So I'm meeting my normalfaggot "friends" today

So I'm meeting my normalfaggot "friends" today

>be me
>98% autistic and psycho
>abuse at home
>tried to kill himself several times

I don't bait for pity here, bear with me for a sec

you'd think those faggots would give a fuck? well no. of course not. I'm not seeing them as "friends" any longer. it's ok. I'll stay become a mighty wizard some day

meeting them today though
can see how it'll go:
>dont worry you will find your way! believe in yourself! the world is a chocolate pudding lake!
>have you tried [insert obvious idea here]?
>aww, I am sooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for you
>biggrin.png while talking about their careers and family

So Sup Forums any idea how to fuck with them? something I could say or do to shock them?

I could stop contact altogether and have 0% social life but before that I can use my chance and do something great? but what? I'm not gona kill myself in their living room but anything else is go!

Kill in kitchen instead

Shit on their porch

Maybe, just maybe if you spend less time pitying yourself and tried something instead of being a pussy you would actually have fun once in your life. Also: How can you manage to fail killing yourself. Several times. Sounds like you are desperate for peoples attention and mad at your friends for not giving into your negative bitchy depressed worldview.

Be honest with them. Tell them that they don't get your situation and it's effectively alienating your guyses relationship. Tell them you don't really get anything out of the relationship besides pity and condescending advice, that the best parts of them make you feel worse. Turn everything they know to be good about them into something that makes them look like assholes. If you do it right, you'll shatter their confidence, and therefor, their lives. For a time at least.

Do you have a job? Have you done anything to make your own life better, or are you some piece of shit NEET who doesn't want to contribute to the world and just seek pity instead?
>98% autistic and psycho
How edgy are you trying to be, mate? Seriously, go to the gym, get a job and talk to people. Stop trying to look so troubled and damaged in front of all of these strangers who don't care about you. Go make some real people, get a real relationship and be happy. Stop wasting your life here.

>have you tried [insert obvious idea here]?

that's just more attention whoring like >049 said
they are dumb people

youre not getting it guys


>Seriously, go to the gym, get a job and talk to people. Stop trying to look so troubled and damaged in front of all of these strangers who don't care about you. Go make some real people, get a real relationship and be happy. Stop wasting your life here.
yes yes yes heard that hundreds of times

all I asked was how to fuck with my ex friends that's all

Stop seeing yourself as a victim. The world is unfair, some are born rich, some are killed before they get a chance to anything.
Harden the fuck up.

yeah forget it mate
started a new thread cause youre too dumb to JUST READ MY QUESTION instead of giving me lessons

Just don't fuck with them. It's not worth it. You don't get anything from it and they sure as hell don't.

Sometimes a nigga needs attention. It's clear this kid ain't trying to fix his friendships or his life, so he might as well have some fun.

this nigga gets me

I'm ready to find new real friends
but let me fuck with those faggots one last time

Sounds like you havent tried anything so far, besides killing yourself, which you failed horribly at.

In that case, take a shit on their toilet seat and close the lid.

You're making excuses and have made the decision to not see the underlying problem here.
These people have done nothing to you, they have no obligation to do anything for you, from what you've explained it seems like they're actually trying to encourage you, they probably want to talk about other things than you.
What exactly do you want from them? To hug you and cry for you? Fuck off, the world doesn't revolve around you, others realize this and play a part of it instead, they may not seem troubled but everyone has emotions and life just as complex as yourself but may not choose to shove it down others throats.

>My friends don't care
>but actually they do and ow can I hurt them for showing any amount of human empathy

maybe you should kill yourself

What this user said, nobody owes you shit, OP.

Just kill yourself you worthless waste of space.
Faggots like you don't deserve to have any friends. Especially when they try to be nice to your retarded ass and you can't even try to be grateful.

There's a reason you fail at life.
You're just a piece of shit.

Level a false accusation that one of them tried to rape you when you were passed out drunk to split the fuckers up

Your friends can't fix your problems. Only you can. Maybe you should give your friends a break, at least they want to hang out with you.
Hopefully you can hang with them without going on and on about your problems the whole time.

Try killing yourself again but do it right this time, sad little faggot.

i agree with this guy. i'd say fuck you op but you don't even deserve that you pretentious faggot

Roll for different thread

>Go make some real people

i.e. sex

You need to take a dump in the top tank