Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away in a train explosion several years ago

Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away in a train explosion several years ago.

I recently discovered a trove of old nudes, but I am unsure of whether it would be good to release them. On the one hand, I want to respect her memory, but on the other hand, releasing them would bring joy to many.

So I'm leaving the decision up to fate, and if someone gets 89, I'll go ahead and dump them.

89 get. Post 'em, OP.

check it


dead girl nudes go

I'll give it a shot

89 get

LOL train explosion.

I think this is possibly the first copy pasta to ever exist.

Hey! I got dubs.

>A train explosion

For Murrica

Im going to post tge same thing over and over agin until i get 89

Nude hype

Im going to post the same thing over and over again until i get 89


roll for talos

Come on


ahhhhh that post again

The dark lady sends her regards




I think you should post them. That's what she would've wanted.

Winner winner


Ayy winrar, dump dead bitch OP




OP you fucking faggot post.



>> when you .gif but you really .png

top kek

i see the swarm of fap-masters looking for their next prey.

its a copy-pasta, like one of the first.


>be me
>the stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood
>only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

>Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away in a train explosion several years ago while on her way to camp.
>I recently discovered a trove of old nudes, but I am unsure of whether it would be good to release them. On the one hand, I want to respect her memory, but on the other hand, releasing them would bring joy to over 6 million.
>So I'm leaving the decision up to fate, and if someone gets 14 or 88, I'll go ahead and dump them.



>2016 Still waiting for op to delivar nudes of his dead girlriend



Obama was created to control the masses. He is not real.

Is that Aubrey plaza?


yes, that's the only video to survive the train explosion.


this is a fake thread I've seen the exact same word for word thread only with a canoe explosion

How trains can explode?

i remember that canoe explosion like it was yesterday. such a tragedy.

God damn trains exploading somehow and ruining fap time

Jews hate trains.

I remember seeing this guys hand glider explode was really sad

fap respectively for dead girl !

Regrettably, my girlfriend exploded in a passing train several years ago.

I visit her grave makes me cry everytime, and i don't even cry very easily. Shame.

My girlfriend recently died in a fiery dragon fights, if I get a 2 I'll release a nipple.

At least you were able to bury the canoe!

You post the same fucking thread everyday and don't even post nudes. gtfo you fucking cuck

>i'm here every day

well there's your problem. have you considered taking a trip on a train? go, see the world.

still can't believe my pet fish drowned ,visit her grave everyday

Been to more than 30 countries and I've seen it all, but nice try. Nobody feels fucking sorry for you or your dead girlfriend.

Regrettably, my girlfriend passed away when a dozen niggas running train exploded inside of her.

>I've seen it all
Yet here you sit blubbering about how you haven't seen my girlfriend's nudes, faggot.

Oh god, user... no please. It's too soon. Stop.

your dead girlfriend's nudes*
She looks like fucking Pepe, nobody wants to see her nude. I don't give a flying fuck about her nudes, it's just pathetic to make threads, claiming to do or have something and not delivering. She died "several years ago" and yet you still visit her grave. Go out and get your dick wet, faggot

Doing the same shit for 1 1/2 years and still begging for attention with the same shit, low life.


>nobody wants to see her nude
You said said you wanted to see them you brain dead mutant. Take your fucking meds.

Get a load of this faggot, he's been stalking me for almost two years. Looks like a lot of you perverts really want to see her. Makes me sad her train exploded.


obviously old or shopped but thanks you for titties

I never said that I wanted to see them, cuck. I've been totally stalking you, I've never heard of google image search. God, you are one dumb fuck

Here's some dead nekkid womens fer ya faggots.

It is WAY older than 1.5 years. I think I saw this first about 6 years ago. Always same girl and almost always train although it was phrased "train accident" once and was a totally different method of death before that. I think there might even be a couple of pics around with her showing stomach and some fake quote of "who wants to put his hot hispanic semen up my hole and get me pregnant" or similar.

just keep it up faggot and i'm never going to post them!

Obviously you're not gonna post them, cause you're a pathetic low life that can't get over her death

It was a tragedy!!!