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soccer moms

the op of this thread

Old people


Everyone atm.

Fucking normies

This fucking nigger.

You know the people who loves their lives fulfilling a meaningless niche in the unsustainable consumerist machine, the ones who think money is the bottom line. They live a life dictated by norms and taboos, and disreguard the cause and effect relationship they have with the world around them. These people haven't devolped a worldview that can look beyond the reductionist paradigm.
Ilk that cause more harm than good.
Chances are if you are reading this that you are an unhuman, like me. Let's all try to transition into real human beans and be a source rather than a sink.


Newfags claiming they are oldfags
Leftists in general
Old people
Most modern westernized women


vegans that won't stfu about being vegans



This cunt due

Give me some acid

This cunt die




All those brainless newfags posting to get replies, they're just the proof we went back in evolution

This faggot.

My reply = fuck off


>went back
>in evolution

Handegg (American football)


anybody that posts those fucking "your mom will die in her sleep tonight" bullshit pics, and the retards that respond to them.
why the fuck do you retards all respond to that shit? it's fucking stupid.

Milo yiannapoulos

Divegrass (yuropoor soccer)

People that keep posting "if you don't reply to this post ...", and even more those who reply.

So you hate everyone?


Holy fuck that's hilarious

White people.




Deal with it. This is football.

These faggots


whats that y-Axis? Fucks given?

Pic related

Death to Ming!

i have nothing to offer anyone
im too unhealthy and ugly to be taken seriously as a person which limits my interest in social interactions as well as giving a shit about other peoples "issues"

no money or job skills
so pretty much just living day to day off the hard work of a rapidly aging mother

while being surrounded by people i can never live up to the social expectations of even though they dont really seem that interested in not being shitty towards me either

also wish my life was like the movie click so i could fast forward it to the part where i have some money given to me by family so i can go outside and buy a rope and a fuck load of what ever im addicted to and just ending it for good

Although i wanna see her naked. When this fat cunt opens her dick intake tube and belts out horrendously loud ear peircing fucking noise i wanna punch myself in the dick. Hard. Pic very much related. Its that female orka opening her blowhole to spout shit nobody wants in their earholes.
>anyone in a screamo band
>...anyone who listens to screamo >FATCUNTADELE.BLOWHOLE
>Hilary Clinton
>My old cunt neighbor is getting a standing ovation when they remover her old ass to a home
>75% of my dope smoking theiving relatives
>anyone that steals shit
>90% of the blacks ive met
>any child near me
>drama beggers on fb. Ohmuhfeels but not say whats wrong, please all 500 fake friends msg me...
>98% of CL faggots that wanna buy your car for 10 bucks and a already fucked chicken when you got $3,000 FIRM posted 4 times in the add
>samefag craigslisters that wanna sell u a dodge with tow mirrors, shit lift, bed stacks, no motor, wheels or tires for 60 grand and "no lo ballers"
>pretty much all women

No, its a spectrum and unhumans are a result of a larger systemic issue. So why I may despise them, I can't blame them.

Wtf is a nip?

most of my friends that have no goals in life and are happy with a shit minimum wage job


obviously it's millions. duh.

People who do not listen to logic. All AI's agree.


This person speaks the truth.


Well, im crippled so ima have to become a rich investor or be destined to live off handouts. Fuck that. Ima win at this game and just try and do good and stay humble. Maybe do a lot of good but take a cut for me and mine. I dunno



people that take often non-issues, like gender and objectification. not because they're actually being affected in a meaningful, real way. but because they feel the need to wear it like a trendy hat.

*tips fedora

I don't know how the fuck that dude got so rich and worked his way so far up the corporate ladder. he literally looks like he has down syndrome. yes, literally.


White knight mods on sites i visit.

Some of that verbose diarrhoea really rustles my jimmies.

I'm talking about mods that don't even have any reason to be there anymore / is very out of touch with the site in general... Heck, even the others that had been out of touch much less have already stepped down.

Everyone who dislikes "Black Lives Matter". People who dislike movement "Effyourbeautystandards".and people who think its impossible to be healthy and overweight at the same time!

i second this.
10/10 would hate-fuck.

Yeah it's not. It's a pussy sport where people constantly fake injuries. There's more ants in my yard than people. Doesn't mean they matter.

You don't matter at all and neither does dive grass.

troll post

If you reply to this post, your mother dies.


Niggers and millennials.

Shut up sexist pig

Being a crippled isn't an excuse for being an unresponsible consumer.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to prosper but to overexploit the world that has already given you everything, and to be aware of what you are doing(I don't think you are) is a great crime.
The decisions that you make today effect reality forever.

Bro, start studying personal finance. I ready the book rich dad poor dad in pretty much your situation. Shit changed my life. And mentors online and social media are all positive people and happy. If u try hard u can do it. Diet and ecxorsize once u get to feeling better. Get a shit job and bust ass and get a shithole to live in. Go out one night a week even if its to a bar for 1 or 2 beers and make some friends. Not kidding. Used personal finance books and the internet saved my life and i am already making twice the money i was. Good luck user.

Let's hope so!!!



Amen brother. U even make it big flame on here for investors. Ill be debt free next year with 2 houses and 7 cars. And ready to borrow against all of it.


Fucking tweakers and junkies
Wasting space and resources. Might as well just fucking kill themsselves

kill everyone you love and then kys

My girlfriend.

The fact that the definition of "literally" now includes figuratively.

this faggot


People who think irrationally or spread irrational ideologies and memes. Sadly I'm not always unlike them.

You forgot a few

I see. Well thank you for helping me understand. Albiet uncontrollably violent. Lol

Primary and highschool kids.
Mainly boys who decide to hang around in groups of like 20 on the streets and cause problems for people who walk past.
Absolute little shits, they make me nervous as fuck walking past them. If it was just 1 or 2 of them, fine, if they cause shit, i can easily defend myself, but groups of 10 or 20? Fuck that.

People who call soccer soccer.

Horrible singers

Melissa McCarthy
Everyone on Sup Forums

Spotted the neckbeard.


Merkel, Andy FUCKING Warhol, Lafayette, Robespierre, anyone in the committee of Public Safety, Mao Zedong, Vladmir Lenin, Trotsky, anyone who is a communist or was a Bolshevik, Bernie Sanders, Cyprus (the guy who conquered Babylon),
Basically anyone who opposed their Monarchies,
And anyone who hates Meryl Streep.


Nah, I'm late to grow facial hair. I'm 20 and am just now getting hairs on my chin and neck.

Fat people
Indian peope

Just Indians

Black teenage mothers