Does Sup Forums like Coraline?

I'm not gonna use the word kino to describe this film, but it's easily one of the best animated films of the 2000s.

Any reason for you faggots to hate it. Solid 10/10 for me.

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Was some time ago I watched it, but remember it being really comfy and pretty spooky.

I remember it being at least a photoplay, maybe kinography

Haven't seen it in years but remember really really enjoying it.

I like the end scene where the cat disappears behind the sign. It's subtle and eerie.
Legit good stuff to be found here, the music is fantastic too.

Coraline was pretty terrible.

I just remember it being a very predictable story where a lot of time is wasted watching dogs to trapeze and putting the main character on a fetch quest.

Laika is pretty good.

Very nice movie and an excellent soundtrack, but not something I've been really tempted to go back and reinvestigate.

It was boring garbage

solid contribution user. Care to share why? The story isn't really an adventure type, more of a drama than anything else. what wasn't there that you wanted?

Yeah it was a really good kids movie.



The story, the pacing, the visuals, the score, the voice cast, the charm, the ambiance, and comfyness!

And that tunnel shot in 3D is spectacular.

I was bummed because They Might Be Giants were set to do the whole score/soundtrack, but all we got was the little snippet of "Making Up A Song About Coraline".

>beady button eyes that aren't particularly menacing but unsettling as fuck


>tunnel crawl shot

>wyborn's design

literally doesn't get any better.

Quality art.


I thought it was boring and garbage.

I hate to be one of these people but I read the book first and I was a little disappointed with the movie. Also fucking HATE Terri Hatcher. Especially her voice.

Good movie that would inevitably become Hot Topic fodder

It's not a 10/10 user but it's pretty great and was mesmerising in 3D, I was literally hypnotised in the theatre during the mouse circus bit.

This movie is god tier comfy for a winter rainy night.

I preferred the book.

better than nightmare before christmas

i adore this movie