Which team are you Sup Forums?

Which team are you Sup Forums?


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Whichever team doesn't have a nigger.

Team nigger reporting in

I'm on team go fuck yourself cringey faggot

Reminder that if you vote Team Taylor you vote for a feminazi trap. If you vote Team Kanye you're voting for free speech and masculinity.

I'm on team who isn't a liar

Wtf is this about?

I'm on team "I got better fucking thing to worry about than what some fag-hag cries themselves to sleep over". Now TITS or GTFO


that someone took their time to rig the polls shows how butthurt tylor fans are

The one that doesnt read tabloids and know about whats going on between these two

Pretty sure my team is teh only one that actually wins

nigger lover (`・ω・´)

Shes a white privilaged bitch and hes retarted, kinda like this years presidental election.

That doesn't convince me why I should ever go with team nigger

>not supporting Trump

Kimye exposing TayTay

then you're a cuck

and a waste of dubs

kek @ dem results

fuck you op

lol at these results

Team who the fuck cares, that's what team I'm on, faggot.

Masculinity implies humanity. No one ever asked me to vote for their tom cat because its so manly.

>Boo hoo he was mean to me, you should all feel bad for me!

>She played me like a bitch! Feel bad for me!

Literally a topic for retards but I am entertained by Kanye putting all this time and effort into telling everyone that he got played like a bitch.

I think Taylor won

I'm on Team Jacob!

yep, 10,000 people sure love her here.

this site has 69 billion posts are you really surprised about 10k lurkers

Don't get butthurt you didn't get the result you wanted kiddo :^)


By the law team Taylor. Two part convent to record a private conversation

Only one party consent in Nashville lol

False, this site has 695 million posts

Better than a shitskin nigger

Who gives a fuck


Theres no difference between 69 billion and 695 billion it just a half billion more


Supporting Trump or Hillary

That's true but too bad it's not on the billions yet that's why I said millions

Sorry I want to make America great again.

It is 69 billion

Because she's white.

I'm not voting for him until he runs for president.


>My father gave me a small difference of a half billion.

Neither. They are all degenerate fucks.

>Liking taylor swift
She's the lowest popular music got when we're talking about good music.
Kanye west made one of the greatest album of the 21th century.

She used his song to gain pity, while they used her pity to expose her and show how she is two faced, but meanwhile committing a crime, because it's illegal to record someone without letting them know in the state of California.

Why is this such a big thing again and why is anybody even supporting any of those involved?

Got to admit that none of that niggerdom body image rubbed off on taylor swift hanging around kanye

Why is the stupid cunt talking to niggers?

Kanye pls go.

It's not illegal to record a phone call when she's aware other people are listening, and according to TMZ who saw the whole video, she knew other people were.

A big ass is nice and skinny is nice. But, the only true body for a woman is a girl who can wear a sundress. The classic female body.


Both are cancer

Taylor obviously

It appears you do not know what you are talking about.

Refer to Cal. Penal Code § 632 and read up on this specific law, before you try to argue weather it is legal or not.

Sincerely, yours truely GO FUCK YOURSELF

team nigger is getting cucked by big white cock

always team taylor

"in California, if someone records a "confidential communication" and the other party to the conversation doesn't know it's being taped, it's a crime. But "confidential communication" does not include conversations that "may be overheard."

Urban Black culture is best ignored.

The best thing would be to ignore this 'feud'. When they realize it doesn't sell headlines anymore, Taylor can stop wasting her time getting involved in media stories with this doofus.

Same goes for Chloe Moretz and that Kardashian.

Don't let toxic minded celebs like Kanye, Kardashians, Nicki Minaj etc expand their circle of influence outside their shitheaded fans. These people are narcissists stirring up toxicity and bullshit, don't play into it.

No you're not. You're not even a fan of here music. You're saying this because
>1: She's white
>2: "if /d/ dose it i do it 2!"
Stop now.

That would fall under this circumstance.

If you are recording someone without their knowledge in a public or semi-public place like a street or restaurant, the person whom you're recording may or may not have "an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation," and the reasonableness of the expectation would depend on the particular factual circumstances. Therefore, you cannot necessarily assume that you are in the clear simply because you are in a public place.

Yours is six hundred ninety five million three hundred seventy eight thousand one hundred fifty four. It's not in the billions

Exactly. If society always uses white people as the default race to blame. After it all said and done. Taylor Swift walks away being top level being white. Even though all three of them are cunts.

That's where you're wrong

>not even a fan of her music

Kanye is better. at least she not a nigger

you do realize this is just a manufacture argument
most of these tiffs are purely propaganda to keep their names in the headlines, give something for the fans to gripe about
even going all the way back to the earliest of stars



Ooooooo somebody's jealous they don't have any privilage

Gr8 b8 m8 would r8 8/8

Who the fuck cares about this two assholes

Is there something I'm not getting?