Girlfriend moves out of her parents house two weeks ago

>girlfriend moves out of her parents house two weeks ago
>doesn't want to move in with me because "too soon"
>offer to help her move into her new place
>"no thanks"
>a week goes by
>hasn't invited me over yet
>"my place is a mess"
>always hangs out with me at my place
>finally invites me to come over last night
>introduced me to her new roommate
>"this is my new roommate, Steven"
>shake his hand
>limp fish
>doesn't make eye contact with me
>raging internally
>girlfriend senses tension
>"awe.. don't be like that sweetie. Steven and I are just friends"
>stare at her blankly
>awkward silence
>Steven goes into his room
>girlfriend starts to get snippy with me
>i mention that she never told me that her new roommate was a guy
>"It shouldn't matter. You either trust me or you don't"
>walk out of her apartment without saying a word

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck, finally OP isn't a faggot.
Should probably knock Steven out just in case though.

Sounds like a horrible fucking relationship. Leave that whore.

Man what a twat gf, fuck em both.

rip dude. For sure she has fucked him. I'm 100% sure. Got an idea, put some cams around the room and see what happens.

you should leave her for someone better OP. Fuck dat bitch

Nah just give a fuck, roll the dice.

>>limp fish
>>doesn't make eye contact with me

He definitely wants to fuck her, if he hasn't already.

>>limp fish

What does limp fish mean?

Weak handshake pussy

>limp fish

you should try harder as a bf then she would be more comfortable living with you. be a gentleman for once.

im like this with a lot of people because i dont like people.

though if i was living with ops gf i would have tried to fuck her too so idk what im trying to say

If she didn't have shit to hide she wouldn't have hidden anything. She can move in with another dude but not you? Time to end it

you should take the beads out

That's because you're a faggot, shows how weak you are

So maybe he's a betafag? No worry?

Yeah also likely but we really don't have much to go on so... Op is being cucked

>guy roommate
>"too soon to move in"
fuckin kek

If I was Steven I'd be licking her toothbrush, sniffing the ass stains on her dirty panties, watching her sleeping... The usual friendly roommate stuff.

Just take a day to calm down.

Try not to think about all of the times she's going to come home drunk from girls night out and you're not there.

Like you're starting a chainsaw


It's a weak handshake that generally is a sign of a lack of respect.

If someone gives you a dead fish handshake, they couldn't give two shits about your opinion of them.


literally this op.

give her an ultimatum.

>being this beta


Fuck this slut. Post pics of your whore of a girlfriend, and let us have some fun.....

Where's the nudes? Prove you had a gf.

Steven is probably balls deep in your bitch right now OP.

How is this being beta?

Walking out of her apartment to demonstrate that he is not cool with his woman moving in with another man is the most alpha thing anyone from Sup Forums has done in months.



But she's probably crying on his shoulder.

If I were OPs gf I would have said he was gay. Get with the game, OPs gf.

In her ass I'd like to imagine, while she's moaning in ecstasy about how OP never pleased her that way.

To be fair, Raping the girlfriend while not breaking eye contact with steven would be the most alpha thing to do....

Gotta mark your territory, OP. Go back to GF's house and piss on everything....

I concur.

Suggest a threesome.
See how it goes.

That's always the first step.

A shoulder to cry on is a dick to ride on.

You think you've got problems?

This is my roommate and she won't let me fuck her.

She walks around naked in our apartment all of the time and it drives me crazy.

you got cucked bro

>It's too soon to move in with my bf but I don't mind shacking up with some other dude

OP, there should not be a doubt here, either tell her she needs to move or leave her, the things said in this thread should be enough to make you understand that

GF is a loser, dump. Nothing of value lost. Your human garbage alert should have tripped earlier, be glad you weren't invested in the cunt and take this as a useful lesson.


Threesome with another dude?

Clearly, you've been cucked before....

rolling for this

Best advice given. /thread


Op here.

She's blowing my phone up. I haven't answered her calls nor replied to my text. She's mad at me for embarrassing her in front of her new roommate.

Did I fuck up?

Basically this

Your phone isn't the only thing she's gonna be blowing tonight.

Her trustworthiness or fidelity is at this juncture moot; an afterthought. Her failure to volunteer this information til all possibility of discussion is disarmed by circumstance constitutes lying by omission and demonstrates cowardice. Lack of courage to the extent of deception is a crucial character flaw, and inherently disqualifies her as worthy gf material. Hell, if she is that timid, what if this guy DID decide to hit on her one drunken evening, if he hasn't already? Do you honestly think she would have the strength to deny him?

Not at all.

Holy shit
>embarrassing her in front of her room mate
She's the one that should be embarrassed, explain the situation to her.

This really doesn't sound like she's your gf.

Does she know you call her that?

you did good

Order her to come over to your house and blow you right now and if she refuses end the relationship because she's obviously banging the room mate

For real? Dude force fuck her when she is naked. The cops will never believe her side of the story. I mean what kind of girl walks around naked in house shared with a random guy?

Your insecurities are spawning the catalyst that will destroy your relationship, you understand this user?
If you think your girlfriend would cheat on you, you should not be with her. You will start becoming paranoid and making connections that do not exists with respect to her new roommate, you will start becoming needy and asking lots of questions regarding him, she will become annoyed, your actions will cause what you will be attempting to prevent.

