Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


Get out the pitchforks.

Awwwww. I won't track in mud this time

What are you up to?


Just chilling, watching tv.

I'm gonna claim this qt here

Heya fran! Whats good in the hood of my favortire scientist??

Whoever did that cat girl one is awesome

>claiming yume

Saber claim

My exotic waifu, from a far-away land.

Watching desert punk

Watching anime is all

Hey legs

claiming my beautiful drummer-fu

Hi fran!

Here yah go,
Never heard of it
What is it about?


But what are you watching??

>Sameji is lurking, more or less

>joins game
>everyone leaves after
RIP Yume

Discount Yui

the only discount here is your FACE

Hi my fellow wisconbro

Post-apocalyptic, but you can think of it similar to Space Dandy

Desert punk

Hello again

hey hey

Holo claim, hello everyone.

My friend watched that one! Said it was alright, he wanted to cosplay as a character from it too but he gave up on it

You're always in mud.

How did you sleep?

It is ok, if he wanted to cosplay the main character, the helmet might be a bit difficult


Ryoko Hakubi for the win.

>Better pic

All about the Mercy

>Chino claimed

Hello everyone

Hey Fran
Wow you noticed?
I thought you all don't want to talk

not great, not horrible, managed to get about 6 hours, I have tonight off, work for 2 nights, then a whole week off



I'm clean! I showered this morning!

How are you?

At least you get to relax today




Holy crap she is a cutie, hey friend whats going on?

Yeah I believe that is who he was trying to do. He ended up being mr satan worked out well.

Yes maam!

Ayy, kyoko!

Oh thanks. Your waifu is really cute as well. Nothing much. I'm just sitting here and shitposting. You?

Hello there.

Quite ok how about you?
More stockings
Pasta man




I'm sure it did

No complaints

You can't milk those

Not much, I just woke up and turned on pc.




yea, with clean dishes and clothes and everything

Oh shitposting huh? Sounds like a good time

I think I have something

I can smell you from here.

Sick comeback bro
Totally rekt me

Nah I was the only one that stayed, Mio, Zuihou and rest took a break
I thought it was pretty sad. Let's play later

It's not, trust me. You doing anything fun?

Aren't you fancy!

My green apple shampoo?

Oh hey akiko

Looks like I can fuck myself over harder than you can

Claiming Kosaki Onodera

You can milk anything if you try, you just gotta believe.
Yuri milk, how are you doing?
Pet, how are you?

Watching the tv



yea, now we'll see if i get around to getting dressed today, or getting groceries

Feeling half good half sick, you?

Watching anything in particular?


Hey liebling!


A best.
Same, same way I feel every morning.

Well besides talking to you I am just reading the manga I got the other day!

Oh nice. What are you reading?

My Commander Shepard is Waifu material
pic related

We are still watching Non Non Biyori on the stream

whats up with you fran fam?

shino btw

Some show about whackjobs throwing fits

You aren't wearing pants?

Even Chara?

The only real thing is I'm getting a hair cut later today

My best friend recommended Mysterious Girlfriend X so I picked it up 2 days ago, just got around to it now

Gretting Fran
How is your day going?

Hello Ilya
Have we talked before?
Oh I should really get back on those. I've been slacking and getting distracted

Hey Chara! How is it going? By the way, are you trans?

The plot looks interesting. I'll try and read it some time.

I live by myself, spend most of my time at home without pants

Even Chara.

Have you sniffed anything toxic lately?


Just being lazy


~~Also lewd~~


I just meant good morning
>i don't think we have talked
Chocolate milk


Cute right? I like it so far, also I got Complex Age I liked that one too, any reccs for me??

Parts of Chara that is.
Also good.


Best type moon claimed.

I need to know who is she

Oh nice. I'll have to read that one too.
I dont read much manga, but Kill La Kill, Owari No Seraph, and Magical Girl Apocalypse were pretty good


krul tepes from owari no seraph


Oh my

Please at least have underwear on

>what is reverse image search

Moe blob.
If evens I dump this folder.

I dunno what you're talking about

A vampire I assume.
Regardless of which gender.

Kill La Kill is one of my absolute favorite shows and I have the 2 books out waiting for the third one next month. My friend tried to get me to watch Owari No Seraph, I wonder if reading it would be better. And I was looking at Magical Girl Apocalypse probably on my next run to the store

No evens :o


Hello Chino, what are you up to?
Excellence, how are you?

Kill La Kill was one of my favorite animes too. I still have to buy volume 2, but i'll do that soon. And Magical Girl Apocalypse is worth it, imo. I enjoyed it

>i came in yesterday
You fucking hypocrite


I'm not up to anything, really. Just sitting here and shitposting. You?