Ask an Aussie anything

Ask an Aussie anything



How many times each day do you have to get out your prayer mat and kneel down with your head towards the queen each day?
3x? 5x?

6 times
Mate, You leave the fuckin queen out of this alrite
She's a saint


Do yous actually say "crikey" over there?

Is Steve Erwin's a god figure to your people?

Nah its pretty rare to that now days. Myself and few others like to say it while fishin when we've hook a nice ome but other than that mate nah

How's it feel to know you're a completely unimportant country and that we only keep you guys in the loop because of your fucking weird and ammusing animal species? -America

How many times, on average, do you utter "fucking" or "cunt" in a sentence?

To put it in percpetive
The day Stevie died was like our 9/11
But to be honest he's kinda faded out as a showcase figure for us but he's still a fuckin bloody legend

That's a shame. Oh well, still like your accent

(I'm not OP)

You're a funny cunt I'll give you that, but yeah, our last decent invention was wifi, we make shitty television dramas that no other country watches (I'm amazed we watch them tbh), and our currency's going to shit, but on the bright side, we're pretty far away if war breaks out, so we can just chill down here with our NZ cousins, crack open a tinnie and watch the world blow apart.

Bloomin onion or Aussie cheese fries?

>The day Stevie died was like our 9/11

where ya from in au?

Neither, snaggas

Have you ever eaten at Outback Steak House"? I know it's nothing like Aussie food but I would be humored by your review of it.

Yeah nah get fucked cunt
How does it feel have all your poltical parties ran by fuckin living jokes?

We use "cunt" the same way nignogs use nigger, and "fuck" or any variant is the perfect adverb/adjective for any occasion.

it feels like we dont have regular mass shootings or crazy people running for president.

How the fuck do you get your hands out of alligator's mouth without it biting you?

Why are you a faggot?

I love Australians

Pretty often
Its apart of our everyday language and its kinda become natural just to say cunt and fuckin in a sentence

Cunt, Tony Abbott took a bite out of a raw onion and would run around in speedos, and old mate kevin tasted his own ear wax. That's pretty fucking wacky.

(Not OP here) I've eaten there it's pretty shit compared to regular "Australian food". Never have I ever gone to a barbie and had a shit steak or burger. Outback Steakhouse is dry and disgusting whereas all the food I get from a barbecue is always juicy and pretty good

Where are you from

Crack open a cool one and invite it to the game

Nah yeah you're fuckin hit the nail on the head there mate

What can you do with your foreskin. If you are ugly fucker, then don't bother.

Can't go wrong with cheese fries mate

Rest in Peace to Steve Irwin the magnificent legend, if only he knew how much that bitch Bindi fucked up the Irwin name

do you hate britbongs


What's it like being upside down all the time

Not really, but if you piss us off we'll call you a pommy and make fun of you for something, same way as we'll call a Leb/Greek man a wog. Or a New Zealander a sheep-shagger. List goes on really

I've never eaten that crap but i've heard its nothin like our fuckin tucker

What's your favorite movie, and why is it Kangaroo Jack?

are there any good auzie films

You tame the cunt and hope that the fuck doesnt't grab ya and death roll ya to the bottom mate

If there' s no God, who keeps the Australians from falling off the Earth?

Atheists: 0
Australians: 0
Christians: 1

Coming from an Aussie I'll tell you pretty much all Australian movies are shit. Red dog and that were good. Getting pissy how almost every Aus movie is about abos. Enjoyed wolf creek even though it wasn't an Australian made movie. Really brought out the greatness of Australians

2620 ya cunt
Come find me and i'll show you how real man fuck

Why my penis is too short?

Because Aus average is bigger than U.S :^)

Had to smuggle my pet huntsman on a plane, foreskin is the way to go

Foreskin or cut doesn't mean so much mate
I would rather be tryin to be a good lookin rooster

But i'm russian! asian-russian!

So elaborate on why Kangroo Jack is the greatest movie of all time

didn't that guy die from an animal attack?

