Death Note live action coming soon

Netflix will make weebkino real for us:

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Get that whitewashing out of here cis scum

Ill watch it with whites only. Will make it much more mature.

I bet the girl is gonna have a forces significance in the plot instead of being 100% unironically unveiled eye candy

Aren't they jewish? I can't tell anymore.

Who should play L?




welp as long as they at least keep Light as a genius...

The 2015 Death Note live action TV drama series just made him into an ordinary student. They realized that people hated that idea and changed it, the writing definitely improved later on but by then it was too late.

>Light isn't an impossibly attractive 10/10 jap high-schooler
>Misa isn't even blonde

But there already is a chinese version.

I wonder who's going to play L? That was the only character that kept my interest int he series apart from fapping to Misa.


I actually think that wouldn't be a bad idea.

Hyped for an apology, I guess

so... maybe its just me but Death Note doesnt even work as an anime, and only really worked in comic form.

So now with the second batch of movies coming out, what is there (besides stretching the first arc out before he meets L) they could do other than make some edgy piece of shit?

Anything that generates the most money.

That looks fucking cringy.

meanwhile they cast a full blown Asian for L who was suppose to be a quarter Japanese, a quarter English, a quarter Russian, a quarter French or Italian

fucking yellow washing

I mean... who is thinking this will turn a profit?
I guess the young-adult adaptations have kinda run dry, its not like this series is new and has a giant influx of fans that know the name.

the worst part is they cast a 20 something year old Woman to play Near, but they don't even change Near from being a kid. So it's a 20 something playing a boy. Fucking retarded. Also, Mello is a split personality of Near in it. The guy that played L did a good job though, but it's stupid they turned him from a sleaze who likes candy to some tidy autist who likes juice pouches.

I don't care that he's jewish or white or whatever I care that he's fucking ugly when Light is a goddamn absolute beauty


Great, so they won't have the cool bro-cop team and all their fun shit.
Or based CIA man's widow who got fucked so hard by an American man that she became strong enough to get shit done.

Who is that semen shinigami?

What did Light do to her anyway?
Having a god complex and a sexy 10/10 worshipper living with you would lead to some crazy fetishes

How is Japan going to make a sequel to the second Death Note movie when Light is dead in it? What, is he gonna come back as a Shinigami?

>What did Light do to her anyway?
Nothing, he's shown more homosexual tendencies for L and Ryuk than anything for Misa throughout the series

who on earth is that goddess

>he hasn't watched The Leftovers
Jill tbH faM

Here's what happened
>main lead has to be a white dude, no objections allowed
>fine to avoid having an uproar we'll make the other dude asian
>he's not asian you say, well now he is, so it balances out
Light as a shinigami would be OP as fuck
>literally immortal + shinigami eyes
>can keep being kira, now by gaining life for every kill
>can just kill everyone who fucked him up, pick up the death notes, give it to Misa before she kills herself or any other kirafag

Andie's daughter.

Just as Planned

Wow...that human wreck is playing Light...

Light probably just doesn't like blondes. He cheated on Misa with his ex Kiyomi Takada

He still saved her from that bondage torture through a super complicated plan

thanks breh

I don't care about the whitewashing, we've already had japanese adaptations, both movies and tv dramas, so it's ok to have one more variant, but both Light and Misa are supposed to be very attractive


That's because Misa was under surveillance and lost her memories, again
>Misa are you stupid? You lost half your life for the eyes again!
>we'll rule the new world together anyway
>lol no, give it up again, and have fun not seeing for a few months
>btw I'm seeing my ex again and my colleagues are listening as I fuck her brains out

You don't think that American Misa is attractive?

Not him but not really
She especially looks too old

she looks better than anyone Japan has picked for their movies and tv show

they at least got Matsuda right both times though

that actually sounds really fucking cool

Her mouth/teeth/jaw/cheeks look off
Not all of them but the whole look is kind of weird

this movie actually wasn't that bad

it's Stephen Chow's fault that movie was bad. He was one of the main people who was pushing for it to be made, but refused to direct it because he doesn't direct work that he hasn't written himself... even though he did a journey to the west movie... I hate Stephen Chow so much. We probably could have got a great Dragonball Movie had he actually been the one to make it. I mean, Kung Fu Hustle so much potential in him for a Dragonball movie.

Had that picture Misa as my wallpaper for a while
Fuck she's so hot. What're some anime with some hot goths in them?

I thought Light was supposed to be handsome

>not even blonde
Jesus fuck.

If I was 12 I might have been excited.

All these anons talking about the source material when the real big deal is Adam Wingard. He'll do the movie justice.

Netflix could've made this into a live action series and normies would have eaten it up. Maybe even Breaking Bad level.

"Muh gritty suspenseful crime drama ft. morally-questionable protagonist"

i heard light was actually below average in terms of looks

the manga explicitely states he's very good looking, he's a bit of a mary sue in general

This is actually a great choice, he'd basically just be Elliot with long hair.

Fucking retarded. Why does shit like this have to happen? Is it really the jews?

Are you insane?
He's literally gorgeous

The Guest was a good movie. He also made You're Next which was shit though.

There's a jew under your bed RIGHT NOW.

no there isn't. and that's not a funny joke

Wow, he actually kinds fits. The eyes man, the eyes, he wouldn't need make up.

It is funny. I laughed while typing it. I'm still laughing.

Come back to me when you are making a high budget kino of THIS.

fucking hate that inexpresive, untalented piece of shit with no range. why do they keep giving him roles in movies?

Thing is, the director isn't that bad or anything and Death Note translates really well into live action. I think it's all up to the script writers.


But the fact that he is a jew is not very good. They are ugly as fuck

>walking down the street
>look up
>see this
>wat do?

>here's a situation where nothing happens and no action is required
>what do you do


there is always something you can do, user. this is why you're a virgin.

>live action anime

is the leftovers fun?

I was actually surprised by it, by how accurate it was to the feel of the TV show for many of the scenes. Unfortunately the anime is shit and thus is the movie.

adrien would be a great light
probably too french looking though

lol i bet adam driver is L

oh shit perfect

Her sister Rainey likes to send lewd snapchats.

I'd be all up in that Leftovers chick

Misa is shit-tier waifu.

That's not what waifu means.

Mr Robot is an edgy piece of shit and lot of people seem to like it.

>Mello is a split personality of Near in it
Seems interesting

im glad jillfu is getting more roles

That guy is too ugly to be Light.


If it's not set in Japan then how does his name make any sense?

Kira = Killer

And even his real name
>not Japanese

Kira is the weird Jumanji or whatever thing Japanese people do with foreign words. It's Killer. It has nothing to do with the language itself.

Just give him an American name like CIA Pavel.

How are they going to deal with all the ridiculous names?
"L" is deliberately minimal and translates fine, if they call Ryuk "Luke" that sould be fine, but Raito/Light? Kira/Killer?? That's major engrish territory.

I should've read further down

she's qt

what the fuck. i swear in the show, he said something along the lines of "don't underestimate my looks, i can get dates too." probably shit translation or something

Reminder that Death Note is plagiarism

Of what, exactly?

another obscure manga

I've always thought that would be a good idea for netflix. So many good ideas in anime that could be tweaked and made into great live action series.


Adam Wingard is a good kinographer. I have faith in this.