Be me

>be me
>charging my phone
>take it off
>plug it back in literally 5 min later
>phone won't fucking charge
>tried dads charger
>still nothing wtf

what the fuck?

Your charger is broken.

You have to deplete the battery. Then remove it and wait 5 min. Problem solved


sounds like you fried your MB which, unfortunately, isn't repairable.

no shit, but I said I also tried my dads.

how the fuck do you remove the battery of an iPhone?

Your phone is broken.

You put it in the microwave for 7 minutes then the back clips off easily so the battery can be replaced

fuck me


I might be an idiot but I ain't that stupid

You are broken.

im broke so I can't pay for shit

You bought a Imeme.

I regret it now

Plug it into a comp or laptop with the usb

This worked for me is why I mention

try letting it go dead then plugging it in worked for me

tried, nothing

I'll try last resort, I don't feel like buying another charger.

possibilities are;
your phone's port is broken or something is inside
your phone got retarded and doesnt detect it
try letting your phone go dead. or shut it down and try charging. If it opens then it'll work otherwise idk

powered off did nothing, might let die.
currently don't got the money to fix it if it's broke

Actually, it worked for me but 7 minutes is waaaay too long. Just put it for like 15-20 seconds and you can easily remove the battery