What does Sup Forums think of the evil dead series in terms of classic horror movies

What does Sup Forums think of the evil dead series in terms of classic horror movies

My favorite horror series. The tv show was surprisingly just as good as the movies even with nostalgia googles

That inability to license Army of Darkness, and thus the need to pretend it never happened, kinda killed it for me.

Seriously, hire some lawyers. Gotta be enough money behind that to make them an offer they can't refuse.

the show FULL of quips
the three movies only had like 5

>only had like 5
Have you ever seen army of darkness?

The first is legitimately spooky and good.
Never seen the second.
AoD is funny.

>never seen the second
Fix that right now.

ok. I'll do that.

>never seen the second
>seen the third

What the fuck man? You need to go rent or buy it

The Evil Dead is one of my top 3 horror movies ever. The whole trilogy is amazing but the OG is a masterclass of its own. I could talk to you all day about that.

1 is amazing.
2 is decent.
AoD is shit

It's a classic.

the first one is in my top 3 films of all time and I love it to pieces. It manages to be both pretty terrifying but also charmingly humorous in places, and the fact the humor was not always intended makes it even better
Evil Dead 2 is a good horror-comedy and I don't see Army of Darkness as a horror really outside of a few elements (the witches, the fact there are skeletons) but as a comedy I love it as much as the first.

fucking great taste familia

I liked the show a lot, but the first episode was honestly the only one that was superb.


Evil Dead 2 is my favorite movie, 1, 3, and the show are also really great.

I thought the episodes that took place in the cabin were top tier.

So glad to see all this love for my favorite movie series

The second episode was my favorite. The first one was good but they pretty much showed all of it in the trailer.
Your cooking was shit anyway

Nice meme reply. As expected of a memester who likes a shitty meme movie like Army of Darkness.

I've seen them more than any other horror film. Honestly can't imagine my life without them.

Anyone else really like the remake? I was very impressed.

I havent seen the remake yet should i? Ive heard good things but i also heard it was very different

here's your (you)

There are lots of great things about it. I think the smartest thing they did was distance themselves enough from the original. They didn't try to give us a new Ash and they didn't try to shoehorn humour in. It's got some amazing practical effects, plenty of gore and it's really fun overall. You can tell a lot of passion went into it, along with respect for the original.

Just don't go in expecting something like Evil Dead 2.

Mostly cause alleged rumors of them wanting to cross the franchises. Supposedly ash was supposed to pick up the chick from the movie at the very end.

Worth it to shell out $10-15 for a bluray copy?




>fucking great taste familia
Thank you senpai

It's not bad but it's nowhere near as good as the original. The main issue is that it doesn't really provide any breathing room by wasting the first thirty minutes on the drug thing. The camera work is pretty standard, which is a bit of a shame considering the franchise, and the lighting tends to emphasize the space as being far too large for its own good- the woods are thick but too brightly shot, the cabin is small but not nearly as claustrophobic and it lacks in actual texture in favor of one of those cabins which is more like a dentist's office than a living space, making the bloodshed feel more clinical than anything despite how hardcore it was willing to go. The acting is fine but the characters could have been built better and not hewed so close to the quick for the purpose of making the movie just 90 minutes. And like most studio horror movies of the last twenty years, it feels the need to go big and spectacular for its third act. Which is fine, except that Evil Dead's whole schtick was kinda that by the third act only one character is left alive and good Lord, the camera itself is even actively trying to kill him by pinning him into the smallest possible frame. In the remake you just get your requisite boom.

Not bad. Not worth revisiting, moreso.