ITT we post our greatest fear

ITT we post our greatest fear.

Mine is that I won't be able to control my eating forever and I'll die of a heart attack at age 40.. I crave food all the god damn time and I'm always hungry, I don't know how long I can keep holding back.

Other urls found in this thread:

I have a big fear of a meteor hitting the earth. I know the odds aren't high of a large one hitting in my lifetime but every time I hear a jet going overhead I get really nervous wondering if that rumbling might be a meteor and this is it. I have two backpacks packed with supplies in case if ever does happen. My plan is to hide down in the storm drain system for a few days until the dust has settled and shit and then if things are really bad make my way to the cave system near by in a cliff side along the river and make camp there until the looting and stuff settles down and the government regains control and calms the masses or subdues them.


Never having children

This. I want a son so bad.

My biggest fear is to stop talking to people and be surrounded by loneliness. Maybe I'm agoraphobic but we'll see.

stfu you stupid fucking faggot

I'm moving out next month, I'm 19.

I'm so fucking scared of becoming a friendless NEET




Your plan is retarded.
You will die if a meteor hits Earth.
Deal with it.
Pull yourself together, faggot.

I'm a friendless NEET. Best thing you can do for yourself is join some kind of social group that can go with you wherever you are moving. If you are not moving too far away maybe a bowling league or if you are religious maybe a sunday school class. If you are moving far away you'll have to join some group there. I'm not religious but I'm seriously considering going to this really big church just north of here just because religious people are usually happy to have new people join their ranks and I really want some friends. I tried getting good at bowling to join a league but my hip hurts me too much to do that.

Losers. Sex is literally the one thing humanity as a concious entity cannot escape from. It cripples our philosophy- that's how far It's imbedded into our very existence and you can't reproduce? can't get sex? Wow. If you put minimal effort into actually trying to get laid, you would probably get laid. Losers

I WANT to be left alone. People are drama.

No I want to live!

Clowns. Not "scary clowns", those seem natural to me, like all monsters. The clowns that are at kids' birthday parties and circuses, those scare the hell out of me, like coiled venomous snakes. I know it's completely irrational.

Mostly just afraid of my friends and family thinking I am a failure. So I work a good job I don't like, got engaged to a pretty girl who I can't stand 90% of the time, and bought a house I didn't want. All to avoid being viewed as a failure. I am the picture of suburban success, and I want nothing more to move away by myself and start over.


Did somebody say clown thread?!?

Over 3000 miles away.

Thanks user, I'll try to find a hobby and join a group.

You'd miss it. Trust me, as somebody who hasn't had a single friend irl since he dropped out of college 4 years ago you really really miss it after a while. Some days you're fine, you get used to it to some extent but some days it really gets to you. I listen to the Game Grumps youtube channel, I've listened for so long now it's like listening to two friends chatting. It helps but it's no replacement for the real thing.

quite clown'n around

What about rodeo clowns?

I fear dying alone even though I have never lacked for companionship, have a son who loves me dearly and a relatively normal functioning family that cares for one another.


This legit gives me the sad, call me a faggot but damn son, I hope you find some people to befriend.

Hearts out bro.

That's a very valid fear even in your circumstance. Think of all the old people at nursing homes who die with nobody to care or family to mourn. Things happen, people die young and some people live a long time and at the end of life sometimes people are left alone.


You mean Jews?



being somewhere that is farther than 10 minutes away from home driving, without any means of communication
the thought of consciously impregnating someone and the preparedness for fatherhood
dying from anything heart related before 20
losing a limb
being caught in a panic attack / circumstance of distress in public (ive had public panic attacks before, probably the worst i have felt in my life)

a lot of this is because of having really shit experiences and being a former severe agoraphobe (95% over it now, still have it in super trace amounts)

I'm all..... a- alone....

Do it. Dump her and rent the place out. Research backpacking the East Coast of Australia. I did the same but didn't have a house to fall back on. Was great to get the sense of adventure out of my system

I have many fears: scorpions, losing the ones i love etc.

My biggest fear is lifelong/eternal suffering. What if we are all puppets under the control of a sadic god? What if one day reality crumbles all around you, only to reveal that your life was a sort of Truman Show?
I also fear permanent conditions that could drive me to madness

That makes sense, one of the biggest traumas I've been through was watching my grandfather succumb to dementia, his wife dead and nobody he recognized around him when he passed, reliving the death of his younger brother day in and day out.

Some days it was like nothing was wrong at first, then every semblance of recognition left his eyes.

Still gives me shivers to this day.

Wow, maybe you should fear being a dick head

>getting old and spending night thinking, "Will I wake up tomorrow?"

Where do you live that the car breaking down would be that much of a hassle? Here in the states there aren't a lot of places where if you broke down you'd be completely on your own. When I was on a roadtrip across America with my brother even in the most isolated places we never went more than 40 minutes without seeing another vehicle and my phone had signal 99% of the time, though my brother's did not (Verizon is apparently amazing for roadtrips)

You probably shouldn't read about Quantum Immortality theory then.

