How big was your boner during this scene

How big was your boner during this scene.


I became gay for the duration that's for sure

I was definitely mirin that's for sure

Like a sky scraper.

4 inches



I was basically concerned that Steve's peak human endurance/strength should not be able to hold a helicopter like that, and that he is gambling that Bucky's conditioning wouldn't be able to rip the arms out of his sockets.

>Bucky 'mirin Cap while hes in the chopper
He definitely had his hand on the stick that's for sure. :^)

it was awful

the scene when he changes his grip is so unimpactable just shows you how this is the fakest shit ever

Why don't Bucky and Cap just fuck already

did he die?


What? It was some straight up 80s manly glorification like watching Arnold construct his bow in Predator. It was awesome.

How big was your boner during this scene?

I made to a fully erect 4.2 inches. A new personal best.

ant-man copping a feel

thank you based evans


>peak human endurrance

can you stop this meme? Just because some science used this anecdote to make it easier for others to understand doesn't mean that is the limit of CA.



I want a set of those boots.

Even Wolverine has human connecting tissues between his adamantium bones. He can be torn apart with enough applied force.
In this scene, Bucky had to stop himself from tearing Steve apart like a fucking wishbone. Do you know how heavy a helicopter is?

I literally thought "now that's a man who's destined to spread his seed"

never realized how gay that was until now. Thanks OP for making me question my sexuality.

btw tom hardy is sexier

>muh biceps

Literally the dumbest shit I've seen in a capeshit movie.

Real men have fat everywhere.

>Lets go of handle
>Helicopter doesn't fly away

what is this garbage bmovie music

he's also bracing with his legs. are u dum

wtf why?

They expect at least one of us in the wreckage brother

yeah, but no one would care for a nigger

Until he put on the mask

That is terrible.

>capefags take this shit seriously

capeshit is literal cancer and i hope anyone who enjoys it never experiences true and real happiness.

I thought it was silly.

When i download the movie I will edit it out in my personal version

>When i download the movie I will edit it out in my personal version

Please be serious.

What's wrong.
I'm personally going to make a 4 hour cut of Scarlet Witch's barefoot scene.

So it basically confirmed that Bucky is the next Cap?

>her bare legs at the beginning of the scene
had to fap later


you need to learn words


Idiots take it 'seriously'. Some just enjoy it for what it is. What you gonna do about that faggot?

>I must go now, the people of Wakanda need me!

>Hardy and Evans will never double team you to death

>Aidan Gillen will never cry in the corner because he's getting cucked


Huge desu.

Cap is too fucking sexy.

world war Z?

Jokes aside, my boy Vision was looking /fa/ as fuck this movie. If only he wasn't a supreme autist, he'd have already given Scarlet Witch the big red vibranium D.

Would have helped if he hadn't imprisoned her twice.