Say anything that's on your mind that's pissing you off. Anything, we're all ears.

I fucking hate all my friends. Everything the do and say is stupid. I really wish I could delete my Facebook account but too much of an addicted fag to stop checking every 5 minutes.

apparently my dick gets TOO hard, last three hookups complained that my dick was TOO hard for them..... wtf am I supposed to do about that?!1

I fucking hate muslims, i just hate them so fucking much if killing was legal i would kill as many as i could before i'd get taken down. Fucking pieces of shit mudslime faggot nonexistent pedophile praising fucks

I hate my friends too user.

I have the way the dress, act, the music they like and their personality. Shit is just straight gay af. And all they wanna do is go listen to some no name local bands.

I hate how the news politically orgasms and talks about a fuck up on the other side for days. Whether it be a conservative station cumming over a liberal ,is take or vice versa. If the Melania trump thing is going to be on for days. Who cared about this terrorist attack or this more important news story WE HAVE SMEARS TO DO FAGGOTS

Everybody gives me shit for being a National Socialist, I don't think of myself as a one of those skin heads "neo-nazis" but rather someone of the Aryan race. I tell them that yet they imply I'm racist, homophobic, and all round a bad person

I've given up trying to make new friends. I'm too much of a socially awkward cuck to be of any interest or concern. Fucking hate seeing people in groups making so much fucking noise in public. They wonder why shootings happen.

Why do I have to do my little brothers dishes!? He's old enough to do them himself and he goes through so many goddamn bowls. It's always me stuck to doing the frisking dishes and I wanna break my brothers microphone so he can't laugh with his friends at 4am while playing league of legends like a fricking faggot.

Stop fucking dudes. Our assholes are gentle flowers fuck boy.

Im getting real fucking tired of this black lives matter shit and how they fucking cry and complain every damn time a nigger gets killed even if they deserved it or were going to kill someone. I also hate that they feel like white people should repay blacks for slavery, that shit happend 150 or 200 goddamn years ago, why do I have to pay for somthing my ancestors did? Thats like paying for your 3rd cousins car of they got in a wreck, fuck no im not paying any of that shit I didnt do it so why do I have to pay for somthing someone else did? Black lives matter are just a bunch of babies why cry and scream and riot when they dont get there way, hell you dont even see the kkk do shit like this nowdays. There arr good black people I mean look at godamn morgan freeman, I love that dude but holy shit the black lives matter movement and all those who follow it should have a bullet put between their eyes.

so many fucking times I wish I could tell people to fuck off but then i remember that i can't burn bridges so I just go along with it. fucking wish they disappeared

you can say fuck

post dick pic.

also learn how to fuck. you are not a fucking dog.


thanks for your understanding user, you faggots are the only ones that keep me sane

fucking hate my college for this reason alone. all this SJW bullcrap is really having an opposite effect on me; I'm a minority too but sometimes people need to fucking wake up and face reality

I hate when fuckers don't use their blinker and I fucking despise people at work who try and sometimes succeed to take credit for my work.

My dog died

summer is here

My fucking buddy Is to fucking stupid to understand teamplay he Is taking every fucking loot Even if it doesnt fit his fucking character

Mother fucker Is then crying that The Game Is to hard because only he Can do damage

dogs have no soul, so it's ok.
you'll get another one.

that sucks user :( hope you feel better

i fucking depise the world for not being able to realize that jet fuel cant melt steel beams


i hate how my connect doesnt reply until im asleep


I HATE MY FUCKING JOB THANK GOD IM OUT OF THERE NEXT MONTH they've treated me like shit for two years promising me a promotion for all the extra shit I do and still nothing. They can get fucked. I'm gonna burn that place to the ground before I fucking leave.

This covers like... 15 minutes of solid ranting I could do. People on both sides are using hypocritical arguments to "prove" their point. Whole worlds fucked either way.

I want to be that do-goodfag but there's just so much shit I just don't even bother.

Hate my job. Friends leech off of me because I'm the only half successful person they know. Nobody I know is really passionate about anything. You know? Like a burning "this is all I care about" drive to get shit done. My parents are terrible people, maybe the worst I know irl. Maybe it's the fact I'm running off of 4 hours sleep and ~68 oz of coffee but I just don't give a crap about anything.

