To the virgins of Sup Forums

to the virgins of Sup Forums

>your age
>why are you still a virgin

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Small penis makes me insecure and self conscious so I always end up pushing girls away ;^]

>your age
>why are you still a virgin
Paedophile i only enjoy 0-10 years old kids,dont want to go to jail

>>your age
>>why are you still a virgin
Asked out dozens of girls over a decade, all of them rejected me. Eventually gave up.

Is it even possible to find a girl that doesn't mind a small penis? A girl might think you are her dream man but the minute she finds out the penis is small she will be disappointed enough that everything gets thrown out the window.

Just turned 18.
Havent really found a girl// I choke up around them when im sober. Incidentaly also the reason i'm already becoming an alcoholic.

No girls around.

fixed it for you OP

Why dont you guys just get a hooker. No one is gonna know and who cares if your a shit shag you aint gonna see the hooker again

18 Because I honestly have better stuff to do

As much as I'd like to convince myself that it's something girls overlook, I know it isn't except for very exceptional circumstances.

Oh well, just another item to add to the list of reasons to eventually kill myself ;^]

Because girls think a am gay and i am to mutch of a pussy to tell them that i am not

I live in the netherlands and at 21 i will get the vergin treadment at a sex club.
Fuck yeay netherlands and the legal prostitudes

>got drunk, thought I did it, turns out I just sat there doing nothing while the girl humped me for 2 minutes

>>your age
just turned 30
>>why are you still a virgin
Wanted to get wizard powers

>vergin treadment
what does that consist of?

>social anxiety
>rarely leave house.


>i dont care enough to have friends or even gf

23. I started to hate people more and more over the years and I especially hate women. Never really had an interest in sex either.

Micro dick

Underage B&

>waiting until marriage

Crippling social anxiety

gay but also homophobic

>Cause bitches only care about stupid shit

I'm 27
>Lost my virginity at 16 to my highschool crush.

>porn is better than girls

I'm fat and unnatractive.

Maybe if you find a girl who is into anal

>waiting until marriage

get out


Shit job, zero self-esteem, beta, stopped caring about it at 27. Seeing my cousing get fucked after a divorce helped it a bit, too.


>lost virginity at 17

TBH sex great, but it's not worth being upset to be a virgin I wish I would have saved it for someone I loved... But those bitches can't unsuck this cock now

Cooler than you cucks.

not interested

fucking same

>your age
>why you are still a virgin
Last girlfriend I had was horribly abusive and I have been really awkward and a recluse ever since


Too much porn for the last 10 years has made me lose interest in real women, and has made sex look disgusting to me.

>your age
>why are you still a virgin
Nobody around who's interesting and the few that I did find decent weren't interested in dating. White women feel so typical some reason.

So... you mean celibate?

Im 7

You are the biggest faggot in this thread, nigger.

A girls of your choosing (mostly 21) will make it feel like you are not just fucking a prostitude.

>7 and not having a "girlfriend"

>missed opportunities cuz passive beta

I don't know, really. I only met one girl but she has a BF. I want things happen but all the girls I know live far far away

I want to marry a virgin. I can only hold my partner to my own standards.

24 and I have a micro penis, I cut my self about it and want to kill people and my self


excuses after excuses, 8/10 looking guy

at first it was because i want to do it with someone i really like, yeah what a fag i know, but i didnt want to do it with the landwhale at school, or a drunken night, or a prostitute

when i got to 20 it was because i started to get scared that what if i suck in bed, since then i watched porn

had a chance to lose it 1 month ago to a landwhale...couldnt get hard, only a semi, and therefor couldnt stick it in.

19, I can see until this summer, I found a girl

Too fat, beta and ugly. No money, no job, nothing really anyone could find attractive.

so I'm pretty fat, but I have an ok face. And so far I've fingered vaginas and gotten my dick stroked (Over The Pants), groped my fair share of asses and tits. But why? Why do chicks do that shit with me but don't fucking like me? Like they lure me in and they just throw me away

23, I am with my gf 5 months now, she is my first kiss, i will wait.
atheist here

Fuck you faggot go get laid, nigger lover

Stay drunk Sup Forumsro.

