Hispanic pride thread

Hispanic pride thread,
Here we state what it is exactly what we love about hispanic and even latino culture.

> im really in to taccos

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I love how 100s of people everyday get kidnapped and go missing in Latin America ! So proud

fuck you puto, go to your whiteboi bread.

From Nuevo Leon. My favorite part is that we are white.

>from 3rd world shithole
>claims to be white
Oh lord user please, pick one.

i like all the crime and abuse directly linked to our culture

> hispanic pride
> writes in english instead of his faggot spic language

top fucking kek

Thier boxing style and their food. Blood In Blood Out is cool too.

Burritos. Nah just kidding that shit is nasty, fuck you filthy spics

that i dont need to do shit except pay some spic a few bucks to do the dirty work for me


As opposed to roadkill that you whiteys eat? Fucking kill yourself. And take your white friends and family with you kek

Then you bitch they take all the jobs. You're a special kind of stupid aren't you.

No seas mamon, no exites el orgullo hispano, asi que dejate de mamadas user


>Hispanic pride
Is this even a thing? What the fuck do you have to be proud of? That your parents had sex and you were born? Hispanic embarrassment is more like it

If you have to ask a question like that then you are a dumb cuck user

i m not bitching bro. dont really care if i tell a nigger or a spic what to do

Press one for English bitch.

Typical Hispanic.

hispanic pride and you asume all the hispanic are mexicans.
Qué pendejo, pinche ignorante

Haha fucking whitey thinks he can tell us what to do from his moms basement....oh wait let me guess you're one of the thousand white boy's on Sup Forums that happens to be a CEO making six figures. Kek kill yourself faggot

yo soy mexicano xD

This actually makes me a little sad, and a little impressed.

I doubt anyone outside mexishit will feel 'latin pride' when they see that flag.

> 6 figures
are you fucking kidding me? even a half decent dev makes 6 figures

mty aqui

What the fuck is this abomination

Maybe if you were actually celebrating what hispanics did hundreds of years ago. All you people celebrate is fucking dancing, raping and trafficking drugs

you -----------------------------> "the point"

God you're painfully stupid user

Not hispanic nor latino but I like the fact that mexicans will invade 'murica.
But I don't like the fact that they won't tear it down to smithereens.

And you celebrate doing drugs and fucking your cousins


If you're talking about hundreds of years ago, that was the Eroupeans (whites) doing all the raping and plundering and murdering. That's all you people brought over with you from Europe.

me and the boys at work had a healthy kek at you post my boy

Alvaro Carillo composed the greatest boleros ever. Sabo Ami, Amor Mio, etc. Not bad for a black Mexican.



¿Orgullo hispano? Ésto es el orgullo hispano de verdad, sudaca de mierda

I am proud that we have such lack of pride in our own culture that we flee like cucks into better countries.

damn you spics already ran out of your food stamps again or what?

i literally just thew up and its not the food, what the fuck, woman cant even cook anymore now a days... what the fuck are they good for now

Those who actually work & contribute to society are pretty chill. The women are pretty & have a preference for white men & they cook great food.

but the music! that godawful reggaeton shit. it is the gayest fucking music on planet earth.

The fact that we're not niggers


I admire the way Hispanic can beg desperately to be allowed to live in the US, and yet do nothing but bitch about how mean white Americans are when they get their. It takes real balls to bite the hand that feeds you like that. White America lets millions of Hispanics in, treats them better than they're treated in their own shitty countries, and hispanics do nothing but shit on white Americans in return. You don't see that kind of hypocrisy and ingratitude every day.

Although the fun part is that when Hispanics finally get what they want and Latinize the South-West, it'll start looking just like the shitty areas they were running away from.

Reggaeton is Puerto Rican dude

yeah but you gonna knock up those spic chicks by as much as looking at them.
there goes the pretty. you now ve jabba the hut sitting at your place

Fuck Hispanics. I'm Hispanics and if we don't get our shit together we'll end up like the nig-nogs.
I'm getting my computer science degree and all I fucking see is Asian or Indian students. Immigrants are taking jobs, but we are stuck picking apples.

I'm bolio from texas. 99% of us Texans love mexicans and spanish culture. The have dignity, work their asses off, support their families, are always nice and are rock solid friends. Their gift to the world is their food, which is the best in the world. Their woman are hot as fuck too. I'm white so I'm gonna use my white CIS privilege to tell you racist dich heads to just fuck right off. Move to Maine or something if you don't like mexicans. Also, have you never wondered why us border states thriving economy year after year?

well, thats essentially why you were allowed to cross the border in the first place

fuck you and your shithole country.
go back and die there like the good little cockroach you people are.

>white CIS privilege
massive cuck alert steer around this faggotry

I used that terminology specifically for you faggot, fat ass, neck bearded, pud knockers, because I know how well you all can relate to it.

