I just learned that suedikis is her fiance

I just learned that suedikis is her fiance

time to cry

What's her last name?

Why does he get to jizz in her?


Look it up brother.

Jason Suedikis is honestly more attractive than her. He could do better.

What's a female actresses longevity? She was like the top hot bitch for a while then completely dropped.

Eva mendez, Alba, that chick from Clerks 2, Timberlakes bitch, Megan Fox...it's like they have 2 years then completely fall off

You also just learned that she was raised by Christopher Hitchens

women's beauty is based on youth

Sudeikis is handsome m8, whats the problem

i hope to god I'm being trolled right now

fucker has a ratface and most of his comedy is shit

Olivia Wilde's feet are so beautiful

Not that user but he is ok. Her jaw completely dwarfes his though.

>I just learned RyRy got married
time to cry

she needs a smaller MANdible

To be fair to J Alba, she hit it big with her billion-dollar company. She's just in movies for fun now.

That's just her date to a wedding.

He is 10/10 in the eyes of women

She was a LITERAL princess, but dumped a prince for Suedikis.

Let that sink in,

What a fucking world.


>What's a female actresses longevity? She was like the top hot bitch for a while then completely dropped.

Cause show business is based on looks and women only peak for 5-10 years at most?

If your a chick your basically fucked once you turn 30 unless you're apart of a franchise, or are considered a 'great' actress so you can be cast in oscar bait and hype yourself up.

it's too perfect


how does she have a stronger jawline than he does?

>three llamas in coitus
>three sixes in your post
>with their long necks, the llama's bodies resemble the numeral six
>white dog in the snow, his eyes are black holes

Could this post BE any more satanic?

he's not terrible but he's basically Dane Cook lite
way less insufferable though

Best Olivia Wilde movie.

This girl looks like a literal retard

its a sign of the end times
only the faithful will take notice. the heathens will disregard and continue about their degenerate acts that brought this

Her face is a little scary, the makeup and features are too well done she needs to make herself look homely

Olivia "Makes My" Cockburn

>it is real

That's likely why the neckbeards post her so much. The relateability factor is there for them.

Isn't this a pornstar? Sativa Rose or something?

>She was a LITERAL princess, but dumped a prince for Suedikis.
>Let that sink in,
>What a fucking world.

she divorced the prince much before dating jason

He downgraded tbqh



>post literally the worst possible picture of someone
>think it's representative

Have you seen her in person? I have. She's breathtaking.

How do I get such a manly jaw?

>posts the picture of her without 50 layers of makeup
>this isn't representative of what he has to wake up to
lmao look at this virgin

>suedikis is her fiance

...he's put two babies in her, mang

Damn, good for both of them, they seem like a good couple.

Seriously though she's way out of his league and I think they both know that.

Those awful bolded eyebrows.

Looks like brown electrical tape.

chew gum

Who's ryry

Kill yourself and hope reincarnation exists, and you don't get turned into a worm

Quite the opposite.

Photographs are inherently disadvantageous for strong featured people.

post story fampai

spotted the retard

>Suedikis is from Missouri
>Paul Rudd is from Missouri
>Rob Riggle is from Missouri
>Jon Hamm is from Missouri
>Brad Pitt is from Missouri
>Robert Loggia is from Missouri
I am proud to be from Missouri.

>live in New York
>walk by her in West Village a few times
>one time I walked by her near a newsstand so I stared at her real good
>one other time, they were exiting the bar I was entering

was thrilling senpai

Hey man, Suedekis seems pretty fucking based actually. Good for him.

I just learned that the big guy got married last year.

Bravo with cucking the Jews, you big guy.


>calling people virgins for not judging what chicks look like on a bad day without makeup.

Guess you probably don't understand this m8, but all girls have days where they look like dogshit.


>she's 32

goddamn, she looks like 42

>I remember I was on the dance floor [at an SNL afterparty] and everybody was dancing around me and they just seemed really happy and I was just kinda standing there. ... He came up to me and said, “You know, whatever you’re looking for, you don’t need it,” and he just walked away. ... He played it really cool.

Goddamnit, smooth operator.

Did she look at you?

>one time I walked by her near a newsstand so I stared at her real good
Could have said something real quick to be quite honest senpai. Would also have given you full eye contact.