Itt: movie clothing you would wear in real life

itt: movie clothing you would wear in real life

Literally the Scorpion Jacket of the 70s

Let me guess, you're a sophomore in high school and tell everyone Taxi Driver is your favorite movie and scoff at them when they say they never heard of it?


you better watch your mouth normies

Where are the low test nu males saying they would wear the Driver jacket?

You can't wear movie clothing without looking pretty lame. Plus if you want a Taxi driver style, just get a field jacket.

is it even possible to be a high school student and not know taxi driver



nah, the taxi driver jacket looks pretty subtle, and is still /fa/ in 2016
there's nothing wrong if you wear it (unless you go full autism and get the travis haircut)



a couple of years ago those Vietnam vet jackets were really popular with hipsters.

holy hell, that is funny. good job.


>not a vape
Needs to be updated

>mfw i spot a normie wearing an obvious fake/repro/black m65 that they probably paid 3x as much for

I have my dad's old army jacket circa 1968 that I sport sometimes. Hipsters be damned.


It's all about your body not what you put on it anyway. Even this would look good on a ripped dude while you will look like obese awkward shit you are no matter how much /fa/ you browse.

/fa/ is filled with autists who have no grasp on how to clothe themselves.

I prefer this jacket



SWAG alert

Suuup, buuddy


>/fa/ doesn't know shit about fashion
>/fit/ is gay and doesn't actually lift
>Sup Forums doesn't play videogames

stop being a memer
most of these autistist do have knowledge

Hello /fa/ autist

This guy

/fa/ meetup for your reference

me on the right

Costs like two grand and a half but this is nice

omg did bane have carpal tunnel syndrome?

yep, these are the posters on /fa/

That neck has to be shopped. There is no way it's that long.

why did you post the cropped version?

that fucking chink

you two should reversed roles

Thank you, I was in the process of looking for the real version since that retard posted the edited version.


we do reverse roles in bed.


Not the best quality but oh well. It's been in the truck of my car lately as an emergency jacket.



is there something cringier than /fa/?

Spidey's underroos

>fashion experts
>not a single suit in the bunch

Are they just poorfags or what?

the manlet in the middle has a suit

I want to buy these


We can post emojis again?

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a full frontal photo showing exact details, but I'd go out in public dressed as Billy Boy the Droog, Alex's arch nemesis.

Waaaaat how?

You memed me good you cunt, thought I could reintroduce emojis into my shitposting scheme.


Anyone who wears shorts/3/4 lengths with a long sleeve jacket/shirt needs fucking shot, why do I keep seeing people dressed like this, what celebrity are they trying to copy.

I wish I was cool enough to pull this off

I do this. Come and find me.

You look like an idiot, stop ruining white peoples image.


36 years later and this look still flies in Texas.

Helps to clothe yourself if you break it down to its basics: shirt, pants, shoes, and maybe a jacket.

Anywhere out west

Vincent Gallo's boots from Buffalo 66.

He genuinely had style. His haircut and clothes worked for him.





10/10 would wear

literally me


Fucking perfect


What's Dylan roof doing on the far right

Being the only fashionable one there.

Which one are you?