Why didn't he just terraform mars instead?

why didn't he just terraform mars instead?

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what form?

They'd have to melt all the ice under the pyramid first which would take to long

He hated Kal-El

Though they should have said something like how the machine could only work on organic matter or like it needed water

Why did all of their colonies die out if they could just teraform anything to their liking?

Reminder that General Zod did absolutely nothing wrong.

too many niggers


He didn't wanna deal with the Martian Manhunter.

He wanted to kill Kal-El so he could extract the codex. Why not terraform earth at the same time?


Why did white people die out when they could conquer anywhere in the world and nobody could actually beat them in battle?

What was kyrpton's version of BBC, though?


>terraform mars
You can't terraform Mars, idiot.
You terraform Earth.
You would be martianforming Mars.
But I guess you are too busy watching movies to know anything about real life.

And why did he kept codex away from Zod anyway?

Why didn't your dad just plant you in your mom's butt?

The space ships

this is the difference between DC and Marvel. most people that watched man of steel and understood it don't ask these stupid questions. the movie explains it all. It doesn't tell you directly, but if you watch it and can put pieces together it makes it will make sense.

In both cases it would be kryptoforming if you terraformed Earth nothing would change because it's already Terra

To be fair, they use the term "terraforming" in any of those space colonization video games.

Atmosphere makes sustainable living.

Proximity to the sun gives them their powers.

Population that they can turn into slaves and no one can do fuck all about because they Kryptonians would smack them down with their pinky.

Vast natural resources and infrastructure already in place.

None of which you will find on Mars.

Marvelfags don't even try to understand shit before asking dumb questions.

terraforming? what's that?

Because frieza needed a large enough rock planet to make a profit.

Why even bother terraforming if Kriptons not only can live on Earth, but become even more powerful on it?

When they make new hard drives

Did you even watch the fucking movie?

you are retarded. please think about what terra really means

You have it backwards. You terraform a planet to make it like Earth.

on earth superman helped him to fuck shit up

Snyder doesnt believe in character motivations

He was a dick.

The plot to both movies were based on everyone acting like giant dicks the whole time.

>Zod wants to terraform Earth
>he wants to turn Earth into Earth

No wonder DC movies flopped

Thread BTFO

I hope this retarded shit is just bait

Why would he Kryptonform the Earth when it would mean 99% chance they would lose newly gained super powers?


nailed it, bro

Krypton should have been called Planet Dick-in-the-Mouth

Fucking exactly. They could conquer the fucking universe from earth as their base of operations, they wouldn't even need to wipe out the inhabitants, just build more Antarctica bases since it's not like the cold is going to fucking bother them.

Just post the sauce fag

its from
WeCantReadAFuckingFilename - Girls

the colonists weren't aware that the gene codex survived, so they became depressed thinking krypton was dead forever. all kryptonians, even the colonists, were hardwired to serve krypton in some capacity, and without a krypton to work for they lose their sense of purpose and die

They'd still be super. The way it's presented, it looks like Earth's atmosphere is responsible for the most annoying part of being Superman - the supersenses you actively have to devote concentration and effort just to focus past. The heavier gravity would cancel out *some* of their strength, but it would also serve to help kill off all the native life, but nothing's going to change the sun.

When the scientist is extracting blood from Clark, he tells him that the ship is doing something to dampen the energy his cells had absorbed, so while they were on the ship, it wasn't just the atmosphere that was making him weak.

So "kryptoforming" Earth means they wipe out the native life, have a new planet with an active core, and they still get to be super while starting the Kryptonian genetics program up again and continuing their isolationist ways. They weren't interested in colonization, just starting over, and I'm starting to suspect that their isolationism was motivated by fear of what was waiting for them out there "in the dark, among the stars."

They let themselves get cucked by liberal ideas

>Population that they can turn into slaves and no one can do fuck all about because they Kryptonians would smack them down with their pinky.
Nigger. If you change the atmosphere of the planet, LITERALLY EVERYTHING ON THE PLANET DIES.
>Vast natural resources and infrastructure already in place.
>None of which you will find on Mars.
>Marvelfags don't even try to understand shit before asking dumb questions.
said the dipshit.

There is no viable atmosphere on Mars you mong.


Best answer in the thread 2bh

if this theory pans out this board'll be insufferable

I dig that theory. It makes them withdrawing from colonization make sense.

>Population that they can turn into slaves and ?>no one can do fuck all about because they Kryptonians would smack them down with their pinky.

Oh my God, Lex Luthor is a hero.

what theory?

It was Darkseid, all along!

Humanity would have gone extinct, the population wouldn't have become "slaves." If it wasn't for Superman, Zod would have literally wiped out humanity. So Lex's brilliant idea is to turn Zod into a super monster to try and kill Superman. Because deterrence?

"New Krypton needs to be built ontop of something."

Literally needs to harvest our organic material so fucking creepy. Love Synder and only half like Goyer but some of his ideas are pretty metal.

>crater coons