What's the whitest thing you've ever done?

What's the whitest thing you've ever done?

Never been arrested

Told a racist joke.

Get off with a warning.

I've been pulled over for obsessive speeding, and didn't get shot dead.

I've never been arrested.

I read books.

Have an education, have a job, own a house, take care of my kids, and never stolen anything.

Didnt shoot up a hood/stopped for police and conducted myself civily

dated a black girl

Watch a nigger fuck my wife.

mayonnaise sandwich

I have a good relationship with my father who didn't abandon me.

Shut up you negro schill. Back to plebbit

got sunburned in the shade :(

ate some watermelons

Got a job.

Return a wallet I found on the ground to its owner without touching the cash that was in it

Worked hard

Got raped as a child

I don't think grape soda is life

Bought something on credit

Live white pride

Was raised Catholic but turned atheist

The meme is true.
I used to work at 7up. They would get that shitby the basket

Mexicans would snatch the shit out of orange soda(sunkist) a pallet of that shit would be gone in 30 mins, no joke

Lynched a nigger.

stole someone's bike

At my old place, my landlord at the time had a little get together. These two chick's showed up together. I only introduced myself to the one because I honestly didn't see the other because she was black,wearing black, and it was dark out. After I saw the horrified look on her face in my peripherals I couldn't say anything because I knew that she knew exactly what happened.

I left shortly after to go get drunk at a friends.

Caught 144 Pokemon

Your girlfriend.

Went to a bluegrass festival in a local park, tipped the bands.

Sieg heil'd to the Das Fuhrer!



Kept my mouth closed for more than 2 minutes

>Chinks and Niggers BTFO

keep my race clean and kill Niggers every day

I aggressive inline skate. Nuff said

> The whitest thing you've done
This isn't a thing

I read vice mag, say lounge to a bar, only eat vegan, didnt have to work while studying because my parents payed everything, i listen to trap music irronically but secretly like it, i spent my holidays in london, i always drink sparkling wine in the VIP area of a nightclub, i once sucked a negro for coke.

Ate mayo sandwich at a Mumford& sons concert in my dockers & bright neon blue collared shirt

>What's the whitest thing you've ever done?
I went through a year being a "wigger" as a teen... spoke ebonics, listened to rap, busted a sag, etc.

Never been arrested, voted Libertarian

I forgot :
I always say im against white privilage but life mine to the fullest

slow down honkey

Never ate Kfc

^Truly the whitest thing a white person can do, even though they think they are not being white.

go to school

Fathers day isn't a confusing holiday.

Got raped by my father

Fucking kek my good sir


been born

Have a relationship with a girl that looks remarkably similar to ops picture.

fucked my sister is tied with getting my cousin pregnant.

Be successful and financially responsible.

I called Eminem's Film ''8 miles''

eaten quinoa

beaners work harder than us white folk unless you're trailer trash. Not that that's a bad thing, hard physical labor should be reserved for those who can do nothing else. Our main responsibility as whites is to make sure things run right and help guide the coloreds. Like a stern but fair father does with his retarded misbehaving children who like to steal.


I put mayonaise on a bagel once.

Got into a serious relationship and planned to marry, only for her to not show up and disappear for over a year. Bitch ruined me for a long time.

mex here, i can confirm that orange soda is the shit

Bought a Lamborghini with daddy's lawyer monies.

School shooting, but didn't get caught the other kids couldn't run in the hallways there.

(Well technically I still have to suicide for it to be the whitest thing ever.)

Went kayaking.

I told all my friends about how great Neutral Milk Hotel is

raised my children with my loving wife

Ordered a Carmel Macchiato Frappuccino from Starbucks and paid using my phone.

Earned money by getting a job.

Will that kill the bird? I don't know shit about birds, are they like dogs? Also have no idea how you would clean hardened chocolate out of a bird's feathers and eyes and everything else.

Went to the cinema without making any noise.

Fucked a white girl

got my sister pregnant.

I got pregnant twice, one by my brother, one by my cousin.

god damn thats white

Managed to get mistaken for a criminal, coƶperate with the police, not get shot. And be released after identification.

Read to my son.

lol no clue. Im sure if it did kill itself though id died in chocolatly goodness. Think the pic also was from a movie or something but im drunk so i dunno. IRL yeah bird would probably die

have a dad

My taxes

Damn. I got my ex pregnant and she refused to have it. I was angry as shit but not my choice I guess.

3 year relationship went down the drain cause of that heh

Oh wow, the edge here fucking hurts.

I'll post a real one -
> Be 16
> Go to first independent film - "Waking Life."
> Not old enough to get movie ticket without parent and I know this
> Buy ticket for "Behind Enemy Lines" 10 minutes before movie starts. Theater is fucking packed.
> Walk out and sneak into Waking Life
> 7 other people there.
> 3 people walk out 20 minutes in.
> An usher or some theater worker walks in, walks up to row where I am only viewer. Sits down.
> I'm gonna get kicked out of the very first movie I've ever snuck into.
> theater guy leaves.
> Me and 1 other guy make it all the way to the end.
> I hold the door open for other guy but he doesn't acknowledge me.
> I've finally become an adult.
> Eat medium pizza by myself then go home and jerk off.

I was once called Jesus by a nigger, because of my work ethic, got a promotion that he wanted.


Gotten a job

What was the movie about?
Why did people walk out?
Was it worth it?

My wife.
Bah dum Ching.


The movie is baby's primer to existentialism

People walked out because it was fucking boring

Was it worth it? Yeah, its when i finally became a real white man. I came home, put on a cardigan sweater and said the word nigger with a hard R.

Have you ever worked with mexicans? They're the laziest pieces of shit you'll ever meet if there's anything with a vagina around.

Donated Blood.

Said please and thank you

Talked to my dad

That's not THAT white. Now, having someone else's dad talk to you, and they call you "son?" That right there is whitey mcmayocock territory.

>I haven't been shot by a cop yet

spend days to weeks without engaging in conversation beyond hi/please/thankyou/excuse me. masturbate to cp/rape porn/hypno-sissification



bought a weezer album

Made meth.
Got a shitty neck tattoo.
Square danced.
Bought a Dave Matthews cd.
Joined the NRA.
Moved into trailer.
Put ketchup on steak.
Fried bologna.
Defended my legal Mexican coworker Jose.
Wallowed in privelege.
Fucked my sister-cousin.
Joined a militia.
Asked my black coworker what is so funny about Leslie Jones.
Dipped Skoal Fine Cut Original. No long cut.
Bought a blue tick.
Open carried inside Toys R Us.
Fucked my daughter.
Lifted my 1998 Camaro.
Lower my 1985 Chevy S10.
Stockpiled 20 cases Purple Passion 2 liters.
Stockpiled food.

went to uni and got a job irl.

Got 3 degrees

protip: I'm black