Yep, suicide while you still can if you develop dimensia. Lots of people have psychosis in dimensia too, seeing demons and shit, terror, basically a living hell

I'm a friendless NEET and honestly it's fucking great! I'm recording an EP in my bedroom, I've got all the time in the world, I can masturbate while making a sandwich with the volume on max, I can literally do what I want, when I want with minimal consequences or interruptions. I don't know why you WOULDN'T want that tbh

Cold war, really bad fires & boredom

My biggest fear is living a life that is wasted. I don't want to waste my life working a dead end job and be alone for the rest of my time here. I have a beautiful and faithful girlfriend, but yet I still get hit with the thought that I won't be able to support her in the future. We are both in our senior year of high school, and she wants to pursue art. I, on the other hand, don't know what I want to do yet. I'm very scared. I want to make music, do theater. I know I can't do this because it's so competitive, so I fear that I have no choice but to succumb to the shit job I was bound to get. I have music in my head, but I can't get it out. Even if I could, I can't sing. I can play guitar, but I can't sing. I feel empty and dead inside because I think I won't become anything in the future, and that my girlfriend (who I want to make my wife) will leave me for not being able to sustain myself. God I want to die.

The only kind of person who legitimately doesn't require companionship of other people for long stretches of time and even like it better than socializing is sociopaths. That's not an insult I just thought you should know.

Man I think about it every day. Always find a reason to rationalize maintaining the status quo. I'd like to think ill follow your advice eventually. Not healthy to live this way, stresses me the fuck out.

I have guinea pigs. Does that count as companionship?

My parents treat me like garbage and I live with my grandparents who are not mean but don't think much of me either. It really sucks but you learn to just tune them out, fuck them and fuck what they think, it's your life, you only get one so you better live it the way YOU want.

Yeah he would have visits from his dead brother who had drowned in his childhood, sometimes it would be innocuous and others it would be like he was suffering through seeing him drown again and again.

There was a lady down the hall from him that would just scream blue bloody murder all day long and when she wasn't screaming or was doped up she had a look that can only be described as "IS THIS SANDWICH MY HAND AM I EATING MY HAND OH MY GOD WHY ARE YOU FEEDING ME MY HAND"

Well yes but that's not human companionship

these dubs confirm that you will live alone for the rest of your life

Fuck off.


Whoa, look out. We got a real badass.
A real goddamn badass.
Dat bad ass.

Thew jews taking full control

I am most afraid of the horse thing I keep dreaming about. Its like a human with no skin, with a severed, but still alive horse head slid down over the head of the skinless body.
Kills family and friends by tearing them apart with bare hands.

Just do it, the way I forced myself to do it was booking plane tickets for 2 weeks away

Fuck that man, anything but that

Jesus christ that's like some horror movie shit. Did you start taking any new meds or come off any meds within a month of the dreams starting?

Thats cool, Google the zombie level of Time Splitters Future Perfect, similar thing

Fuck dude don't give shit to remind him of it, it's not like he enjoys it this thread is for our greatest fears not "cool dreams"

>Implying they don't have it already

Why should i fear that? That way you could suck my head. For now you can eat my dick tho, don't forget to fondle the balls.

He drew a pic, he's obviously got that shit burned into his brain

I have 2.

1: accidentally falling over and crushing one of my dogs but only to the point where i mortally wound them like crushing their rib cage but they are still alive and suffering but definitely wont make it to the emergency pet clinic. So then we would forcibly have to stomp on their head to put them out of their misery. We have 4 dogs and they are constantly tripping us so its the biggest fear i have.

2: my ex breaking into my house and killing my family and me. I have ptsd style nightmares of him doing this. Fucking asshole abused me for 6 years. Secretly hope he hangs himself

Not sure why random user called you a dick because of your fears. I saw nothing indicating you are a dick.

Hey mom.

As far as number one goes, you're probably more likely to hurt yourself than your dogs in a fall involving them. Dogs are quick, and even small breeds are sturdier than you probably give credit to.

For number two, get a gun

Because he's probably a 14yo edgy summerfag

Meds for adhd, meds for 'emotional imbalance'.
New meds for the latter, so maybe, yeah.

you might have prader-willi syndrome. its a genetic disorder that happens at birth. do you have a narrow forehead, set apart eyes, unusually fair hair compared to parents? did you struggle a lot in school/with discipline?

Absolutely. Talk to your doctor, if meds are giving you horrible dreams they can always put you on a different one. Just about every medicine has like 10 slightly different meds that do the same thing and may not cause the same if any side effects, part of the process is finding which ones work for you the best, both in treating your illness and not torturing you with side effects. I recently came off Zoloft and started having crazy vivid dreams luckily they were all good, One of them I was jacking it and when I came it felt like heaven and I jizzed like an actual bucket load and it went everywhere. Best dream ever except for the flying ones.Anyway get that shit worked out user, no reason to torture yourself when there are alternatives.

Looking through the symptoms the only ones I have are excessive hunger, Obesity, anxiety. and a lot of behavioral issues as a kid. But I don't have any of the other symptoms.

Yeah but on this Truman show I can do things.

I know my life isn't some truman show or sims kinda deal cause my life is so boring, lonely and uneventful that anybody with any sense would have stopped watching/playing and reset by now.

I'm scared of the dark when i'm outside and of water I can't see the bottom of clearly.

The Truman Show was just an example, it's something on a much bigger scale, like reality itself being a huge illusion made from a sadist superior being