I work in state government and I just spent an hour making shit with pipe cleaners BECAUSE I WAS TOLD TO. Tax dollars are partially going to a team paid between $30-$50 an hour (I imagine). There was 6 of us, so at minimum $180. Granted it's not a mint but even buying taco bell you could feed 30+ people with that. I'd honestly rather they say, we're going to take an hour of your pay and help a family out, now sit here and don't move as much as possible for the next 59 minutes.

Finally it seems like b is kicking it's rejects into soc which sucks because SOME of the time soc is an alright place

Tl;dr the world and all the people in it suck


do it and upload pics

I fucked up my back working out and I can't even fucking walk and it's 300 degrees outside I have a headache and I need to piss but I can't because my back

I honestly have nothing against Muslims or transgender people I just lie to myself and make jokes over the Internet because I'm fucking bored and it's funny

300 degrees? Holy fuck.

i guess that's 90% of b, anyway

Vac banned from csgo because i didn't run the cheats properly 1 time and got detected have to restart everything :l

99.99999999999999999999999999999999% of Sup Forums feels represented by your post.

I'm fucking ready to start shooting every nigger in the fucking head. If they want their lives to matter, fucking do shit with them. My taxes pay their EBT and they're handed jobs and scholarships based solely on the color of their skin. That's fucking racism too, liberal mongoloids. The fucking nogs capitalize on every penny of governmental assistance there is and still have the nerve to act like they deserve more. Subhuman fucks only deserve disdain and every bullet spent taking those animals out is a bullet spent making the world a better place. Every fucktard bitch cuckold white and every barely-literate porch monkey who disagrees, suck my dick and save your effort, because you're wrong and I don't give a fuck what you have to say.

holy shit i wish i could say this without restraint to everyone i knew

took the words right out of my mouth

I have lost all ambition to do anything and everything I use to be good at sports and have friends and a gf now I'm too lazy to even play video games and just watch game of thrones on my phone food all taste the same every time I see a girl I think I could probably get her number but don't want to waste her time when she sees how much of a loser I am I haven't slept good in months and I'm tired

Im black and i hate how people assume im a ghetto poece of shit. Im pissed at all the other black peoole for making me look bad and at white people for assuming i want you to pay me back fot slavery. No. Just stop being a biased ass hole towards me. Why do my friends make so much racist jokes that i laugha dn join into but as soon as i make fun of jews or just white people im an ass. Or even worse (which makes no sense) a hypocrite. What? Stop bunching me up with other people. How about i call you a hypocrite for making black jokes all day then crying your eyes out for a white joke. Why does black lives matter shit have to come on tv. It makes me feel awkward around white people. Why do you assume they are saying that only black lived matter. They are trying to include them selves. Right now im afraid of traffic stops because i might get shot from a trigger happy cop. Self defense? Fuck that. Of someone attacks me im running because if i fight back and win amd a cop sees me, they'll think im the bad guy. Why do all the black peoole at school make fun of me for acting white? Youre being racist to your selves. Youre litterally telling me that proper = white. No i cant whip, i cant nay nay, i dont do those stupid fucking dances. Yes i listen to childish gambino. Yes he acts white. It is rap. Rap isnt black. Why am i considered racist for not liking eminem? Mac miller is one of my favorite rappers. Why do i feel like i hate black people? Most of them fucking suck. I guess im a god damn hypocrite huh.

Eye think frogs are STUPID!

I live in a predominantly white small town (I'm also white). And over the past few months I've been followed in stores by 2 beaners. At two completely different stores/locations. 1 spick cunt at Big 5, and the other an obese spick from Stein Mart. I waved and said hello and everything. These pieces of shit aren't the ones getting shot so why take it oout on me. W/e I just smiled and laughed at them when I left the store (without stealing of course). This is their petty half assed way from getting back for previous social "injustices."
This is all they can do. I don't care who wins the election now. If it's Trump I'm going to go back to those stores and LAUGH in their faces.


holy shit winrar

Remember: There's black, and there's nigger.

Frogs are now stupid.


Make a youtube video condeming other black peoples actions. I know you don't have to or anything, but it's a good way of letting other races know their is a voice of reason within your community. It's easy for blacks to get riled up by fellow blacks. I get riled up by other whites too. But the thing is there needs to be more speaking out against the violence and BLM. Just like we desperately need muslims to speak out against ISIS and sharia law. But you don't see hardly ANY of them doing that. Make your voice heard, there are others out there like you. The more black people that people see speaking out against this will help tremendously.



