Ey.. I vunt muh bird

Ey.. I vunt muh bird

I ate it.

how are they going to explain that Aunt May dated Tony AND whip guy from iron man 2?

Didn't Mikey totally regret doing this movie?

I totally regret watching this movie

yeah he put a lot of effort into his character and shit, i guess not knowing what capeshit was. and then he just ended up being quipped to death.

I think you mean bort. You vunt yorr bort.

Vi arr out of borts

literally has a toothpick in his mouth the whole movie

No. Mi sonn alzo Bort.

IM2 is underrated.

It's about middle of the back of all the MCU films. Mikey Rourke didn't suck and based Sam Rockwell stole every scene he was in.

What the hell was that accent supposed to be, anyway? Because it sure wasn't Russian.

>there will never be a sam rockwell as iron man movie

I don't remember a single scene from this movie other than the formula 1 scene

i don't know if you know this..


It's disco.

The entire MCU and rise of capeshit can be excused for bringing us this line.

John Romero is looking a little sketchy today

What's up with Mickey Rourke and Jeremy Renner's gross ass fingers.

The weapon sales scene with Hammer and Rhodey alone elevates IM2 above half the MCU films.

Yeah. I think I remember something about a lot of scenes getting cut that attempted to give his character some depth. Something about him having a brother or something? I think the first fight at the racetrack was supposed to be against his brother, but they scrapped it and just made Mickey fight him twice.

What's some essential /rourkecore/?

>I'll take it
>Which one?
>All of them

Movie Script Generator dialogue


Get Carter with Rourke and Stallone is extremely underrated.

made me chuckle

>Living proof that Sup Forums can hate anything.

>That's not a helmet...that's a head

>"Here try to fit your head in that

>Assistant/bodyguard tries to put his head in it. Can't.
