Hey Sup Forums I miss the technology from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s...

Hey Sup Forums I miss the technology from the 80s, 90s and early 2000s. Just found my old floppies while cleaning the basement. Time machine when? Also general nostalgia thread.

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lol I miss windows xp and playing shitty pc games on it with my pc that had 512mb of ram

To kids of today, a floppy disk is just the save icon.

I regret throwing away a lot of stuff..


>found my old floppies
Enjoying your old dildos, OP?

>my generation was the greatest !!!!!!!!!!!!

I miss old tech and games until I use it. I was missing my N64 last week, for example, and after I plugged it in and played it for a while, I lost interest really quick. I realized why I love modern graphics so much.

sheet boi, im gettin lucky

>ITT: Nostalgia

Same here. I still have my tower PC from 98. I tried turning it on but the data rot got so bad that'll have to reinstall Win98 on a floppy. Also cmos battery is dead after booting once. Thing that sucks is that I have the ISO and everything, just no adapter for the floppies.

Yes. Very much.

I miss CRT Monitors

no shit

Those were the shit. LCDs are ass.


anyone remember dis?

is your camera as old as the PC?

When is 90sPunk going to become a genre

I a shitload of old floppies and 2 dell usb floppy drives. I still have a pc that runs a fucked up version of win95 and that one has a 5-1/4 floppy drive. I bought a Sony Mavica FD83 at a second hand store for $5. mainly because it was the first digital camera I ever used. It holds about 6 or 7 shots on a floppy. The lcd screen if fucked up but I can plug it ino a monitor to frame a shot. I love old tech.

Haha yeah, I made all of the walls shitty ms paint dicks. That was a good childhood


i worked for a county government a couple of years ago and found a huge stash of empty floppy discs that were of course useless. i began popping them in envelopes when i would send official documents to colleagues in other offices around the state with weird stuff written on the labels like 'secret codes' and stuff. just for my own amusement. not sure if anybody else was amused.

I still play a game made in 2001 daily



fuck, i want one for the novelty factor alone


Kek, that's great.

Fuck you summerfag. Bring me my dentures.




hello tub girl

>getting asshurt and reading stupid implications out of nothing because it is true



Leave summerfaggot.


i still work with xp so..

I always had to sell old stuff to buy new one so nothing left.

not a summerfag just an oldfag with too much time


whats on the discs?


Newfags come to Sup Forums like flies to shit.


oh fuck, 3dfx. dem feels



Lose the gook writing and the weird head and I'd set it as my wallpaper.

can still be splayed





>ITT newfags who don't understand how image boards work are bumping the thread with images
Thanks guys.

Wow a 3d print of the save button

Longcat is fucking loooooooooooong

How many of them are CP?

ITT: lets use old technology that takes 10 times more space and has less processsing power because old is better


None to my knowledge. I haven't used them in over a decade.

>what is having fun and being happy

I have an E-MU E6400, it still takes floppies, although I will replacing the floppy drive when my SCSI Raizinmonster Compact Flash drive arrives. The E-MU really is better than using computer programmes for music.

like i said not a newfag i understand how imageboards work you welcome praise the sun im out

epic game of

They are better than flatscreens in every way except size.

They cost more to produce so they were sidelined by manufacturers to save money.

Hahaha you're young, and will die poor in rented accommodation after a life of unfullfillment and minimum wage labour.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.

I've got games that I like that won't run on new tech because it can't be slowed down enough. You won't be able to see your gramma's porn cause you don't have a 5-1/4 inch floppy. Of course, that porn will give you a three inch floppy.

I miss the old times too.
Today, everyone thinks he´s a fucking hacker.
You can google fucking everything.

WE had to figure it all out by ourself. Damn, installing DOS on a machine and get qbasic running was great. Imagine installing the driver for your freaking new needle-printer on a commandline.

Dude, you remember the old Screen of the Driver installer for a soundblaster-card?
... Awesome.

and post shitty thumbnails.

I miss the days when we were blissfully ignorant of what celebrities were getting up to behind closed doors.

I saved my time machine blueprints on a floppy. Too bad i cant retrieve them

>saving the picture twice

Which is?

When actresses showing their tits in a movie meant something.