ALRIGHT Sup Forums

ALRIGHT Sup Forums
Me and my friends have argued about this again and again and every time, they all go against me

Who do you think is hotter, Emma Watson or Chloe Moretz

>dubs, trips, quads of truth do not aply, only honest opinion and self preference
>pic related


>Me and my friends have argued about this again and again

>worst pic of emma
>best pic of chloe

nice try jew

Chloe is shaped like a rectangle and has a manly body. Emma all day and every day.



I like chloe and all, but it's not really a competition, emma wins hands down.

Smd black bitch, Emma all the way

Trainwreck of a thread. I'm not even into either of them but if you think Chloe has a chance against Emma you're clearly fucked in the head.

Chloe is shaped like a refrigerator...

Lol emma is the classic girl that basement dwellers with no self respect or courage would like, because shes basically ugly and attainable.

Chloe is an 11/10, the perfect woman, so of course most of Sup Forums is afraid of her. Really no contest.

Case in point.


The two you replied to had different answers, are you retarded?

OP here,
I thought i was the only one here user, how can people be so oblivious.
Emma is hot i know, but i think its mostly nestalgic cock poke from when she did harry potter.
But how can people not see

It's not hard.....1st person is the point, 2nd person is the reference



Was just about to post that

>Emma is hot

Op is a faggot from Nmibia

Personally I don't even think Emma is hot. Chloe is a supermodel and Emma is the girl you take at last call when all the hot girls are gone and you got 8 shots in you and a hard-on. And boy you get the fuck outta there in the morning

chloe is fucking trash

she's a retard on twitter and she hangs around with niggers


Both of these grills are tin/tin anybody who would not fap to either of them is a faget.

oh holy fuck i just figured it out! i was staring at her boring, super-plain face, her inbred massive underbite, stringy hair and flat, sexless body and I figured it out - She looks like a trap. THATS why the faggots on Sup Forums like her, she looks like the shemales they stroke their 3 inch dicks to. holy fuck. enlightenment.

I fap to shemales, but both of them are not hot.

I thought we were talking about looks. I'm sure there's a prim and proper 86 year old in the retirement home you can hang out with if you don't get twitter and can't stand colored people

Who cares? One is a self-absorbed child star turned feminist who uses her fame to shove her beliefs down everyone's throats, and the other is a pretentious and immature girl who hangs out with wannabe gangsta thugs.

>I fap to shemales
Of course you don't think Chloe is hot, you're a faggot. Duh.

I thought my picture covered the looks part of the argument

>not ranking women by appearance and ignoring their personal opinions
>dat moment when you realize YOU are the SJW

...Emma Watson

Hitgirl is a cool character but Chloe isn't hot, not even pretty.

That filename

not at all bruh. you posted a photoshopped picture of a supermodel, whose beauty still shines light years ahead of emma. Not sure what you think you accomplished but you failed massively

nicely shooped, they should've pay more attention to the neck area

We are more than the parts that make us, user. Gotta look at the personality or you'll end up putting your dick in the crazy.

So true

Chloe has a more interesting and characteristic face, Emma has the better proportions and body. It's like choosing your favorite child.

>dick in crazy
>not the best sex there is

Tru, its missing a rope around it


She's a square with fat boy boobs. Emma smokes her like a honey ham.

Chloe is certainly naughtier. As for hot, neither of them is.

OP here
Fine then, who would you prefer more

Notice how emma's waist is thinner than her hips


I would keep Chloe for sex, because she is naughty. And I would groom Emma as a girlfriend to show off in front of my pals, because she is cute and pretty.

But still I maintain that neither of them is actually hot.

I hope this answers your question.

lets make this an Emma Watson dirty talk thread!!!!

Emma no contest

I think they are both trash, but don't act like Emma is better than Chloe. Emma most likely has 2 muzzy dicks in her pooper right now.

Can't tell if trolling or serious. you chose a picture where she's posing with a push up bra. Her body is indistinguishable from a 14 year old boy


chloe is small fat and has a crooked face
she is only here because of the nostalgic pedos

post more of Emma my cock is dripping with precum

I don't really like either of them a ton but I'd like to combine Emma's accent with Chloe's features personally

fire away user

I still don't know if this Emma Watson obsession thing is a meme or if you people just have shit taste in women.
She's literally a 6/10 tops.


better than being a fat 14 year old boy

tell your friends that you were wrong and then commit sudoku

shes wins shes so hot


No I truthfully believe that she has been elevated on the shoulders of fat virgin wizards, because they are so terrified of an actually beautiful woman.


And still Emma wins

And you think it's not 10 times worse with chloe. Check out chlomo dot org

fuck ive been edging this whole time....i need something with ass

i hope youre not calling chloe beautiful cause she has a boring body and one of the ugliest face shapes and facial features possible

Kek def not fat, try again

chloe's been blacked ya dingus

wow thats a lot of fat and she has manshoulders too and her tits are tinier than emmas lol

Anyone who thinks Chloe is even above C-tier attractive celeb is insane.

Emma is, and always has been S++

That pic is 2 years old, and still gross


>These people saying emma is a 14 year old boy
>Fail to realize chloe has the body and tits of a chubby 12 year old one

Emma watson. This shouldn't be a question you need to ask

I'm honestly convinced the people saying Emma are all neckbeard virgins who are just trying to defend their crush from their lonely, depressing childhood.

Her tits could be a little bigger, yes, but her body is otherwise amazing and her face is really like the most classically beautiful face in all of hollywood.

Of course people like Chloe. She is ACTUALLY beautiful, where Emma is not. Emma would be disregarded if she hadn't lucked into harry potter. Unfortunately that cemented her into the sex drives of 13 year old boys everywhere and they cannot get over it. And 13 year old harry potter fans inevitably grow up to be hoverhands.

Unfortunately fake, her bikini bottom was blue

Kek that face, even worse than the ones I posted. Please get some self-respect


Well I would say Emma.

But she's a feminist bitch.

So Chloe it is.

>her body is otherwise amazing

Looks like she's sucking in her gut

>most classically beautiful face in all of hollywood
try again

>the sex drives of 13 year old boys
whereas only fullblown hitgirl pedos can possibly have made any connection between their dicks and chloe

>defending chlomofags as rational people

Lel get out faggot



shes a honorary niggerbitch no thx

looks like a good old fashioned down home dtiberius dickgirl fuckfest is in order

Not even close m8




ok guys knock off the fighting back there




I'm guessing anyone that would be into Emma would also quite like that femboy Kristen Stuart as well

you can fap to emma's face. well chloe's too. in conclusion, you can fapp to their faces.

>shes a honorary niggerbitch

So is Emma

And guess she'll be romancing next

Yep Sup Forums's favorite nigger

pics or get the fuck out
you fucking liar she would never stoop that low

Chloe sucks black dick regularly, Emma is playing a role in a movie.
