Rick and Morty is about an old man who has lost his mind...

Rick and Morty is about an old man who has lost his mind. It's possible that he was a war vet who lost his family while he was posted. Intense PTSD came to surface as a result of the horrors he experienced overseas. He also had a schizophrenic side that was triggered by this mental trauma. He was admitted to an asylum upon his return, and the entire story of the show is about his imaginary adventures with the family he misses, and the unborn grandson he never got to meet.

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actually its supposed to be like back to the future you fucking cuck


... Reading that makes me sad.

You can apply that to everything ever.

When you make these theories it's better if the theory is better or more interesting than the actual story.

Actually it's more in depth than that. It's multiple layers of dimensions. Parallel universes all running side by side.

If you're going to come up with the 9001th lame ''hurr durr it's all a dream'' theory about a cartoon, it should not be this vague.

Is actually a cartoon version of back to the future while being different enough to be fresh

Kill yourself you retarded fuck

This, not every crazy show has to be a dude asleep or in an asylum. It isnt interesting. clever or difficult to do.

Similar to a schizophrenic person's mind?

I hate these virgin written theories on cartoons. It's a goddamn cartoon.

Kill yourself

dat nigga is just crazy.

Similar to how "reality" works you nigger

I wish you wouldn't associate sexuality with a cartoon. What does being a virgin have to do with any of this? You're clearly new to the internet and how to respond to a topic. Good day, sir.

I think the show is more fucked up to be honest. This theory acctualy ameks it better then a Rick that destroys civilizations.

Nice try Evil Morty

no similar to that thing you hide, upstairs, like a faggot.

shut the fuck up zeuz wanna be freudian slip-turd cock sucker.

What does race have to do with any of this? Very ignorant comment.

>Good day, sir
This is how i used type when I was 15 an thought I was superior to the point of actually being a dick. Enjoy the ego death in 2 or 3 years kiddo

Also this show is typical crap at a drip like shit.

there's better quality everywhere else , mfokker.

Only the weak and afraid throw insults like that around. I pray for you and hope for the best.

Yeah its amazing how close a schizos mind and our current understanding of theoretical physics are, huh?

Itd be astounding if that meant something.

It's a parody of Back to the Future that took a life of its own.

It's Morty (Marty)
and Doc Sánchez (Doc Brown... get it?)

Very unfortunate are the people who believe they have psychoanalyzation skills over the web, just to be a dick. Your ego will dissipate soon.

>Implying calling me "kiddo" isn't practicing the very thing your reply tirades against.

and what the fuck is he on about carton, niggers can't eat carton nigger, WHAT THE (recent but not actual) FUCK.

Or theyre a troll.

you can do this with any tv show/movie you want. you dont throw in any cool shit that maybe coinsides with your theory

niggas be trolling
trollings be hating
hating be niggas.

Very funny, its almost as if you didn't notice a cellphone typo. Clever twist!

You'd be surprised how much you can know about someone based on context and language utilization.

bruh das fire yo

Are you a rapper? Very good rhythm. Your rhymes need some work though, G!

ok lmao, I wasn't psychoanalyzing you. Just saying you type like I used to

I think your overthinking it user

As fucked up as it sounds, that kind of twist is actually too obvious for Rick & Morty.

No, what surprises me is your consistency to try and put me down on an intellectual level. I certainly hope it doesn't reflect insecurities in you! I have hope for you, pal!

And this is what turned me off of rick and morty.
Why cant people just enjoy a show? They have to break it apart, they have to meme it to death, they have to turn something good into cancer.

Naw, I'm just baked as fuck and typed this shit out. I needed to post it somewhere.

that one wasnt me btw

Im not even that guy user. Just correcting your incorrect data.

This is the theory of every fucking cartoon ever!

rugrats tommy is a still born, all the babies are dead and apart of angelicas imagination.



You can still enjoy it user. Just ignore the stupid faggots and talk to people who arent stupid faggots.

I love this show. You know how I've really enjoyed it? Never looked at shit like this.

but you didnt respond to 9, you responded to 2 though

Is "stupid faggot" even edgy anymore? Isn't this one of the most played-out insults on the internet? Good job, double nigger.

That is, and forever will be, the shittiest cop out of a backstory any show can ever have.

>Hurr hurr it's all IMAGINATION.
>Hurr hurr go kill yourself.

Nope. In the back of my mind i know the most vocal autistic faggots will ruin it, until it becomes a shell of its former self.

Probably, I just came back from a tolerance break so I'm high as fuck.