>not a virgin

>why are you still a virgin
Haven't tried looking for girls yet. Besides, my hand keeps me satisfied.

Because I prefer staying at home playing video games and watching anime.

I'm not a virgin. I've fucked at least 50 women since I was 14. 25 now.



Hooker said no :/

ever considered a hooker?


>lost mine 4 months ago
>never gonna be a necromancer
>feels bad


That's kinda cool actually.

i have been a virgin since i ve been on Sup Forums about two years ago, can't give birth to a jesus tho

i finally fuck a woman ( only fucked men prior not gay just bi and bad with girls)for the first and she tells me the morning after she has herpes but thankfully i just got my results after a week of stressing everything negative anyway remember to wrap it up and find a fat bitch if you're desperate look on okcupid and because someones going to ask pussy is way better

What's your job
Here. It's pretty hot.

>grew up pretty much without a father and never learned how to interact with girls my age, also I'm a fucking coward and weirdo if I'm not wasted

this fucking thread is for

>to the virgins of Sup Forums

holy shit, you austistic cunt.

Massive social anxiety. It sucks because a lot of girls comment that I'm actually pretty cute, and I actually have a pretty big dick, it's just that every time I approach a girl or she approaches me I turn into an autistic wreck. FML





considering it

>not interested
So having a girl on top of you with her titties out and letting you grab her ass doesn't interest you? You're gay buddy

State worker, mess with papers.

wheres that mod who banned that other faggot.

I don't want to give up my purity for something that can literally be bought.

>Been moving a lot
>Was waiting to be 18




Although i've been told i'm good looking, I am way too self-concious about my small dick and I know that's not something that girls overlook.
Is there even a girl out there who isn't a fucking size queen?


19 yo.

>why are you still virgin

I don't have any friends, and females are very scary. I just don't like hugs, lovey dovey stuff, more prefer watching anime or Rick and Morty, playing Dota 2.

I lost it when I was 23

19 decent face, body, dick
No idea never asked a girl out, socially weird.


Got stage fright my first and only time
Haven't been with a girl in years
Committed to becoming a wizard now because I really think I'm incapable of having a stable and responsible relationship
Don't really see a point to fucking when I seem to be perfectly content just fapping to weird shit
Speaking of which, that's probably why I don't see myself as someone who can be in a good relationship but I'm not all that interested in fixing it either

58 year old
Convicted of a rape attempt. Sentenced to 20 years in prison . After getting out of jail made another attempt . Recieved another 20 . They have let me out yesterday ... Btw do you know where em pretty girls use to hang out these days young fellas ?

>crippling social anxiety
>barely even speak to people let alone grills all my life
>turn 19
>start talking to girls
>go on a few dates or just hanging out
>realize girls are pieces of shit
>get 1 Gf
>comes out as asexual after 3 months
>too monogamous and old fashioned at heart to sleep around
>stay virgin
>don't even. give a fuck anymore
>killing myself before I turn 30 anyway



Same age and I agree with this guy here. I seen way too much porn of girls doing gross things like having sex with nigs. Also I know that I could never get a gf as hot as these girls in porn.

I have other things to do. Moreover, I'd like to do it with the right person, and not just having sex for fuck sake.

Nah, most of the women I've met usually don't care too much, unless you have a one incher.

You can dispose of your virginity by gaysecks, and that's much easier to get than CISclam.

Gender is a social construct, men of course make the best women like everything else, so hit (or be, or both) the boipussy.

No matter how annoying, stupid, fat and hideous you are, if you go gay something will fuck you so cheer up and steer into the dick.


Being on Sup Forums won't help your autism. Take it from someone who has been here for almost a decade. This place destroys dreams and causing disturbing thought process. Go away.

An interaction from a few years ago.

> At pizza place with some people from work on a saturday
> Meeting up with a previous coworker that went back to school for her doctorate
> 5 of us there, waiting for the last 4 to show up
> Everyone arrives, 5 girls, 4 guys
> Last girl to arrive hugs first person in line and says hello
> She continues to hug everyone in line and say hello
> passes me without even saying hello
> hugs and says hello to last person in line

wtf did I do?

>your age
>why are you still a virgin
Butt ugly desperate whales will not leave me alone. Also have a fear of rejection.