Can we please ruin this

can we please ruin this.

im so tired of pokemon go. its not cool, its the biggest trending thing in the fucking world, i hear about it everyday from people, the radio, tv social media, etc...


OP End yourself

But I love Nintendo. ^_^

>I hate trends
>i am anonnomustard
>I cant ignore things i dont like

Op cant handle life, suicide incoming

>OP is a special little snow flake that cant accept that people that play are happy and not a neckbeard no life

i love nintendo to. i just beat pokemon y on 3ds but i've had people literally talk shit to me for playing it during breaks or something and now they're ALL ABOUT POKEMON GO FUCK YEAH

i dont hate trends, i hate poser ass fake fucking cunt bitchnugs that suck

i am a snowflake, i have to shave everyday, i cant even grow a neckbeard and fuck their happiness

black lives matter

>op literally had an autistic sperg out while typing


fuck you kimmel i bet you have a lvl 20 articuno dont you jew bastard


>no XL

get the fuck out


You could also stop sucking dicks

Kill ur self its easy do it, then pokemon go will stop for you.

>Stop liking what I don't like!
How about you shut the fuck up fag, this shits been out one week. What? Mad that your shit cell phone makes it so you can't be cool to your highschool buddies?
It's like you've never seen a fad before, underage whiney bitch.

>getting this assblasted someone insults your stupid game

Dude calm your autistic brain and shut the fuck up already

You are like a vegan, you can not fucking keep your mouth shut about your feelings in a place that no one cares.

Hey, I noticed you aren't subscribed to the poke'feeds and you haven't even touched your poke'meal. Everything ok? Want me to ask nurse Joy to take a look at you? I hope you haven't caught a bug'. Here, I updated your Pokedex with today's Poke'news, I'm gonna go into town and buy some Masterballs, you have yourself a Poke'nap and just try and take it easy!

Bro that's a nice Weezing

does the size of the pokemon actually matter?

Tbh its turning out to be pretty dangerous with people getting mugged and crashing cars etc. Give it a few months and you wont hear about it anymore.


I like you.

All you have to do is wait a month, and all the normies will have moved on to something else. Then the only people playing will be the social outcasts the way god intended.

Think Wii vs Wii U. Every normie in the world owned a Wii but when the Wii U came out everyone jumped ship.

Be patient you cocksucker.

>Implying anyone would care when they could be a pokemon master

Pretty bummed that it's got shadow ball instead of a poison move, but still good.

don't worry, nigs wont be running all over the place hoping to find gayemon. soon to come: something similar with a character pool, and only rares as fetches. SKULLGAYEMON

ez fix. just kill yourself.

you could try evacuating like a nigger, but then again there are no oldfags left here.