ITT we post our 3 most favorite movies and have others guess what kind of people we are

ITT we post our 3 most favorite movies and have others guess what kind of people we are.


1. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

2. A Separation

3. Garden State

Pic not related

You're extremely sentimental and idealistic even though you think of yourself as cynical and aloof. You think of your taste as unique and definitive of your personality. You're waiting for your manic pixie dream girl but she'll never come.

Damn, spot on, even though I am in relationship.

somehow lost an article there

They Live
Office Space
The Man Who Would Be King

>The Secret of Nimh
>Being There
>All Dogs Go To Heaven

Buffalo 66
Carrie (1976)
Perfect Blue

I got it right because I'm basically the same person. Cheers, user.

Cannibal Holocaust
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

You're intelligent, nihilistic, and have a wicked sense of humor.

Apocalypse Now
Silence of the Lambs

10/10 Nailed it.

You like good movies and you drink too much

>Pulp Fiction
>Fight Club
>The Great Dictator

You use meme language irl

You're trolling Sup Forums.

You're 16

You're a 8 year old girl with a good cartoon taste.

1.) American Beauty

2.) Kill Bill Vol 1

3.) School of Rock

You're Dylan Klebold's ressurected corpse.

Casino Royale

Reservoir Dogs

Pootie Tang

>Eternal Sunshine Of Spotless Mind
>The Dark Knight
>The Town

You frequently browse leddit.

are you a sad white guy? not to sound too confrontational, that's just the impression i get

Guy in his mid-twenties. Sort of a normal fag. Likes to drink but doesn't use any other drugs. Doesn't get laid enough, but not a fa/tv/irgin.

You've only seen three movies in your life

Almost spot on. Only thing that was wrong is that I dont drink.

Never desu senpai.


That's a weird mix. The Dark Knight is reddit's meme movie of choice, The town is Sup Forums's meme movie of choice. Eternal Sunshite of the Spotless Mind is legitimately good.

Average, everyday, blue-collar guy?

>A clockwork orange
>No country for old men

Once Upon A Time In America
The Godfather Part II
Taxi Driver

O Brother, Where Art Thou
Doctor Zhivago

Wouldn't describe myself as sad, but yes, I'm a white guy.

You're a patrician but don't act like a pretentious faggot about it. You're probably the kind of guy who doesn't whine about people liking things you don't like.

The Tree of Life
2001 A Space Odyssey
Inherent Vice

Prometheus/Sunshine , 2001 Odyssey, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Before Sunrise
Before Sunset
Showdown in Little Tokyo

A decent guy with some racist tendencies.

Quest for Fire
Angel Heart
the Thing


Synecdoche, New York
Dancer in the Dark
Speed Racer

>racist tendencies
Fuck, i live in one of the whitest regions in the world.

Sunshine is the perfect sci-fi movie until the third act then it falls off a cliff

Where exactly? Czech Republic here, possibly one of the whitest countries on Earth.

Pretentious liberal arts student.

The Thing

Das Boot

The Terminator

Lithuania. First time i've seen negro at 17.
Oh yeah, now i remember. Still first two acts and the whole idea is pretty solid.

Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind.
Reservoir dogs.
The fall.

It's still one of my favourite movies but god damn.

Taxi Driver

>movie about a Czech immigrant

>named Selma (I'm Czech and I've never heard the name anywhere besides The Simpsons)

>played by fucking Bjork (an Inuit)

Just fuck my shit up senpai


>Reservoir dogs

I think that you're gonna be okay, you're gonna be okay, say the goddamn words you're gonna be okay.

Dadkino central.

You hate ur life,and we all know you'll never do anything about it. Switch office space for falling down and we might have something

The old man taught me well.

>The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

>Lawrence of Arabia

>Apocalypse Now

The Hunt
Falling Down


Not at all. I'm their definition of a cuck.

>Hey pops, how it's going?
You seem like an introverted guy, who'd like to have buddy bonding experience.

In no particular order.

The Bridge on the River Kwai
The LotR films(fuck you I ain't making this whole list only those three movies)

Being There

Pic also unrelated

Barry Lyndon
The Seventh Continent
Joint Security Area

star wars
lord of rings
Ascenseur pour l'échafaud (1958)

eww star wars, how can anyone like that shit? jesus christ

At least it's not Clerks 2. That movie was dogshit.

Annie hall

Pierot le fou

Cannibal holocaust

Fight me irl fuck boi

It's hard to nail down a top 3, they change so often, but-

The Master
Killing Them Softly

Also you're between 14 and 18.

Two of my faves in your top 3, good man.

I would say that you are intelligent, but have an extremly thin layer of modesty when it comes to it. You are white, in your mid or early 20s, Tarantino and Wes Anderson used to be your favorite things but then you had to convience yourself to dislike them because they were getting popula as you got older. You have aspirations of doing something creative but feel time slipping away and you hate how conventional your life is trning out.

Kamikaze girls
Perfume story of a murderer

the kid who just learned about arthouse cinema

pierrot le fou
2001 a space odyssey
fight club

In no particular order

3:10 to Yuma
Tron: Legacy
American Sniper

>American Sniper

Did you stand up and clap after the mostly fictional, nationalist honey pot, ended? There has never been a film made more for idiots.

1. Stalker

2. Indiana Jones and the last crusade

3. Hot Fuzz

>Did you stand up and clap
You didn't?

You missed the entire point of the book and the movie if you thought it was a "nationalist honeypot". Back to Sup Forums with you.

Consider suicide.

That list really went down hill fast. You are in your mid to late 20s, and you are extreamly bored with life. You miss the good old days and despite your yearning to be the cool guy you love a cozy life Indores.

1. EoE
2. The tree if life
3. Sliderman 2(raimi)

1. Blues Brothers
2. Terminator 2
3. Blazing Saddles

>Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back
>The Town
>Butch Cassidy & The Sundance Kid

So I'm assuming it's the one and only book you've ever fully read, besides the bible?

My favorite part was his rivalry with the olmpyian sniper that boiled into the final act where he takes the last amazing shot ,as the sandstorm and enemy troops surrounds them, because it never fucking happened.

Guy that trues to impress people with his "taste" for movies despite liking entry level shit.

You seem like a fun guy at parties.

Nice b8 m8

>reading the bible
Back to Sup Forums senpai

Cool Hand Luke

>terrible response
>not knowing American sniper is Sup Forumss favorite film behind Birth of a Nation

You must be knu here

Old boring person or young borig wrong generation person


Jurassic Park
Dawn of The Dead Remake
No Country

>bonus: heres my last 7days

>Blade Runner
>A Clockwork Orange

>A Most Violent Year

>Reservoir Dogs

Hamlet (1948)
The Exorcist

yuma`was fucking great.
didn't think anyone here would've been into that.

What the fuck? is today your first day here?


Eternal sunshine was complete dribble and I have no idea why so many people liked it. To me the entire film could be summed up with the word, needy.