Can someone please explain to me why the news has been dominated the last few years by Black Lives Matter and police...

Can someone please explain to me why the news has been dominated the last few years by Black Lives Matter and police killings of blacks? I just realized the other day from a few quick searches that blacks make up only ~12.5 % of the American population. What's more, of all police killings in America, close to twice as many white people were shot and killed by police than blacks.

Yet if you turn on the nightly news you would think there is a civil fucking war going on.

This shit is fucking retarded. You don't see these white hipster millennials protesting for white lives.. But they will sure put their hands up for blacks. Shit makes me so annoyed.

Why are we spending this inordinate amount of focus on a small minority of our population ?? I agree that any situation where a citizen gets shot and killed by the police is fucked up, but how about you don't fucking break the law. And how about you don't reach for shit when you know they might think you've got a gun because your black , OR WHITE!

Fucking idiots!!!

Because it gets the news stations profit?


Blacks are 12% of the US population, and make up more than a quarter of police shooting victims.

The issue is that the statistics show that only a tiny amount of people shot by the cops were unarmed and only a few of those were unjustified.

Instead of looking at inner city culture, addressing the lack of black fathers in their childrens lives, and focusing on poverty, we are distracted by the BLM racists who just wish to blame whites.

But hey if whites give enough stuff up maybe the problems will go away right?

But what about Chicago. 500 dead there last year and a large majority of those were blacks shooting blacks. Yet nobody even brings that up.

The thing is a lot of those issues are policy issues. Lack of black fathers is a direct result of the War on Drugs, which has and continues to disproportionally affect black families. Black fathers go to jail for years, decades, leading to impoverished families without strong male figures. The "inner city culture" is often a result of poverty. A self-reinforcing cycle in which people living in poverty engage in behavior which worsens their situation and that of their community.

That's my issue with this all. There are so many white dumbass hipster millenialls that are just looking for social media 'brownie points'. I'm not saying institutional racism doesn't exist , but blaming it all on white people and cops is not the answer. This shit goes back decades upon decades when they segregated the blacks and when drugs were introduced into their communities. This would explain the high crime rate among blacks. Thoughts?

Okay, you've brought it up. Why do you think there is so much black-on-black violence in Chicago?

Well then that should tell you something. Niggers don't listen for shit. And are always on the wrong. But how can you tell if a nigger is innocent when your trying to get the story straight and you got every chimp chimping out around you.

Agreed! But is BLM really the answer?? This is tearing our country apart. Everyone is so goddamn divisive now. It's almost like you either have to support the cops or the blacks, which is absolutely retarded. How about every life matters or none of them do?? Because 200,000 + people have died in syria in the last 5 years and no one even seems to care. So I find it hard to take this whole 'debate' seriously.

Well I would probably chalk it up to what this guy was saying . I think it has a lot to do with the war on drugs and lack of father figures in the black community.

You obviously weren't a Math major were you. See- when you say that blacks only make up 12.5% of the population, and then says that more whites are killed by police officers, you have to go a step beyond and think, "hmm, well if blacks only make up 12.5% of the population, then how is it that even THIS many of them are being killed by police?" Because the amount is staggering when one can actually do simple math, and isn't a racist piece of shit trying to sound like a critical thinker.

I don't disagree with your assessment, but the war on drugs and poverty aren't directly caused by white people as much as some specific rich people.

BLM should be fighting for release of non-violent offenders and lesser sentencing for those sort of crimes, this would help. They should be fighting for better programs to help keep young inner city kids from a life of crime.

I think it's ok to say institutional racism doesn't exist, there really isn't any strong evidence for it. People who want to sling around institutional racism are people who aren't looking for a solution but wish to blame the white boogeyman, because white=system.

I think those that wish to pin black crime on IQ or some other statistic have it wrong, it's not just a "black" problem, its a povery/inner city problem, which is where many black people live. There are some cultural issues there that exacerbate the issue, such as young black people preventing each other from being successful by calling them "uncle tom" or such, but personally I think that is lesser than poverty and lack of fathership.

Fair, but like I said before. Why does no one talk about the 500 dead this last year in Chicago?? A majority of which were blacks shooting and killing eachother?

And even if it is disproportionate, like you've pointed out, whites still die by police not to mention a lot of brown people die by our tax funded bombs.. But they aren't Black Americans so it's whatever. At least that's what it seems like to me.

Well both of those posts are mine. I agree that divisiveness is part of the problem; I think both BLM and pro-police groups raise good points about racism, treatment of minorities, and hatred and distrust of police in the United States. At the same time, there are supporters of both groups who often do and say retarded shit. I prefer to give both sides a kind of passive support while maintaining a healthy amount of skepticism about their rhetoric.

Because niggers are ignorant as fuck they think they can walk around and do whatever,hit on a dudes chick right in front of her boyfriend. Befriend a dude with money than Robb him. Steal cheat lie rape kill . This is why there is so much black on black niggers are Muslims with out the religion all jealous of each other and at the same time hate themselves for what they are and they know it. They know they are shit and what every other race is saying is true. Trust me go befriend a black guy he will act like all stereotype is wrong and once you let your guard down he will fuck won't notice at first. You won't notice shit missing until months when he's already gone.and by then you cant accuse niggers are calculated

I'm just annoyed that we've gotten to this point. Where it's become about mistreatment of a certain sample of the population rather than the entire population of America which is being raped on a daily basis by our country's political and societal elite. We are all being fucked , not just blacks.

If you dealt with niggers on a daily with the same excuse of their innocent. You'd act just like the police do today.

I suspect that a lot of white people are nervous about BLM for the reasons you mentioned. That is, they're being unfairly lumped in with the very small group of wealthy elites and political figures who are directly responsible for the policies which have adversely affected the black community over the years. That's perfectly reasonable.

