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sup Sup Forums
how do you hide your porn?

I don't


it's in my steam folder, in common, in steam game, in another folder of that game. Game plays just fine for some reason


anything after dos is hidden, and dos is a fake folder. everything inside dos is fake too.

Since I'm not 12 I don't have to hide my porn

I've hidden mine on a DVD in the closet lol

name it really weird like winsys_root_x86

Apart from the occasional CP I don't store porn at all. Just stream

On my phone, in launcher pro folder. Just renamed it to "ScrollWidget" or some shit and take off the file extension... boom no one can find it

Why hide porn?

GG You win, congratulations

what the fuck.... Youre admitting to storing cp

dubz checked

so many folders and in C


I don't have to hide it because I'm not 14 and my mom doesn't dig through my computer and phone. Neither does the gf.

>for some reason
Do you even know how computers work

Nice one 9/11

not sure if bait

you could make it a hidden folder.

Invisible folder in system32, nobody will look there

Private mode on my phone. Feels good man.

external disk

>Error: Your image contains an embedded file.
That's how.


I made a folder and then hidd it, changed the folder settings to hide all hidden folders and voila

An ImDisk file, at C:\Program Files (x86)\HexChat\common.dll, hardlinked just in case to C:\Program Files (x86)\LEGO Marvel Super Heroes\GAME11.DAT

Why would I hide porn do you think I do my daily browsing on a fucking library computer or something

I use TrueCrypt

not that I have anything worth encrypting. It was just easy to stick everything in a folder with a password. Also I don't ever have to worry about anyone accidentally finding it




16 digits encripted password by bitlocker in secundary harddrive, plus the harddrive has no letter asigned in disk manager, i must first add it to even see de hard drive in explorer. All in windows 7. I store mostly local girls and OC.

Why would anybody save porn? Alternatively, if you were going to save porn, why wouldn't you save it on a flash drive?

Nice wallpaper you edgy faggot.

>Windows fucking vista
>worst desktop I've seen in my life
Your PC is a throwback to when I was 14

Well....lock it, put a password on it and hide it. It's not like loser fuckers like you will ever leave your bedroom and have a flight to catch anytime soon.
No one gives a fuck about you and your porn collection, it's just a typical activity of a sad faggot with no social life whatsoever. If any, they are gonna feel sorry for you.

kill urself

Runescape screenshots folder. Nobody ever going to look in there

>image search

also, this

If someone's going to go to any effort to actually look for it, they can feel free to have a gander. I'm not into any weird shit so idm

Same, hide it in my Devil May Cry folders


best hiding place in my opinion

This is a really bad way to hide porn, because the "not" will attract the user immediatly.

mine is folders simply named "new folder" or "stuff"across multiple devices.

I make the folder and it's contents hidden. Has always worked, no one has ever found it.
I live alone.

I put it in system32 and delete it then go to my recyclebin

On Sup Forums

who saves porn anymore

See this shit?
needs a password to show the folder in the desktop

I store it inside of a flashdrive, which i keep next to my computer.

I keep mine in a folder called "open this and your mom will die in her sleep tonight". As you all know, this is surprisingly effective...



I've got this really cool remote server called

my documents > bandicam

they never come there anyway

Truecrypt and in a folder called Imports

oh so yesterday


noone expects something obvious like this


I like the euphemism. I enjoy making my devil cry as well.

this, I keep my favorite scenes right on the desktop

Flash drive that I unplug whenever people are at my place. Fucking windows 10 likes to put all my shit right out there so I have to now

I don't but not everybody knows where to find it

>1280x1024 resolution
>shitty wallpaper that doesn't even fit the shitty screen
fucking kek man

I just rename all the folders on my desktop porn so people think its a joke when they look at my screen.

Jokes on them its really all porn.

not that creative but, eh.


Why would i do that?
Mines right in itunes, under TV Shows, show "X", with favorites sync'd right to my phone in the "Videos" app.

It's 2016 faggots.



Why in the FUCK would I have to hide my porn? Get off of Sup Forums you underage fag. Or for fuck sake stop being afraid of your GF. Faggots hide porn.

>Paste porn into word document
>Name something inconspicuous
>Impact of the industrial revolution presentation v2.docx
>Hide amongst other inconspicuous documents
>Put into folder
>Create several of these
>All put in one folder made hidden

shuddup kid linkin park is the heaviest band ever

Addicted people who don't want to jerk it using their imagination if for any reason internet crashes or blocks runs out of electricity.
Of course there are always smartphones but once you've become used to jackin it to Remy on a 57" TV screen it's just not the same... I suppose.
I have to try and quit porn again haven't I.

I would have found it in a heartbeat back in like 03.

I miss highschool :(


I don't


What if the curious person has brought immunity cat with them?

no one will ever want to open that folder


>mfw I did this in 1995: :)
>mfw my poor win95 system was slow as shit: :(

.rar archive, password protected, inconspicuous name in an application folder. the bitch that may snoop thru my shit aint stupid, so i got that password as a last line of defence


>I dont
>its on my desktop in a folder named "passwords"
>and i have a spare on usb if someone got butthurt about my "passwords" folder sitting on my desktop.

Who lets ppl on their fucking computer wtf

Why would you hide your porn?

it's not really something you know about newfriend, girlfriends/wifes like to snoop around

inb4 pussywhipped
yes I am

Exactly! If you're hiding you're admitting fear. Why fear Sup Forums?

they are all on my external hdd where i also store my movies and series. so it's like:

hdd -> series -> one of the random series -> extras -> others

others being my porn folder

Newfriend? Never heard that word. But why wouldnt u wanna be a wizard

That gives me an idea. I'm gonna make a bunch of folders that look like hidden porn stashes in system32 and other places, with folder trees and shit, just to fuck with anyone who tries to find my porn. When they reach the end, all they find is a link to pornhub.




Femanon here ... I'm just looking for attention & I also love porn