Does anyone else use Gimp instead of photshop?

Does anyone else use Gimp instead of photshop?

>not using based MS Paint

I don't run Windows.

I did until it suddenly decided to crash every time I tried to open or save a file. Then it was back to pirated Photoshop for me.

oh nice I also enjoy my gf fucking other dudes in front of me.

don't have a gf

probably because you had viruses from pirating shit...

gimp crashing on file open is a known issue that's all over forums
theres a reason free software is free


Before you pirate something read the comment and the likes. Someone says its clean then its clean. Also don't forget to pirate a antivirus to double check

Linux master race

Linux cancer race.

Kek you're using Linux right now

i do

gimp is bad because its designed to be gimped. and krita are better than gimp and theyre free.

Where did you find yours?

I did when I was 11 and didn't understand photoshop was better in literally every way.

Adobe is amazing because their interface is nearly universal across their entire product range-- which means basically that you can pick up any neato thing like lightroom or after effects and start fucking around

do yourself a favor and distance yourself from GIMP before its too late

Android master race

Built on Linux, connecting to Linux servers.

Poor fag here who desperately needs photoshop but is too autistic to know how to get the real deal safely through pirating.

I would greatly appreciate the help anons.

yup, its pretty good when you get down to it, not the easiest to use though, especially out of the box

>says the windows cuck

You're posting in a GIMP thread. What are you expecting to hear?

you know what has to be done

TBH, I've never tried GIMP. But that screenshot looks terrible. Kind of a joke. Like Fruity Loops compared to ProTools.

gimp is the blender of image editing tools, ugly and unweildy looking, but potentially powerful as fuck


peppers not green enough/10