You heard me

You heard me

Other urls found in this thread:

Show me your butt with a timestamp first

I cant youre too beautiful.

you seem very nice

You're pretty.

source of this angel

Can't come up with shit, those freckles are too adorable

just some random redditor shit

>Roast Me

What's with this?

You can just tell who's new af when they use that term.

Please go away OP.

It's your summer time.

Go out and play.

From what I could tell so far, your room does not appear to be very clean!


the lack of personality at your desk is disturbing.

I was thinking the same thing, but about the first five posts responding to OP.

You like licking penis haha

Tits or GTFO, timestamp
Fat old bitch

Summer cuckoldry

If "unenthusiastic handjob" had a face, this would be it.

Stick a lit candle up your pussy and fart with a timestamp or gtfo

Your parents thank you're a failure. Your boyfriend is a douche and no body really likes you. You may as well just kill yourself to make the world a better place.

What are you fucking idiots or something.

Well yeah. You are most likely a roastie you dirty bitch.

What are you, fucking idiots or something? *

she just seems nice

she just seems very nice

if unenthusiastic handjob had a face this would be it

show tits and timestamp

Your 90s colored shirt, old hoody, and grody house put together had me convinced your poor and lack hygiene, although you clearly care because you wear makeup, your upbringing can't be untaught. On government assistance going through college on the taxpayers dime/10

you look boring as fuck


What are you fucking,
idiots or something*


This is the top post from /r/roastme


Something something disappointing handjob

OP is using Sup Forums as his personal army to find the best comment to use for the most karma. You're all letting it happen for breaking the tits and timestamp rule

Nice one

Why does summer bring out the cuckiest in people.

lol wut

Do you have a hairy asshole? Nothing sexier than a hairy cream pie where you can see all the wet hairs and rivulets of sperm on them. Every girl I've fucked has had bush, my wife has a bush and we make hairy cream pies. Sometimes she asks me to masturbate and cum right in her pubic hair and she rubs it in. Sometimes she's in the mood for me to cum right on her hairy asshole. Her asshole is ringed by dark straight long hairs. When eating her asshole sometimes loose hairs get into my mouth. I take these hairs and dry them and and put them in a paper envelope with her name on it. Then later when she isn't around I'll take the hairs out, put them in my mouth, and masturbate thinking about eating her asshole. I think I've collected enough loose hairs from her asshole to make another hairy asshole.

ur stupid and dumb

We've got a plebbit it fag here

If "uninterested handjob" had a face, that'd be it.

íf you know where this came from you are just as much of a reddit fag as op

You know it bb.

>posting a reddit link on Sup Forums
might as well post some pizza if you want a permanent ban