What are they planning?

What are they planning?

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Metal Gear Autist

Chinaman just cucked the slimy European with negative chin. This pleased the wife.

murder suicide

Why do people call Kojima a genius?

Their wedding


Name one anything anywhere ever where this happened.


He probably consults Refn on the cutscenes in his new game.

they're going to make the first interracial asian-white gay porn that's going to be considered as Art

Kaz, I'm already a neon demon.

A suicide pact hopefully

What's with the fists pose? It's the same as Cuck Whedon and the Jew Femlet.

Is it a reference?


Crashing a plane

MGS2 and 3.

But he fucked his legacy over with MGS5.

inb4 b-but konami were jews :'(

>What's with the fists pose?

It's a pose boxers use for publicity shots, you child.

But they were.
Just compare the first act to the second one, clearly a rush job

Pure weaponized autism

You know there was nothing original in MGS2 and all the "genius" stuff you retards repeat and spout around are taken by other media and literature?

Always impressed by how you fags parade your ignorance around while believing you are smarted and more educated than other people

If you could smell those fists...

Well of course it's entry level stuff compared to other media, but it was revolutionary for its medium, not to mention that he was maybe the first one to tell a story that can be told only through video games

he's alright

Why is Kojima constantly pictured with directors?
It would seem he's bros with Refn, del Toro and J.J. Abrams.

>believing you are smarted and more educated than other people
gr8 b8

There is literally nothing original about anything. This however, doesn't make it bad.

He fucked up long before that with Springtime For Hitler (MGS4).

If he didn't want to make the fucking game because he wanted MGS2's ending to be the true ending to the series then he should've just refused to make a sequel. If Konami didn't like that then just leave Konami.

Kojima for the past 10 years has basically been someone who hates his job but goes into it day after day when he should just get a new job. Then he gets shitcanned and it em allows him to do what he should've done a decade ago and worked elsewhere.

It was pretty entry level, but it was revolutionary for the video games medium, and it hasn't been done since.


he got an award some time ago for best game movie director something
also he always wanted to become a director but he failed and decided to make games instead

because Kojima sees himself as an 'artist' /director and is ashamed of being part of Sup Forumsidya culture

that's just regular metal gear then

Game predicted Tumblr and safe spaces.

So did other works in books and movies but try to think of any game that did the same.

It was flawed though. A major problem was being translated by some slut who didn't understand what he was doing with the story nor did she seem to understand the concept of writing for a videogame (she said the game was full of redundant dialogue because she was looking at it through the lens of a film or book where you explain a plot point once then move on).

Alright, who'd win the autism battle royale?
Kojima, Von Trier or Refn?

Not to mention the ending making no sense because they cut 15 minutes worth of cutscenes because of 9/11






Can anyone point me to a torrent for this


Here's your (you).

I'm pretty jelly of Kojima's life.

>other media and literature

Name some, and explain how.

Jesus MGS5 was one hell of a shitfuck. Just awful.
It's too bad because the gameplay was practically perfect.

Where am I, is this Sup Forums? Did I missclick

to ruin my life again, someway, somehow

>If he didn't want to make the fucking game because he wanted MGS2's ending to be the true ending to the series

>Ocelot completes his original plan of walking away with a fucking metal gear.
>True ending.

I understand there are a lot of fucktards that just feel the need to shitpost (I feel that too sometimes) but given the nature of the franchise, you people are just embarrassing yourselves.

MGS2 being the ending is more retarded than people claiming MGS V was cut short because of Lord of the files episode.

why do you discuss video games with Syfy tier plots so seriously

>so seriously

So your argument is that not taking them seriously means you get to make shit up to justify your hate for the famous guy ? I understand people who didn't like V because it was open world. But I've read countless V hate threads and the points against the game itself are demonstrably bullshit. Every single one. I'm not even trying to defend Kojima. You people that hate him outside of MGS 2 or 3 are gluttons for punishment.

because his games are really movies in disguise.

Flicks at best.

Snake Eater is pretty fucking based.

The rest of it is a mess though.

How old is Refn? Didnt he make Pusher in the early 90's? He doesnt even look 40!


always LVT

because mgs 2 is legit vidyakino

Jesus, Ant and Dec got old.

Story for 5 was shit. Badly written, badly executed, badly paced. You can't argue against that.

There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW that think MGS2 is a work of art and not a jumbled mess of concepts and ideas that Kojima barely understands thrown together at the end of the game

>Story for 5 was shit. Badly written, badly executed, badly paced. You can't argue against that.