Well fuck the French I guess. ISIS is.





o my fucking god.

read the picture, i dont feel like typing it out again

I disagree

>getting a 0 instead of a 9


Being alive

I'm pissed off because leftists keep blaming terror attacks on guns. Islam is obviously at fault for Orlando and nice. They are so fucking annoying

cirno's right, frogs ARE stupid!


frick you.


girl with boyfriend keeps hitting on me
she takes initiative to start the conversation every time, dont know what to do about it

He's not hard to counter given he's not supported by a reinhardt and a mercy. You just a bitch ass scrub.

blaming a religion is as foolish as blaming the instrument of violence.

how about we hold humans accountable for their behavior and stop trying to shift the blame to a tool or belief.

nigga damn check em

>some guy in Sup Forums said
That's all it takes to convince you? You might want to go down the clap clinic and have them take a good look at you, because no doubt your uncle has left you with many STI's.

Pokemon go wont start!!!!! XD

Your brother is clearly you parents favorite. You can man up and deal with it or you can man up and kill them where they stand.

My girlfriend is on holidays with her family until September. Meanwhile one of my female friends has made it really obvious that she wants to fuck me and damn I've come close a few times. No idea what to do.

piss off kid.

C'mon man that bait was obvious and you still went for it.

I fucking hate that bitches aren't on the end of my dick right now, niggers too.

everyone on Sup Forums hates niggers, no doubt.

Humanity is a enourmous pile of crap.

I'd love to crush every single person's fake hope and inculcated ideas down to reality.
Until I see half the world mourn desperately i won't be happy.

There's really not. I know it seems like that because maybe you've got a few black friends who are cool. Maybe you've fucked a black bitch and she could act human around you. Hell, maybe you're a nigger yourself and you've learned to hide that shit behind literacy and keeping your bills paid. Who knows? But think about this:
You can have a bad ass dog you love too, but all the closeness in the world won't make it a cat.

Fuck ass shit cunt whore bitch with slut sprincls can't fucken win for lose in all the Fuck bull shit the air is loaded with it and ready to unload it's shit arsenal upon me I try so God Damn hard to keep myself going when all sasiaty wants to do is put my face in the dirt just because I don't want to be like them so Fuck me like a dirty cunt and then throw salt right in dick hole and then punch
me in the eye and fuck me over a fire

go full bear grylls and piss on yourself to lower body temperature


I hate myself

I could have used my time better

I think like 98% of the world is already hella disappointed

I'm lazy ass faggot. I'm on my summer brake off school for like two months now and I didn't do shit. Sitting all day on computer only browsing uninteresting shit on internet. I really should find some job, I'm already bachelor and never worked in my field


i know this is bait but your doubles drew my attention.
even the bible blames false religion for all the suffering (mostly) in the world.
"hue hue holy crusade check b8 m8"
"tho shal not kill"

also check em

Because Muslims all support Isis.

I'm so fucking pissed off at black Americans right now. They had a candidate who seemed to represent them, but they picked Hillary instead. Like, are they stupid? Do they want to fail? Do they just want something to bitch and riot over? Christ. I used to be on-board with their cause, now I just don't fucking care because they're constantly making idiots of themselves. I don't consider myself racist but I don't understand where they get off fucking themselves over and making stupid decisions and then bitching that they're not getting help. Have you tried not screaming at the people trying to help you and interrupting peaceful events with your crazy bullshit?

I want to fuck my cousin so fucking raw, jesus christ, I want to continuously ram my cock in her cunt and keep on filling her with cum. She is literally the perfection in girls I see.

holy shit dude you gotta find something to do

what did you major in?


Nigga fuck your bait.

dude yolo

there are plenty of cases of incest going on everyday; it's more common than you think

just make sure to use protection and have fun


Good point. Remember that niggers outnumber blacks, so don't generalize too much, and you may find out those two/three out of thousands who are actually worth saving.

Them dubs can only mean the mods ARE behind it!

It's »he« isn't it? You fag


>dude yolo







I hate all of my "friends" they act like immature manchildren and I fucking hate how stupid movements like blacklivesmatter and modern feminism are.