Well, I did it Sup Forums. I made a pilot episode of a tv show

Well, I did it Sup Forums. I made a pilot episode of a tv show.

well aware the sound is dogshit.
Well aware the second half is better than the fist half
Well aware it's probably not that funny

Let me know what you think, Sup Forums.


bumping b/c fuck you all

Get a designer to make a better poster



It's the first thing I'm seeing, make it good

it's a U inside a guitar pick, fucko.

Seen worse.

Yes, but that should be apparent instantly without confusion from anyone. That's what good design is.

>advertising your youtube shit

I haven't watched it but I hate it.

it's an unlisted video. I made it for college. Not exactly "youtube shit".

>establishing shot is shaky



wtf r u doin OP?

is that a painting of tommy wiseau? haha epic!

It's not confusing anyone, you're just an idiot.

it is indeed, it's one of my most prized posessions

Also, for a bit of fun see if you can guess which of the actors is OP.

because that shot was taken by my assitant director without my supervision and I don't really care all that much about if it's shakey or not.

>college project

>post it on Sup Forums

No, you're an idiot. Maybe have someone with the right amount of chromosomes design it?

>n-no you're the idiot

>and I don't really care all that much about if it's shakey or not
That's really not a good outlook to have OP. Directing is all about caring, about every single detail and shot. If you don't care, then what's the point? Why should an audience care?

watch the opening credits of the thing, really nice little animation at the end where the pick slides in over the other letters and you can very cleary tell it's a U.

Mock something up in MS paint really quick and we'll see what kind of design brain you have. Fag.

try stop me

what I care about is showing the outside of the character's house. Whether the camera is shakey or not has no bearing on that information beaming into your brain.

>those accents
I simply can't listen to those voices. Made it about 7 seconds. Dialogue sounds too le quirky for me.

why is the sound at ~10 seconds so different from the sound at ~16 seconds? did you switch up the gear? movie the mic around?

Christ you're so defensive. You're a shit director and your britbong try hard comedy sucks so hard I couldn't make it 10 seconds in. Fuck you OP.

can't handle the arual potatoe

sound wasn't my job. I should've taken a more active role in it desu seeing how it turned out. I think that particular bit may have been ADR'd, don't remember.

nigga I'm a student. I'm no Johnny Kubrick or whatever. And what do you want, me to roll over and be like "oh fuck you're right, I'm shit brb while I KMS". You're saying x and asking questions, I'm answering.

sweet b8

It's not about the message you want to convey or even what's on the screen. It's about execution and presentation. If you can't, or didn't, or won't make your shit steady for the establishing shot, producers notice that, and it's not good a good look. How can they trust you with thousands, nevermind millions, of dollars if it looks like you don't know the importance of tripods, when other people definitely do?

Also, never admit anything in your work is shit, stand by it. I haven't opened that link because you, the director, said the audio is shit, and why would I waste my time on a project with shitty audio, when I could spend my time watching something with good audio?


>why would I waste my time on a project with shitty audio, when I could spend my time arguing with the director in a thread on Sup Forums about the project instead?

point taken. I was trying to take the wind out of the sails of potential detractors. Though that didn't work, obviously.

But that said, what's so bad about being critical of your own work? I'd rather be able to identify the flaws in the thing then have my head up my arse about it.

>I haven't opened that link
Then how can you comment on the shakiness of the shot if you haven't seen it?

Needs subtitles.

Next time try to make it in english, makes it more accessible.

>Then how can you comment on the shakiness of the shot if you haven't seen it?
becasue people on Sup Forums absolutely love to argue and get riled up. i posted for this very reason.

t-thanks for looking out for me senpai

fucking americans

Shit sucks bruh

I'm talking hypothetically here mate, I'm not the important one. It's those that would fund your shit that I'm trying to prepare you for.

I've fucked up so many pitches by undercutting myself, by being self-deprecating, and then being ultra defensive when those same people have critiques and suggestions. It was a bad run.

The point is to take it personally, but never take it personally.

This is better than when I had diarrhea. It stinks worse, though.

Yikes lad hopfully this isnt your career choice

Ah, sorry, thought you were >Then how can you comment on the shakiness of the shot if you haven't seen it?
Because I did, but I wanted to make a point about how flippant people can be about something you've invested so much time into. It's a shitty point, but an important one.

This is the worst thing i've ever seen and i've seen some terrible shit.
I've even seen someone post a shitty pilot for a tv show of their own creation that they directed on Sup Forums and this is still the worst thing i've ever seen

Promote it big. Take it to broadway. Take it to the Met. You're Donna make
It, Son.

I'm proud of my boy!

Thnx papi

>being cucked this hard

Enjoy your career in McDonald's

Your shit is ahit. You make shit. You have a shit attitude. You're shit. You don't even like your own shit. Fuck off with your amateur shit, shithead.

>Let me know what you think
>Gets extremely defensive over any and all criticism, honest or not

Watched seven minutes so far. Whats this show even about?

>Your shit is ahit
>a hit

thanks dude :^)

And yeah I like my own shit. I've spent several months working on this thing - despite all it's flaws, I still think it's a solid base to build from.

>no you can't have a dialogue with people about what they thought about your show and why you don't agree with their criticism

that's a good question. It's about two musicians with big-time ambitions. Plot is slow to get started, I know. Tried to do too many things at once with the episode - set up the characters for the series as a whole as well as have a "typical" episode.

You're not a good writer nor a good director

why do your voices sound retarded?

Hit the nail on the head.

Add producer to that list.

not yet anyway


Is this bait? This isn't any better

I only made it to the 45 second mark. It's terrible user...

>why do your voices sound retarded?

best new meme

Acting and dialogue is only remotely believable in places, and contrived most of the time.
Characterization is poor and consists of 'so randum xD' or otherwise becomes an obvious mouthpiece for your 'quirky' dialogue (see Joss Whedon, Tarantino for examples of famous shitters making this mistake).
Camerawork is extremely amateur in terms of both production and framing/composition. We can tell this is a school project. The dramatic zoom? Cringe.
If you have the time and resources to write and shoot this piece of shit, you can find the ~$10 to make a shitty DIY steadicam with a weighted length of pipe.
Most importantly: this is absolutely unfunny as fuck and toes over the line of cringe. Right now you're at a Miranda or The Big Bang Theory level of comedy writing. At least attempt some stand up at an open mic first so you know how humor is supposed to work. Check yourself BEFORE you wreck yourself.

On the upside, whoever plays Ryan is a QT.
If that's you, plz post pix w/ sharpie in pooper.
I bet you're the fatty though.

It's not very good. Do another one and actually take on criticism and you might make a better one.

If you just go "nah lads im great you dont get it" you'll do shit because nobody will actually like it.

well no duh guys. in the context of how that thing is used in the episode tho it's bretty good and unexpected "IMHO".

then it's not the whow for you

I;m the fatty what smashed the guitar.

See this is critique I can take on board because you actually toook the time to watch the thing, thanks.

> Miranda or The Big Bang Theory level of comedy writing
That's pretty good, all things considered.

I've attempted stand up a few times. I'm bad at writing jokes (as you can probably tell) and do my best to illicit laughs by being a fucking weirdo.

they're irish

Tell Dave to make another Talking Heads record instead of trying to make it big on youtube

the guy who makes the eggs isn't very funny at all. the joke itself isn't good, it seems too forced to be randumb, and the actual way it's presented is poor and makes it worse.


And here's the problem.

I've never seen Miranda and have a distate for TBBT but if the writing is at the standard(ish) of something actually airing on television (in this user's mind, at least) then that's something to take solace from, even if the shows are poop.