Yes I can. First of all "the story is shit" is not an argument, you are fishing for controversy, I can easily respond with "The story was brilliant." And secondly it's the best paced story delivered in an open world game behind Witcher 3. Fact. The writing in the tapes is easily the best in the series but you are obviously butthurt because it's a passive medium and you rushed through the game with a walkthrough.

The first act was pretty great and tense. The open world was a mistake though desu. I wish missions happened in Ground Zeroes-type maps without vast lands full of nothing and camps with 5 guards every few kilometers. Maybe if there were more landmarks and interesting places I'd like the open world.

The second act is a horrible mess, though the cinematics were often dank, especially whenever WEAPON TO SURPASS METAL GEAR came up.

Mgs2 was retarded, mgs 3 is goat

Not him but there's actually a list of books Kojima was inspired by in in the Peace Walker credits. If you're interested.


I'm really disappointed that all you got out of those dialogues were "boy this sounds like tumblr". Like it's much bigger than that.

>The first act was pretty great and tense.
>The second act is a horrible mess,

>Open world MGS was a mistake.
>Praise the act with the open world missions structure.
>Hate on the chapter that was MGS-esque.

Long story short you are being hypocritical because the second act was shorter and had more cutscenes and you wanted more of what you claim to hate, open world missions.

>there was nothing original in MGS2
that was the point
did you even play the game?

second act was shit because the missions were noticeably lesser quality and you had to grind the fuck out of missions you've already done just to get to the end of the game. The missions in the first act were better in spite of the open world, not because of it.
>you are being hypocritical
fuck you desu senpai

>Springtime For Hitler (MGS4)
fucking kek, that's a fitting comparison

>noticeably lesser quality

The structure of the game is literally:

>Act 1 Open world Metal Gear with tons of extremely repetitive missions
>Act 2 Classic MGS, few missions with interleaving cutscenes.

and you don't have to grind the fuck out of anything if you didn't rush through the whole game and didn't put together a good group to dispatch. in other words unless you are a fucktard who never played open world games.

Me too, He buy stons of movies, hang around with movie directors, has a great beard.

Not the guy you're arguing with but what exactly was "classic" about act 2 other than it having more cutscenes than the first act?

It was the same fucking shit except the novelty of it had worn off and it was clear the story was going nowhere.

Nailed it

>what exactly was "classic" about act 2

it's as much classic as an open world MGS with a Snake ala Mad Max, can get. it was story driven instead of grind driven. factually the opposite of what people say when they claim they hate the open world idea yet they love the first act.

And about the story going nowhere, let's be fucking honest, we knew that a shit load of people wouldn't know that the game was a prequel to the original Metal Gear. And now these people whine like brats because they didn't listen. They are playing a detailed filled franchise and bitch when they miss all the fucking details.

>great beard
Are you prepubescent by any chance?

Nah, just shitty genes thats all.

I chuckled.

Ryan Gosling as big boss when?
He could pull off his autistic personality

Does talking about sex make Ryan Gosling uncomfortable? I've only ever seen the webm of this scene.

butt sex

Sup Forums

>Sup Forumseddit opinions now mean ANYTHING

Fucking hate Kojima so much and I'm so glad he was booted out of MGS.

Pretentious piece of shit.


>all those different camos
>camos for cardboard boxes even
>camos for fucking everything



>video games
ugh... get lost


*unzips penis*

He had 80 million USD budget. And by that I mean PURE budget, none of it went to marketing. Konami would cover that. He wanted 6 years to complete it but Konami said fuck it as they knew the fans would buy it anyways and it was the last one.

No, he was messing with Refn. If you ever had friends you'd know people like to pretend that one said something stupid just to mess with them.

fuck you you fucking pleb. mgs2 is fucking god tier

first act wasn't really good though

ok kid

3rd act was goat-tier tho

Ghost Babel is the only real choice for a vidya patrician.

Fuck he would actually be a really good Snake.

tfw Kojima's wanted to get rid of David Hayter for years

Didn't they already meet several years ago and speculations happened then too?

Am I dreaming? Am I time-travelling?

He used to go on business trips in America which basically were check on important figures in the entertainment industry "to get inspiration and ideas" but basically hes a huge westaboo and it's his tradition

>shoves his name everywhere he can
>always been uncomfortable in his own medium, wanted movies instead
>rode the genius of Tomokazu Fukushima, quality plummets when he leaves
>shoves arbitrary story and gameplay ideas that compromise the core of mgs
>hated that Hayter was as popular as he was

Yeah, fuck that noise, Kojima isn't what most of us thought he was.

>mfw Refn directed Metal Gear movie

i enjoyed MGSV but i've never played any other MGS games so that may be why.


Give me back my money, hackjima.
MGS V was horrible and incomplete. You fucking westaboo gook