What's next for his career?

What's next for his career?

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/Living Deliciously/

He's probably supper by now

IIRC that goat was a real fucking asshole to Ralph Ineson during the filming.


Being delicious.



delicious curry



Blacked when?

>"If we wanted him to be doing something violent, he wanted to go to sleep. If he was supposed to be standing still, he was running around like a madman," Eggers recalls. He credits Ford, the film's editor, with piecing together whatever usable footage they had into the acclaimed performance.

>No one in the cast had a rougher time with Charlie than Ralph Ineson. A veteran British actor with a bassy voice and large, aristocratic features, Ineson, 46, had to drop 30 pounds to play the family patriarch, a starving farmer. That left him at a distinct disadvantage when he was called upon to wrestle Black Phillip, as dictated by several scenes in the script.

>"I didn't have a lot of gas in the tank, really," Ineson says of sparring with the beast, who weighed about 50 pounds more than him. "He was horrible. Really, really horrible. From the moment we set eyes on each other it was just kind of hate at first sight. He had two modes: chilling out and doing nothing, or attacking me."

On the fourth day of filming, Charlie rammed his serrated horns into Ineson's ribs, dislodging a tendon. "Everything hurt," Inerson recalls. "I spent the rest of the five-week shoot on painkillers."

unprofessional tbf

So this goat is a reincarnation of Marlon Brando?

He's fine.

Anyone else think she's cute but weird looking at the same time?

She's my new ayylmaofu.

Also, she looks a lot better as a brunette desu

>she'll never abduct you

>you will never be thomasin's father figure

What a gay looking dog.

>expecting based!goat to underplay his performance because you're a weakling

The goat's disdain was warranted, user.

What is it with this trend of actress's with that weird too-far-apart eyes thing? Seems every new actress has rabbit-esque eyes.

Word on the street is he'll be playing Nosferatu in Eggers' next blockbuster hit.


Why do her eyes look so far apart here but normal here


It's some kind of alien conspiracy.


Do goats really dance like that?

I don't know desu, but it's certainly unsettling as fuck

Based Phillip in da house.

Reposting link to survey about this movie in case anyone itt hasn't answered it:

Yea hearing about that was fucking crazy. I think he said he was in the ER twice. Just looking at him, his horns almost look to rounded to actually gore someone.

Seems to enlarge the face a little. Maybe it makes emotions show up on screen better? Idk.

>As early as Witch's 2015 Sundance premiere, where Eggers won the best director award, the signs were there: Fans would stop castmembers on the snowy streets of Park City to rave about the horned creature and quote his seductive catchphrase: "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"


>The Witch 2: Satanic Boogaloo
>The Witch 3: The Return of Black Phillip
>The Witch 4: Witch Harder
>The Witch 5: Goats 'N Da Hood


what the fuck was his problem


Hopefully a Jamaican restaurant local to me.


Maybe commercials:

"Dost thou like the taste of butter and pretty dresses?"

>Even director Robert Eggers wasn't safe from Charlie's twisted vision.

>"One time I yelled 'cut' and Charlie turned to me and said 'what if someone just stood in the middle of a farm and yelled cut? Maybe the monkeys in suits would forget their trained routine of cutting wood' My jaw hit the floor and it never really came back up. That's when I thought, is he getting in character to play Black Phillip, or is Black Phillip something that's been in him all along?"

>"Sometimes I would go to look into the cameras, and I noticed Charlie had put something in the lens. It was stuff like 'What if you lived deliciously? Would you buy a nice dress?' and 'Lights. Camera. Butter.' I had to ask him to stop because I was getting too scared to direct."


Snyder could include him in the DCEU.


Good stuff


>the acclaimed performance

>to rave about the horned creature and quote his seductive catchphrase: "Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?"

Ai Ai Nyra Ph'Tagen!

Words can't describe this level of kek.

it's just prominent english inbreeding getting into the spotlight

Did this movie give an urge to fuck goats to anyone else or is that just me?

Is your name Ahmed?


Her eyes are far apart but I love her anyways

Hollywood magic