It's pretty pathetic that he needs a whole 3 hours just to tell a cohesive story

It's pretty pathetic that he needs a whole 3 hours just to tell a cohesive story.

It's pretty pathetic that he makes comic books movies.

It's pretty pathetic that he thinks adding a filter and some jesus symbolism is art


Not really. When you are exploring the philosophical depths that Snyder explores, you need that extra time to give your points depth and texture.

Comic book movies generate billions of dollars though when good.

>cohesive story

Snyder 2deeps4u 95% of this board

Fuck off, Kubrick never told a cohesive story.

>Not really. When you are exploring the philosophical depths that Snyder explores, you need that extra time to give your points depth and texture.

You do know you're defending a man that gets the majority of the ideas for his 200 million dollar blockbusters from YouTube videos, right?


quints confirm




Fucking retard.

Sure thing user. You keep telling yourself that.

well his Dawn of the Dead remake was pretty good and wasn't that long.
Probably the best film he's directed and the only one I actually own.

He's an alright director he just needs to be on something with a tight script that preferably he didn't write.

As someone who dislikes Sndyer, i agree, I think his visuals are pretty good, even if it got unfocused and hard to follow sometimes, especially during the Doomsday fight.

They just need to keep him the fuck away from wherever they're writing the actual script.

This. Your thread is over OP.
Your life is next

except he failed at that

all right, I keked


He probably could have used 4 hours then, because there's zero depth to BvS. All his symbolism is surface level.

I hate Chris Evans.

its ok user, no one ever thinks about you,

ITT people more accomplished than Snyder

chickity check

>expecting the ability to tell a good story from Zack "What's Collateral Damage" Snyder

Not really. It just goes way over your head.

Brutal get
Keep spaming your Box office Marvelets

Delusional prick.
This not Das Boot tier to deserve so much screentime. Snyder is just shit at pacing and editing.
Coppola had 500 hours of film from AN and he still made an amazing paced movie when it got to theaters