Nah only sometimes
When the ashes come or any cricket game againest the poms on i reckon you're bunch of fuckin pooftas and ugly cunts

No you autist, that's Paul hogan aka crocodile Dundee. The guy who died was Irwin. Both got their own place in my book of legends

Yeah nah get fucked

One time I was visiting Sydney (I'm Canadian) and got a sandwich from one of those brilliant independent luncheons that seemed to be everywhere (1999).

The lady at the counter asked 'want a drink with that, sport?' It was sunny out, again, and like 27 degrees. I fell in love a little bit with Sydney in that moment and I knew I was going to live there if I could. Anywhere a stranger would be so familiar, that's for me.

I got two years before it went to shit and I had to go back to Canada.

I fucking loved Sydney. Melbourne's nice too, but ocean beaches change everything.

Kangeroo jack was a fuckin mint movie
I would eat my hat if they made a sequel mate

Fuckin Outback Steakhouse is the most overpriced bullshit
I feel strongly about this

Sydneyfag here, hope you enjoyed your stay and I'll be waiting for your next visit (;

It's the South Africans we gotta watch out for

Nah not really
Mad max was fuckin great and first crocodile dun dee was gold but yeah nah not too many mate

Curry munchers-Indian

fuck off springboks


Mate we don't fall off cause we fuckin don't care what gravity thinks

So on

Sorry about that mate
Only advice i could give ya is confidence is key

Are aboriginals gigantic pieces of shit that love off of the government? Also how do Australians feel about niggers in general?

You fuckin dumb cunt
Thats not crocodile hunta thats fuckin Paul Hogan
their both legend status tho mate

Yeah Sydney isn't anything what it used to be mate
Lot of chinks live there and its pretty packed in the summer so its hard to enjoy the place
Its becoming a shithole
Melbourne isn't too bad but its be oming more and more like sydney

Ay waddup I'm AU

Our best commercial is an echidna eating ants off of a women's panties
And also the gay times

If you know the dark history of Australia and the stolen generation then you'll understand what I'm about to say. If not, go google it. I completely understand that the abos are upset about their land being stolen, although it wasn't technically claimed. That was almost 300 years ago now and they still won't stop whining. In the last century with the stolen generation they still have the right to be upset about that. This would all be okay if they made the slightest fucking effort to become educated and stop feeding off welfare.

Africans didndonuffin so you're completely welcome to come and stay, most likely won't be discriminated unless you end up in one of the bogan areas.

Why is so hard to have a gay time by yourself
We still eat those right?

Yeah I still call the gay times. Fuckin treats they are

Yeah mate to be homest most people will say that they are fuckin dole bludgers
Minority of them are alright but most go off and fuckin buy ciggies and sniff petrol and fuck around with tax money.
Its a fuckin joke some times


My abo


fucken oath gay times are great

Fuckin oath their great
So many memories of buyin em and them and it was like tasting a fuckin rainbow in your mouth
We still have them and they haven't changed which is fuckin gold

Watch Wyrmwood and The Little Death


What is your opinions about Kiwis (not the fruit)

As an ameritard I find fascinating that on the other side of the planet, separated by thousands of miles of ocean, your niggers are the same as our niggers.

Faggot ass Canberra lad, come to the snowy mountains faggot

Does every living thing have the ability to kill a person? And does it get very hot in your summers?

other than the sheep fucking (what happens in nz stays in nz), they go alright

Do you like vb?

>nigs be niggin

Carlton Draught is where it's at

mate if you walk outside you could trip and die on your steps. Australia is fucken dangerous.

>Does every living thing have the ability to kill a person
Kill, nah only half, most of them will make you crook though.
>And does it get very hot in your summers?
Where I live yea, 46c/114f

bullshit mate milo is where its at.

Bunch of sub-human degnerate sheep shaggers
Nah There alright
They remind me of aussies before we started to become bogans and wankers
They are fuckin great banter and make good fun when all black vs wallabies comes around.

Ok fair enough, prefer vb myself, its impossible to get in the states

Where can i have a Gay Time?


Yeah for brekkie, but, vb is not just for breakfast anymore

How old are you cunts drinking milo have a fuckibg coffee