Your best bet is to not care at all, don't let it effect you be the alpha male and do not tremble at the presence of another man

How long have you been with her?

Funny how she talks about trust when she couldn't even mention her room mate was going to be a dude before hand. You could turn that around on her.. Oh you didn't trust me enough not to flip out on you if you had told me something like this? I had to find out like this? Then again, I would never get this far into conversation with her, you know, due to the fact that she's dead to me, and not worth speaking to. Dead silence from I will kill her. She's looking for the drama, and for you to care that she's doing ultra retarded shit. Don't give in.

Stop being a goddamn faggot for once in your lifetime OP and read the actual fucking thread you started, this is not an ok thing to do, it isnt "normal" or "modern" relationship stuff, don't apologize for this or you will be giving her leverage and showing how shes the one calling the shots and soon you will find your GF on the pink end of steven's meat rod

We've been dating for over a year. Started dating May, 2015.

>you either trust me or you don't
you don't, and you should not
it is impossible to trust someone who does something like this

Doesnt want to move with you, but moved with stevey over there. Dump her bro. They are fucking, i know it.

>won't move in with boyfriend because it's too soon
>moves in with some random dude instead

Her logic is then, either you trust me or don't trust me?

Fuck that shit, you obviously can't trust her to keep you informed about who she's going to be living with. Maybe she can drop another bomb in your life like she has a kid, or she's living illegally in your country and is going to be deported.

Why keep secrets if you're going to accuse someone of not trusting you?

If dubs OP must do one or both of these things.

I also make use of autocorrect.

OP, this is very tl;dr

And yet she doesn't include you in her plan of moving out from her parents.

I said it above, OP.
She's NOT your girlfriend.
Quit being creepy.

Let me ask you this.

Have you ever even seen Steven before? Facebook? Twitter? Social media in general?

If she was that good of a friend to move in with that she is not fucking you would have seen him somewhere or even met him before.

If not she was hiding him from you and you are being cucked hard.

Rape her dude. Cops won't believe you raped her anyway.

Good job, OP. Fuck that sneaky bitch.

youre such a fuckin loser man. How do guys even start dating girls like this to begin with? break up with her and move on

freeze her out. don't communicate with her unless she tracks you down and forces a confrontation with you in person.

If she does that, then you know she really cares. If she doesn't, then your relationship was going to end soon anyways.

Moving out for the first time is a transitional period that usually signifies changing who you are from a child into an adult.

Fuck u. Op made the right choice

can't argue with that, beta would be accepting that your gf has a roommate that isn't you and she is probably sucking he's dick behind your back

break up with her op. Prevent a broken heart

I don't think he's a loser.
She's a retarded female, as long as OP doesn't put her pussy on a pedestal, he's golden.

You are absolutely right why can't you faggots read minds and automatically tell if a woman is crazy or a liar just by looking at her?
>not being able to read minds

He probably has done and it's scared now that he's met the boyfriend

Well there are a couple point of views going on here.

>GF is a cunt and fucking room mate

>GF is actually telling truth and not ready to move in. And her room mate prolly does have a crush on her and is jelly cuz of it. But as long as she's faithful then she'll be faithful. *warning* very slight chance .

Well she's already kind of been dishonest with him. Withholding important information is borderline lying.

>>"It shouldn't matter. You either trust me or you don't"

That line is used exclusively by girls who probably shouldn't be trusted.

Source: I had a cheating ex-gf who pulled that line on me when I asked why she went and hung out with a friend of mine when she was mad at me. Lets just say we aren't friends anymore

thats pretty autism OP, if you're that insecure and jealous you probably shouldn't have a girlfriend

Not to mention the roommate will be sniffing her panties and masturbating in her bed pretty often, hope you like stevens cum stains in your gf's clothes OP

fuck steven in his ass infront of your ex gf to show dominance

Femanon here

All he did was demonstrate to her that he's incredibly insecure and that he doesn't believe he has what it takes to compel her to want to be faithful to him.

Blow your brains out over their naked bodies

Sometimes people just pick the wrong people. It's comes down to how a person reacts when someone pulls this kind of shit.

She says she isn't ready to move in with her bf of one year and then moves in with some random dude. Op did what anyone else would

fuck up? you are doing the right thing, she has 0 rights (in general, but especially now) to be mad at you. She owes you more then a couple of explanations and emberassing her in front of her roommate is she fucking serious?

>using her vibrator to message his prostate while she's in the shower
>dat time constraint

Timestamp or gtfo

Your opinion isn't relevant in this situation.
Not all females are the same.

Nah, I think it's more like someone else said

>doesn't want to move in after 1 year of relationship
>moves in with a guy roommate

Doesn't matter if she's cheating or not. That is some whack shit and a red flag

and this you only say that as a preemptive attempt to guilt trip your SO into allowing you freedom to fuck around

Don't answer anything. If she cared she will come over in person.

If he isn't gay Dump Her
Be a "dick" don't be anybody's fool

Yeah because not living with op but with another user unanounced is a real sign of affection. Dont listen to this cuck and dump that bitch while you have the chance user. If my girl would do this I would drop her harder than skrillex dropped the bass in 2012, and that after 7.5 years.

What sort of messages will he be sending?