Vision is fucking useless

Just saw this movie, my god why is vision such a useless character in this movie??

>gets stunned by simple electric arrows for a good 30 sec
>no memorable moments/fight scenes at airport.
>shoots down War Machine.... somehow.
>oh wait no because of the "feelings got in he way".. cliche.
>has ability to whip out entire cap team, all he does is stop a flying bus.
>only good moment is his contributions to the conversation on the accords/superhumans effect on earth.
> has the power of a fucking celestial stone with the ability to whip out planets....,misses a fucking shot........because plot.

Vision was the few if not only thing i enjoyed from AoU. and now he is a useless side charector who is there because.... someone needs to get hurt,..... plot....... story..............woah sacrafice.

fucking disappointing.
to much captain america.

how powerful is the vision on the comics sentry/hulk? powerwise?

My wife's son thought he was good

He just really wants to phase in and out of Wanda.

It's just another shitty Marvel movie.

Martian manhunter tier

>knows how powerful Sentry is
>doesn't know how powerful Vision is

who gives a fuck it's capeshit

It's "wipe".

His shitty powerlevel in this movie won't help bring home how serious Thanos is when he kills the vision
They should have shown the vision as being stupid strong and have Thanos come in and easily slap his shit

>have suit that can fly
>insane weapons and defense systems built in
>no parachute
seriously there should've been some kind of foam that hardens and encases the suit like that stuff in demolition man

teyl grahmmar hitler i saide hiy.

That's exactly how it's supposed to go down, Vision is supposed to be almost God like to show how powerful the stones are and Thanos is supposed to just come in and kill him in an instant. That's good sensible writing.

a god

he can phase out his density to ether and then phase in with millions of times the density, near instantaneously. It means he cannot be hurt and when he attacks the kinetic energy released is unmatched in the entire MCU. The power of going from almost zero density when he is ethereal to the density of depleted of uranium, instantly, is akin to 100 neutron bombs localised in his fist (or whereever he wants to attack). He would literally break down someone like Hulk into molecules with a single strike.

That's warmachine's gimmick
No room for shit safety features
All offensive all day

The series would be much better if vision didnt exist.

you have to go back

Why didn't Vision just catch Rhodes?

Stupid character design 101

It kills it for me when someone is so powerful, i can't remember when was the last time you actually thought there was any danger for the characters in cape shit movies these days

suit wasnt made by rhodey, it was made by stark the guy who is basically a batman when it comes to preparation to a fight, the dude has hundreds of suits for every occasion.....

but o shit he forgot a parachute in his flight suit for his friend......

"To much captain America"

Dude you know it's Captain America 3 right?

He's balanced if Mjolnir can hit him, and he's susceptible to energy attacks.

He also seems to drain of energy after using certain powers.

He was to busy wanting to get with Scarlet Witch to care about doing anything but putting minimal effort in the fight

>i can't remember when was the last time you actually thought there was any danger for the characters

Raimi's Spiderman and Spiderman 2.

This word is a little overreaching to describe anyone in this film.

Nah man I think it was in the second one that they flat out said they sacrificed any defensive capabilities in favor of a purely offensive suit

>to much captain america.
edgelord nigger

Suit was heavily modified by the military with terrible Hammer tech