Rate me plz and don't hestitate leaving comment how to improve my appearance

rate me plz and don't hestitate leaving comment how to improve my appearance

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Your forehead is half the size of your face. Wear a hat or something


Do something with your hair. What i do not know.

Black eyes not helping.

Holy fucking shit you can literally land a plane on that forehead, and you want to to leave comments on how to improve your appereance??

Cant peg the egg

Get a hair transplant. Ask them to move your hair line halfway down your head.

greetings, brother, we meet again

Damn I thought I had a big forehead lol. I can fit five fingers from my eyebrows to my hairline, think the average is 4 or something. Annoying thing is that my brothers have all got really good hairlines.

The average is 3 for a good hairline

I know because I can fit 4-4.5 and my forehead is YUGE

Eggy that you?

i can fit 6.5 ;(

your face is kinda shaped like an egg has anyone ever told you that?

Shave that fucking hair all off. It's never gonna look good, you look like a middle aged friar mixed with an 80s gym teacher. Shave it all off and just grow a beard, you'll look fine.

isn't that the guy who shot up the school?

Hi Eggamn.



you're a cute little faggot,

Due to length of hair, I'm unsure as to your gender. But, when I disregard your forehead, you look EXACTLY like our previous Prime Minester, David Cameron.

fucking summerfags

I thought this was a chick

Nothing wrong with your appearance, just need to pop that zit and then jump off a bridge

Try wearing a hat like pic related

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Rate me and be honest

Great smile

control people with your mind powers so you can force them to think you are beautiful


you look like the brother from hannah montana

pic related imagine the forehead is 10 yards longer