Adventure time - Finn is in a coma
Rugrats - babies all dead
sponge bob - result of nuclear radiation

its all fucking retarded theories made but brain dead morons, or just like OP. High as a fucking kite!

>double nigger

Well played user. Laughed my ass off. I sure hope the other people in this thread gets that joke.

Best punchline ever.

As in, punching niggers.

Yeah and none of them are interesting because everybody fucking uses them. That kind of lore was only good back in what... the 50's?

It is everywhere. Fuck it, ill watch something else. Also for some reason it makes everyone think they are super smart for watching it. It isnt anything special, but people are all "haha wuba luba dub dub lmfao XD, you wouldnt get it"

It's OP. Let's all disregard this thread. I smoked a lot of weed after a long tolerance break so I'm higher than Santa's cock on Christmas Eve. I thought posting this would be a good idea and it has careened out of troll-ey control.

I apologize!

Just make your theories better, also what sounds cool when you are high, usually isnt.
>mfw i got high as shit one time and wrote an 80 page storg
>mfw i sobered up and read it again and cringed into a new dimension

Oh man thats a bad sign that people watch it to feel smart. Look what happened to the Big Bang Theory. That show couldve gone places.

>good day, sir

Oh god, you roody poo candy ass trap fapping edge lord. Your trench coat isn't out of the cleaners yet? Don't forget your fedora, the sun might burn your eyes neckbeard.

Just wait. Rick and morty will become the new big bang theory. Where it is a bunch of forced laughs, and super commercialized. It will be less athf and more spongebob post season 4.

Is that story available anywhere online for open viewing?



Go study up on M-theory when youre high.
Its great.

With Dan Harmon at the helm? Naw, it won't be until after he sells the rights to the show in like 4 more seasons.

Lol no
I dont post online when im high

Please no, user. This is not okay. I actually enjoyed Rick and Morty than i ever did BBT. Please, dont tell me the normals will ruin this.


The normals will ruin this.

Did you invent storgs as well?


Here you go oppie. Enjoy your high.

>dan harmon
Ugh he tried so hard to make community a thing, it was good, but he should have just stopped like they did with Arrested development. Put that shit on Netflix, and have the audience demand more. But no he drove it into the ground. Now he has a show that alot of people like, get ready to jump the shark next season. Get ready for him to abandon everything he said early, it will become serial (thanks to autistic cancer fans), it will have time travel, it will become awful. I hope not, but...it isnt looking good.

Shut up Meg

What niggah, you think you the only faggot that knows about storgs?

Look into your heart, you know it to be true.

I know.

I bought a new storg yesterday. It looks great in my home, and works so well with my microwave.

My storg only works underwater

Not sure what's cringier in this thread.

OP's faggot shit fantheory

or the self-handjobbing hipsters with gloomy outlooks on the quality of everything around them?

There's only one way to fix this thread. You gotta lick my balls OP.

I can drive after using my storg.

Time and place. I'll be there. Square up.


I dont know
I usually find people who try to place themselves above others as a way to try and stay impartial and free from criticism pretty cringey myself. You know those guys, who try to act like they are above everybody handing down judgements from their Ivory tower.

Why not both?

Criticism is one thing. Applying it to everything to look like an edgy hard-to-impress tough-as-nails master is another.

Which is totally happening in this thread right? Everybody is either edgy or autistic right? When will these kids learn man, guys like you and me, we know people's true intentions.

A cringe reaction says more about the individual than what they cringed to.

Its okay to be gloomy from time to time.

The fan theory was fucking garbage though jesus christ.

My psyche is now completely disintegrated. You deliver a hard blow.

Blow. Hard. A. Is.

Psych fag here

You're not even close to being right. People with psychosis of any kind experience delusions and hallucinations, and often act on them and endanger themselves and others. They way the brain fires and the imbalance of chemicals cause the brain to interpret the sensations as "real" this they experience voices, people and memories that simplify did not happen, but to the victim it is indistinguishable from reality. It's not a lifetime daytrip, as their hallucinations are almost always based in the reality in which the victim lives, which make it harder to convince them they aren't a messianic figure with divine breath.

What do you expect? OP has smoked him/herself retarded.

*slow claps*

*steps out of the shadows*

Heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material...

But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme.

And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :^). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to. Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive.

See you on the boards...

Similar to how being an agent from the Matrix firing cinnamon candies instead of bullets is perceived as totally normal in a dream?

Fuck, I own up to being wrong, and i thank you for the education. I legitimately had no clue what it was like and was talking out of my ass. This is interesting as fuck.