What makes a movie comfy, Sup Forums?

What makes a movie comfy, Sup Forums?

its good with good characters and a story you care about.

Rewatchable, easy to zone out to, quoteable

makes you feel warm

Appreciation of something you like.


Something that's fun with characters you like and relate to on some level. Nostalgia also plays a big role.

I don't know. Fly casual!

For me it's this or an alternative type of comfy that basically goes like this:
The less comfy the charachters in the film are (wind, rain, snow mud, etc) and the cozier I am (blanket, beer, snacks, what have you), the comfier the experience.

lowers your critical faculties
triggers feeling of nostalgia for a time you were never a part of


Good actors

Nothing is more comfy than hearing the wind beyond the safety of your walls.

Unity of place. Beginning where you started.

>Campfires and storytelling. A sense of being let loose in a specific environment with friends?

It has to be good enough and entertaining enough for you to rewatch it a bunch of times but not so engrossing where you can't take your eyes off the screen.

New movies tend to be anti-comfy with spastic editing and explosions . Plus their bloated run times make it bigger pain in the ass to rewatch
Also new movies have horrible sound mixing for some reason so you can never truly be comfortable watching it

Mumble mumble mumble

>music/sound effects

Grainy, noisy, organic camera look.

Creatures whipping up breakfast while you're workin on a crossword puzzle...


ultimately a good director i guess

>ending where you began

This. I love seeing grain matched up with highly saturated colours, and which does not use tinted lenses.

Bad weather and a sense of instability or horror, the notion that 'things aren't what they seem'...


>The notion that things aren't what they seem

>a cloudy, dreamlike state

It needs to be a big movie

>"Look Flash, Arboria has been rebuilt, Oh, it's more beautiful than ever!"
Just what is she on about?


Kek - well done!

...and a good story with atmosphere, directed well. So, The Thing.

Very good points, user. And thank you for pointing out why we have the lack of comfort in modern movies.

Watch this!