>we'll end up like the nignogs
spics are 100% nigger tier stupid and ugly
but atleast a nigger understands the word nigger.
beaners dont even bother to speak the language... yet me and my native white kids are expected to be fluent in Spanish?
go choke on a liberals cock you smelly hairy faggot

> Nuevo Leon is the most industrial city in Mexico
>Nuevo Leon has one of the richest city of latin america (San Pedro)

Yo!!! I fucking love that movie

all "latinos" listen to that shit and pretends to be puetroricans for some reason, especially folks from chile & cuba


Wrong foro, compadre.

so youre the richest of the peasants are you? well golly gee willikers thats something to be proud of isnt it.
Im glad obama deported your grandmother
Now go be cute somewhere else, im sore theres a white woman you need to be drugging and raping

>obama deported

I'm proud because I wasn't killed, raped nor kidnapped

This fag ruined Star Trek.
Hate him now.
Makes Star Trek character gay?
For what fucking purpose?
Brainwashing and forced cultural acceptance has no place in science fiction and even actual gays are offended by this, including George Takei, who is in fact gay and did in fact play Sulu and did in fact know Gene Roddenberry, who is probably rolling in his grave over this abomination of his lifeswork.

Simon Pegg is a piece of shit and we should all boycott everything he does.

Isn't there a real life faggot in the new star trek movies? Why didn't he just play the gayboy?

and i thought i was the only one who thinks he sucks more then a prostitute in new mexico

my favorite part i am fucking white and also we have ton of culture
and pizza near my house its about 100 with 3 ingriedients and it's big

That's what Isis think about all of you

I don't, stupid summer FAGGOT

you're not white, nice try.
and even if you was white we still wouldn't let you in on the bases of you spelling like a retard

>when spics shit on their ancestors in a spic pride thread
It's amazing you even found the border

i am but if you say so...
i don't like fithing i had horrible school problems...

What I love about hispanic culture is Submissive and uneducated Bitches ... they love to please and serve their men.


>richest of the peasants
this triggers me, this is retarded in all ways possible, you clearly dont know nothing about money

not him but.. of all US states, only like 5 are relevant, all others suck cock and are full of poorfags, whitetrash, niggers, etc..

so please if you want to hate at least get your facts right

You might as well learn Mandarin faggot. Look who's running the tech companies. Even the CEO of Microsoft is Indian.

>only like 5 are relevant
which one's?

Oke Alejandro, dont forget to mow my lawn.
im the one feeding those abominations you call kids and dont forget it

Mandarin is Chinese, not indian

holy shit how do you even know my name?

this post is funny coming from a board where cucks and beta faggots are praised as cool and are pretty popular

> facts are racist
Ok peepee Gonzales, what ever helps you get through the day

At least those beamers feed their kids whit they own sources, not Whit FOOD STAMPS, mostly white shit will starve to death whit out that

For hispanic whores those faggots and cucks are Alpha as fuck
They like to get hit
i've seen it

Chinga te, pendejo.

> gets in to an argument on the internet with a white man
> thinks he can win
Fuck off Juan and stop making excuses for yourself its pathetic

real question, why do "racist" people always attack spics as the poor guys, uneducated, wich is the equivalent of US whitetrash from alabama, the jobless/homelss retired who ask for money under bridges?

I mean you have those, we have those..? and we also laugh at them

If you see a mexican jumping to the US its because he failed here and we dont want him either

>Hispanic pride thread
Y cuelga una foto con la bandera Mexicana.

The whitest thing on you is my gum all over your ass

cállate el hocico puto, hasta el bronco es moreno

gente como tu hace a este país una mierda

inserte comentario de "soy mexicano y me dio risa"
cierto eso es una estupidez... mejor colgar una foto de todas las banderas en un cuadro como un collage o algo asi

Los Mexicanos no son sudamericano, deja de follarte toros, que te arruinan el cerebro.
BTW uds los fachistas no teneis mucha idea de nada, verdad, fuera de los toros, las fiestas y la paella, no teneis mucha idea de nada. Ahora entiendo porque catalunya se quiere independizar

burritos its an american dish....

el gitano se enojo :C manolo follate a tu prima joder

i love my country, the hell with murica, im more scared to being killed by an allu akbar or an school masacree, than the drug dealers here, at least the drug dealers mess with each other


i love the expression on beaner women's face when they get this large white dick in their little refried bean pussy when all their used to is little seviche shrimp dizzler

"shit hole country"
in u.s students kills each other, you always get atacked by terrorist or their own citizens...
enjoy 'murica dude!

almost 666 trips

this ones who talks spanish need to go back to Taringa (where the ignorance is shared) or to Hispachan, place of sh!tposting).

I would like to a acquire a little mexican fuckbitch like Becky G to make me enchiladas on demand, how much would that run me these days?