you are probably the most determined shit poster ive seen

good job Sup Forumsro, keep up the shitposting

its just a prank, bro

>didn't go sexual
>not in "da hood"
>didn't go wrong
Great prank

please shove one through your frenulum.