You're on the toilet, when my cock and balls stick through the hole in the wall

You're on the toilet, when my cock and balls stick through the hole in the wall.

What do you do with them? :)

knife on it.

Blood everywere

Grab it by the base so you can't retreat and shove the ink rod of my pen down your urethra. Then climb the stall wall and kick your ass.

Grab your rock hard cock and snap it as hard as possible while simultaneously punching your balls.

Then I take a nice long shit and sleep like a baby later that night while you have your testicles removed due to trauma and your dick is in a splint.

Fuckin queer

Give you a handy.
I'm tired.

Light a bit of toilet paper on fire and wrap it on your shaft so it burns and sticks to it

wonder why im in a shitty public restroom


>nice looking dick
>fuck it, nobody's gonna know
>need to try this experience
>can't think of a better scenario
>not even the guy having the dick will know me or my face
>suck it just for the experience of it
>let it cum in my mouth, if it's good, swallow it, if not spit it
>no homo

get a box cutter and cut out your ballsack and then cut a line around your shaft and then down towards the middle and keep it like that

>tfw you both leave the stall at the same time and recognise him

>tfw it's his dad

>h-hey dad

>cut out your ballsack
Fucking uneducated chucklefuck, YOU CAN'T CUT SOMETHING OUT IF IT'S EXTERNAL.

I carry a razor sharp SOG. If you stuck your cock in my toilet stall, you'd have a nice story to tell the doctors in the ER

take my knife, open your ballsack, remove testes. tou are now a unic. have fun literally having no balls lol

taste my falchion

Your ballsack is external? Dude if i were you id go get that looked at...

Why would you spend extra time with the penis? It's almost like you can't suck it so you devote your time, energy and effort to a cock in any way that isn't seen as homosexual.

That's serious mental illness. Most people who aren't stuck in the closet would simply leave, but you want to hang around and manipulate it to your pleasure. You see a cock and think "now is my chance, this is awesome".

Just come out of the closet you faggots

I have fun with my butterfly knife.

Poket knife.

Literally this situation happened to me before in Chicago before I started carrying.


Punch the fuck out of it until its a bloody mess

It depends, how big is it? what color is it? is it nice looking?

Well you're fine

Was it attacking you

>Grab it by the base so you can't retreat

Mmmm and then what ;)

did you not read the rest?

No but, glory holes are vile. Sick fucks start throwing cock at you for being in the bathroom. It's disgusting, no person has to go through that shit.

Stun gun. Hold on to it for extra measure so it doesn't slip away.

>trying this hard

wrap in toilet roll and create a 6 foot fuse


then pop next door to tell the dirty cunt what you have done and whats in store for him



What are you even talkin about

I'd suck it very quickly and leave. I guess I'm not gay.

>trying this hard

I'm not the one looking for any reason to touch a man's erect penis

Cut it off little by little using a blunt scissors.

he is saying that everyone is gay

How am I supposed to do something to your cock and balls when they aren't there?

shove the ink rod of my pen down your urethra. Then climb the stall wall and kick your ass.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away

It's b shit cunt, people are going to put sick things or stupidity on here.

>shove the ink rod of my pen down your urethra

Sounding is my fetish, how did you know sexy?



Learn to spell.

try to push my dick and balls through the same hole and see what he does

And he's right


Any excuse to touch a big erect cock, huh? That's desperation.

You're hanging out in a thread literally about an erect penis trying to get in arguments with anons calling them gay. Faggot confirmed.

You would be facing the cock again you dopey fucker.

>advocates running from a body part
>thinks others have issues
0/8 better luck next summer


i would put thumbtacks all around your penis and then stick a giant needle in your penis hole


You probably made this shit thread just to point the finger at other anons because you know how gay you are and accusing others makes you feel manly. Absolute faggot.

ITT: Cock obsessed closet cases

So he doesn't have a point? Because it seems like he has a point.

How's that bait taste?

>You're hanging out in a thread literally about an erect penis trying to get in arguments with anons calling them gay.

Do you know how Sup Forums works? I see responses to a thread and I mock them for being gay. It's not nearly as gay as fantasizing about dicks and what you would do to them if you were to find yourself alone with them.

>You probably made this shit thread just to point the finger at other anons

I didn't and you can quote both me and OP and I'll gladly show you, but the fact that you feel trapped and tricked into your penis power fantasies is hilarious.

Chop it off.

i'm a massive sadist
so ill probably knife it and jerk it off while he cant pull out
then i'd jack off to his bleeding cock