At the same time however, I think it's important to remember that we live in a country that is majority white and... mostly democratic. Somewhat oligarchic as well, especially in recent years. But those political elites that have caused so many problems for the black community wouldn't be in power were it not for the support of a mostly white electorate.


I agree, almost everyone is getting fucked. But I think it's important that you (and everyone else) ask yourself, "am I getting fucked as hard as everyone else?"

As a white man--and you might have a different assessment of this than I do--I don't think that I am.

That's fine that you think that. I'm not going to dispute your opinion, because it seems pretty clear that you've already made up your mind on the matter. I'm sure you have a good reason for it.

To be honest I'm not totally sure how to parse it - not what you said, but the situation. People under the age of 30 have only had the chance to vote for the black president, have been taught to be colorblind from 1st grade. It feels so dishonest and wrong to ally myself with the political elite that holds the strings just because they are white.

This is why I can never agree with the idea of white privilege. The real privilege is wealth, and wealth not only convinces white constituents, but black, latino, asian, whatever constituents to vote and put these people in power. Then they turn around and hire a private company to imprison as many people as possible because they have a contract and a quota. Just so happens targeting poor black men is the easiest route to fill your private prison, backed by the policies of the president and congress at the time.

BLM isn't interested in ANY of that, they are only interested in JUSTICE. Often times they don't even know what that means, it seems, their message is just as fucked as occupy wall streets was.

Obviously the media and the elites want the US to go into marshal law so the can kill off thousands and create a new world order. Blacks are being brainwashed..


It is true tbf

I think it's funny that these idiots are trying to start a race war. You have to be pretty stupid to start a war with someone when you're outnumbered nearly 10 to 1.

That may very well be true. I think it depends on where you live, I know a lot of poor white people across town who are subject to the same forces (poverty trap, drugs etc..) as well as black people who live in nice neighborhoods.

My point is this : what if this is a distraction while the elite pushes the rest of us increasingly to the margins of society. While we claw at each other like crabs in a barrel, they are becoming increasingly wealthy by exploiting the majority of the American populace. And I'm not talking about the 1%. I'm talking about the ~.0001 % who actually control things.

yes, and remember, obama needs his sturmabteilung. and martial law will bring on firearm confiscation and then guess who the only people with guns will be? yep, the criminals. obama's assault squad

I think white privilege is a real thing, but I also think that privilege is derived from many different sources that can have varying effects depending on the situation. It's not just ethnicity or wealth, it's gender, sexuality, national origin, religion, language. Even relatively minor things like height or hair color.

A lot of people, especially people who are in privileged positions within society, are uncomfortable hearing this--the SJW epithet comes to mind--because it implies that there's something wrong with them due to some factor that is ultimately beyond their control. Additionally, the idea of white privilege has been used by many individuals and groups specifically to make people feel bad for who they are, which is unacceptable regardless of the intent. But that doesn't mean white privilege doesn't exist.

Not that staggering.

Let's say there are four regions - north, south, east, and west - where populations live. The people in the west unfortunately commit violent crime at rate several times greater than the other regions. Therefore, the people in the west see a greater incidence of law enforcement response and interaction. Because of the level of crime, the west will likely have a higher incidence of police officer shootings as well.

Blacks are shot above their population % because blacks live in high crime areas and commit most of the violent crime in the USA.

Black Lives Matter is political theater and opportunism.

End of story.

I think the "privilege" granted by being white can for the most of it be chalked up as being part of a majority.

I'll admit to having a slight advantage by being white in America. My issue with it lies in that there are so many factors above that, but it gets a laser like focus.

It's an easy target, but it seems that the ability to strike whites down with the racist card is waning, so the target gets a bit harder to strike.

Because blacks are easy to manipulate for profit. Obviously.

Im white and it has never given me an advantage in life, if i had to pick its been more of a disadvantage via being a target just for being white

That's exactly what I'm trying to get across pretty much.

if being white gives you +1, being rich gives you +50, having a well connected family gives you +20, having both parents gives you +10, etc etc.

You probably have a tiny advantage in certain situations, so lets just blow that the fuck up and only point to that, whites be the problem yo.

Why do you never see feminists and social justice warriors bring up the fact that there is a massive gap between males getting killed over females?

Why do you never hear them complain about the fact that males are punished way harder in the justice system compared to females for the same crime?

I'm white and I grew up with a father. I'm white and I went to school every day. I'm white and didn't impregnate a girl when I was a teenager.

White privilege is basically admitting superiority of white culture. Every black problem is caused by their selves. And they are angry that they suck, but refuse to change so they blame white people.

Valid point. And I would say that that is probably because most 'feminists' aren't actually feminists. Real feminists think that modern feminists are fucking retarded. And sjws are just looking for social media points. I'm skeptical that anyone actually cares about anyone but themselves. None of the modern feminists/sjws are talking about syrian, afghan, iraqi citizens being exploded into chunks of meat by our taxpayer funded hellfire missiles. But they are quick to wage social media war against you for using the wrong pronoun or whatever the fuck. It really shows what kind of people they actually are, if you ask me.

I don't think that white privilege exists because I don't break the law to find out. You can't declare such a thing as objective because every person comes from different conditions that either declare them privileged or unprivileged (I honestly have grown to fucking hate this word) and it's not like race determines these conditions. Anybody who thinks so is extremely narrow-minded, and probably hasn't faced any of these conditions themselves (looking for something to complain about because they don't have any actual complaints)

If blacks didn't break the law so fucking much and made an effort to get out of their ruts, maybe this line wouldn't be so blurred for them