Opinions on this trump hater i know?

Opinions on this trump hater i know?

Fuck Trump

Deport him

Trump 2016

I'd buttfuck

edgy, and what the fuck is wrong with his teeth?

Trips unlock his username


his names jackarchibald16


op you shouldn't make fun of autistic people

trump is racist if dubs or singles

Much less of a niggerfaggot than you are.

how did you know?




Probably because he can reverse image search

Time to butt fuck this jew

He looks like a 10 year old faggot. Nobody with half a brain would listen to his political opinions.
>it's fucking nothing

Looks like most trump haters I know, uneducated kids

I really do not get why people support trump what so ever.

If its position on small taxes and small government why would you ever in your wildest dreams elect a republican that wants a Christian nanny state telling you what you can and cant think or view. Garry Johnson would actually give you really small government and would make even lower taxes than Trump ever will without actually devastating the dollar or defaulting on government bonds like he wants to or the debt in general.
If its anti-pc talk, I do not get that either. Trump isn't a big man, he literally bans reporters who don't suck his dick all day and he cries non stop if someone says something to hurt his little feelings. Is that who you want to be anti-pc? Do you really want someone who just lies and says whatever you want and calls you pc if you call him out on it?

The only other thing I can think of that you would vote Trump for is immigration. If you really dislike people coming to the country illegally even though more leave than come now, I feel sorry for you. Ok you want borders and such and feel like they take your jobs even trying to use the argument they do farm jobs that are low wage ill concede to you. However, if they do kick all them out with a magic button you will see those jobs increase in pay to about 15 to 25 dollars an hour. Food prices will sky rocket, something we already spend a shit ton to subsidize, the government won't let food be outrageous so say hello to sky high debt off subsiding food for the entire nation of 300 million.

If you actually care about immigration, the economy, and actually having small government vote libertarian like me. I'm open to discussion if people want to call me out or anything or try to convert me i'm all ears.

Trips of truth

I have an opinion about you OP. Maybe you should stop looking at dicks on Sup Forums and get ready for school. Summer is almost over faggot.


>I really do not get why people support trump what so ever.
>Garry Johnson would....
Do you want to know why? Name the last president that wasn't a republican or democrat? Until there comes a time where a 3rd or 4th party is actually electable, you are throwing the election to the democrats and we're stuck with another complete failure like obama. The only way I would have voted for Johnson is if sanders ran as an independent and split the democrat vote. We're fucking doomed if hillary wins.
If you truly value johnson's values, do you want hillary selecting 3 possibly 4 supreme court justices?
>me neither

it's all what I think

▶ ──────── 00:08

>However, if they do kick all them out with a magic button you will see those jobs increase in pay to about 15 to 25 dollars an hour

You don't understand economics or know anything about it.

You're saying that if we kick out the foreigners, more Americans will get jobs at higher pay, paying higher taxes. And this will explode the deficit.

I'd rake libertarians more seriously if they weren't idiotic fantasists.

ebin meme newfriend

For what its worth, the only thing libertarian about that post is the image.

How dare you motherfucker?



Post results

Dubs decide what i say to him


How about nothing? Hes 16 and youre an adult. His opinion on candidates is irrelevant because he cant vote.

Sorry man I know I go on rants but its pretty much the only thing I know how to do

Attitudes like that get the parties elected. If half the people who said they hated Trump and Hilary and agree wither either just 30% so they vote for them because "its always been that way" is so dumb. If everyone who said they voted the way they wish they could, we would win every single time. I don't give in, ill vote lib every single time and do it each time with the intention of winning till the day I die.

But I do understand them so let me break this down for you.

One you cant just kick people out, one way or another globalization is going to keep happening and they are going to come anyway, but lets kick that out and assume that is not the case and they are gone. Americans would not take the job as hard as that for cheap, so people would take it for 15 or 20 dollars people predict. Even if they hit the 50,000 to 60,000 tax brackets they will not make the money back from all the increased substitutes they will have to put down to stabilize food prices. You will lose money in the long hall and take away people from getting higher education since they will be attracted to those jobs, thus making less in their lifetime costing the government even more in the long haul. At least the ones coming over will do them, cost the government less overall and take that money and get by and make sure their kids and keep getting higher end jobs until almost all of that field labor can be done by machines.

I like his teeth.


>His opinion on candidates is irrelevant because he cant vote.
His opinion is irrelevant because he knows fuck-all about anything except what he sees on the daily show. Wait, a shit load of adults do this too....

I can't wait until I get my Trump-2016 T-shirt in the mail so I could lick all the local liberal/hispanic tears.



A twelve year old just going with the flow and doing what is the "cool" thing to do.


>do you want hillary selecting 3 possibly 4 supreme court justices
this is probably the most important issue in this election that is really isn't talked about. i can't even fathom the supreme court with an unstoppable progressive agenda



Y'all pickin on a teenager, you crazy Americans, you make me laugh with your silly guns law, racist politics, obesity problems and general stupidity. Sorry for y'all that are nice people, literally only trying to get a response from these Morons

>literally only trying to get a response from these Morons
How's this?

Good. He knows that having a reality television star (literally the anus of TV) represent us as a country is a bad idea

>reality television star
I know right? Trump was a nobody until he was on TV.

Why are you all being a dicks to this guy.
He is entitled to his own opinions. Also he is doing the right thing hating that old fat orange ugly man. And why did u try to find his account you sad fucks just go outside and play some fucking Pokemon go you sick sons of bitches


Bro his teeth don't even look grown in. This kids probably like 11 or 12 and has no idea about anything about trump and just posted that to get liked by niggers.

looks like he takes it in the ass.

can I have the other end?

wow.I have never read anything more retarded in my life.
you hit all the liberal crying points.
posts this shit and then claims to be open minded.

U guys are fucking sick
Ur probably fat, lonely old men with no friends leave this person alone u sad fucking bitches

fucking chill he's a kid

>people get genuinely upset by children showing off

Typical swj trump supporters, they get triggered easily

What part of my speech is untrue I am willing to hear out if I'm wrong call me out so I don't look dumb next time, if all your going to call me a cry baby for pointing out facts then I have nothing more to say.

Find him a dentist