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Leave fatkino to me,


>he hasn't seen 12 monkeys

Pitt is actually a lot better than people give him credit for. Watch 12 Monkeys and Burn After Reading. He was good in Fight Club, Fury and Inglorious Bastard.

All very distinct and memorable characters.

Nop op. He's garbage in it. I'm not even trolling

Assassination of Jesse James m8

Off to a good start i see.

>He was good in Fight Club, Fury and Inglorious Bastard
>very distinct and memorable characters.

Kek, end yourself

OP is absolutely correct.

>inb4 all the fanboys that know shit about acting and contrarians rage hard in this thread


Nope. Try again, fanboy

Alrighty matey.




All people that can't act for shit.


My bad. I thought this was a "Brad" actors thread.

Carry on.

Scwarzenegger is more of a one line machine. He's very comedic, can't act for shit but i find his movies very entertaining for some reason. His accent and expressions are top level shit.

Reeves is more of a blank slate, he's very good in portraying characters who are supposed to be confused or emotionless.

Cruise was amazing in Collateral and The last Samurai. It seems that he doesn't like to explore his full potential.

Stallone is absolute shit, i agree.

Poor attempt, son.

>betacuck can't handle that an alpha has more talent that he'll ever have

Everybody remembers Tyler Durden who was distinctly different from Aldo Rayne who was distinctly different from Wardaddy even though they had a similar function.

You can't do this if you're a shit actor.


Yeah you can. If the direction is doing it right. You're just a dumb cunt and sound fairly butthurt that I insulted your gay movie crush.
And throwing meme insults at me just makes you look like a fourth grader.
>Lol beta! Lol cuck! Right, guys? Do I fit in yet?

>Scwarzenegger can't act for shit

>Reeves is more of a blank slate, he's very good in portraying characters who are supposed to be confused or emotionless.
It's called not being able to act.

>Cruise was amazing in Collateral and The last Samurai. It seems that he doesn't like to explore his full potential.
No he wasn't. He was fine in Interview with the Vampire and Tropic Thunder. And that's it.

Brad Pitt is pretty good in "The Assignation Of Jesse James". It's the only movie i've seen where he's playing a character.

But overall he's a functional actor. He doesn't bring much to the table other than saying his lines properly and following direction.

>Inglorious Basterds
>Pitt acting
Kill yourself

Tom Cruise was good in Collateral because he portrayed the equivalent to an emotionless block of wood. As for Samurai, the movie just covered his acting up pretty good, the director and camera knew how to take him and what to have him do.
I love both movies btw.

>And throwing meme insults at me just makes you look like a fourth grader.

> You're just a dumb cunt and sound fairly butthurt that I insulted your gay movie crush.

>Kek, end yourself

Do you even project bro?

>Yeah you can. If the direction is doing it right.
Bad actors can't take direction. Knowing what the director wants and succeeding in representing that is the mark of any good actor.

>B-but he's a pretty boy, so he can't have talent! A-am I right g-guys? Guys?
No, you sound like an envious fucktard.

>Burn After Reading
Seriously that was horrific. I couldn't bare watching Pitt even, it felt so fucking fake and forced

Are you literally twelve, mate?

>Tom Cruise was good in Collateral because he portrayed the equivalent to an emotionless block of wood.

That's not true at all



Holy shit. Are you for real?


weak b8

Great point.

Here's your (you)

I don't think he's bad. But i've never understood the love for Edward Norton. He's not a great actor. He's been in some good things where his character worked well, but he's not that great. He's not the one making those movies great. It just so happens that he's properly cast in roles

he's the best worst actor. I mean, he's terrible, but he's so good at being bad it's very entertaining

i srs fucking hope you're trolling

here's your (you)

limitless charisma and very dedicated to any project he's on, we're talking about a guy who sat in maternity wards to watch how pregnant women acted for Junior

Well that was funny as fuck in an unusual way.


lmao that kid still tryin

>indistinguishable from bot behaviour

Basically any of them that are from America

Hollywood imports tons of british and superior Canadian actors due to knowing how shit and sedentary your actors have become

Your country is basically on the brink of ruin, and it can be seen with your shit actors that you produce.

If this is the best your nation can produce, is it really worth mentioning?

Glad I'm from Canada where quality is put first, in basically everything, hence our country being better than yours.

bentdick cucktwat?



>seth "DUDE WEED LMAO" rogen
>bill shatner
>ryan reynolds
>hayden christiansen
>ellen page

yeah you guys sure got the good ones


he was also okay in Babel

what about tropic thunder

kill yourself.

>what about tropic thunder

There are people who didn't even know it was him, that's how good it was, plus he MADE the character

>Etan Cohen (writer): I came on in about 2002. We were still figuring out why the actors would get abandoned and no one would notice that all these stars were gone. So I had written this throwaway thing at the side of the document that said: “Maybe the studio has an insurance policy on production. When the director dies they recoup all their expenses, so the studio doesn’t care about the actors.” Then we totally went away from that for years.

>Stiller: I had been talking to Tom about being in the movie. He read the script and actually came up with the idea for the character.

>Cornfeld: Tom read the script when there was no Les Grossman and said, “I think you need another villain other than just the 12-year-old drug king. What about some greedy pig studio executive who really represents the gross part of Hollywood?”

>Stiller: His idea to show the studio head actually fixed a problem we had for a long time. We never cut back to the real world for any of the previous drafts. All the Grossman scenes totally fixed the plot holes.

He's a bit limited, but he has presence and good taste choosing projects, kind of like di Caprio.

>dumb cunt and sound fairly butthurt that I insulted your gay movie crush.
>And throwing meme insults at me just makes you look like a fourth grader.
Is it even possible to have this little self awareness?

Hello pleb.


Lol here we go

In all honesty Tropic Thunder shouldn't have been as good as it was. It's just.... fantastic

Pitt is fucking based you faggot.

Good point. He's never been great but not entirely bad either.


This was up there with Keanu's brit accent in Barm Stoker's Dracula.

He can't really act though.

i don't mind Brad Pitt, but he needs a good co-actor to shine
loved him in Interview with a Vampire or Benjamin Button


Thank fuck someone sees this.
He's trash.
Fight Club was rubbish.

Cruise is underrated. Brilliant in Magnolia.
He just is such a fuck up in his personal life that I think it effects his working life

Agreed he's dogshit

*grunts* *huffs*

*grunts* *puffs*

if you think his Max and Bronson cut from the same cloth you need to be strangled with it.

He's a big guy.

God he's so hot.

This, literally every role he does.

He wasn't that bad in Locke.

>photoshopping this hard

I liked him in Sicario

Stalker detected

>What is Bronson?



Cruise is a good actor imo, he was great in magnolia and collateral