I need Russian to help me out. are anyone here?

I need Russian to help me out. are anyone here?

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English? I can't speak russian

Do you speak Russian please?

Kek! sorry dude. I know like 5 words and that one means "No"
Try google translate. But good luck with their alphabet

it was dutch thanks anyway.

Russia NVR forget what u did to us in Vladivostok

Well, I speak Russian if still needed

Wat do u need, быдло репортинг ин блеать

What do you need exactly?

I am sorry Sorry My friends i was looking for pol to find Russian posters there.

I have watched a video on Youtube. I have found there very attractive girl there personally in and outside. However i found another video about her but it was all Rusian which I can not understand.

Post video then

Here is the video link about her.

Unfortunately I also found comments from rusians there seemed very negative about her.
Can you translate it what are you Russians angry about her in short please?

Thanks in advance.

Mostly they complain that she talks like someone from countryside, pronounces the word "anime" incorrectly and makes homophobic remarks.

In general, you shouldn't pay attention to youtube comments.

Thank very much fro your help I appreciate it.

Basically she said she disliked seeing male crossdressers/cosplayers and stuff like that, and weeaboos in comments got butthurt.

thats not only dutch though its also russian. its in their alphabet. it doesnt stand for het. also checked.

I totally got it. Very much appreciated.
I am not a gay, but Is it very common homophobic in Russia?

I copied it and put it in a text box
GGl translation said so. not my fault mate but my ignorance please accept it.