Knife Thread

Knife Thread

Post what you got

Other urls found in this thread:

You have a hood ass chair and waste money on a fucking chinese counterstrike replica knife

Double dubs don't lie


ITT: penis substitutes for impotent manlets.

holy shit

It's real

baguette m9

I bet ur this fucking virgin

> cringe thread

I bet you supported bernie

not baguette m9 version

cringe thread

Why do you feel so concerned, manlet?

What's the float?

you sick fuck


fuck me.

>hey everyone check out this utterly impractical holographic rainbow colored knife my dudes ain't it sweet? here's a video of me flippin it around with a bandana wrapped around my empty fuckin head.

Just got this recently. Using it for camping.

The typical knives buyer.

Just got this

This is what I carry, nothing special but it gets the job done. At times I wish I had a full tang though.

open carry this baby everyday

>nothing special but it gets the job done
>it gets the job done

Top fucking kek. Insecure virgin reportin'
Don't forget your fedora.

mall ninja


Just ordered this beauty. also got a karambit tiger tooth. too bad butterflys are banned in jewmany, but I've heard the customs let them through if they're collectors knifes like from anyone got confirmation of this? would be interesting.

>not knowing other countries exist


Almost double dubs quoting double dubs saying double dubs don't lie don't lie.

Cold steel?

> league of legends
> knife



>Using Sup Forums in 2016
>Being 400 pounds


Cuts boxes, rope, wire, etc. Nothing special as in it's no swiss army, and has no serrated portion. I carry a kobalt multi tool with it and those two together take care of most situations.


Awww is someone mad cause they are an obese virgin stuck at silver? Fucking die

Nice for survival

Only knife that I have is the one I have left over from my time in the service. That fucking thing looks more likely to cut you than anyone else. That's assuming it cuts at all

Do you even know how to properly use/handle that? I really bet you don't.

Gold, actually :^)


>generic response

it started out as a cringe thread

> Nice for survival
> for survival
> survival

Yeah sure, it's a matter of life and death. Leaving mom's basement is serious business.
Be careful, some people will talk with you some times.

And the knife they gave me is shit. You faggots are all collecting these knives like my fiance's half brother who is 15 years old, so I can get over him doing this but not you grown ass children

So you're not denying that you're an obese virgin that get above 49% win ratio? Like I said please fucking die

i bet i can cut and kill everyone here on this thread saying it's cringe

while you are all laughing i am actually a security for my girlfriend and she feels fine knowing that

What the fuck are you even going to do with that?

>i am actually a security for my girlfriend
>for my girlfriend
>my girlfriend


Got one of these.

The two best between all the ones i ve got

>a girl will actually date a paranoid autist with knives

>would be enough to kill someone and is not considered a weapon in case police have a look on it

good choice


Holy shit.


Kek my lady carries her own. Yeah it's some lightning bolt shaped pos, but she's not a bitch like you and your "lady" is

Best cringe thread I've seen in a while. If these people were getting mugged they would piss their pants and get their knives stolen before they used them. These things are toys and decorations to you virgins

The fuck you think you're gonna do with that shit ass knife?

As large as they can get.

the amount of actual physical retardation

Nice letter opener there m8

Knife tier: Autist

probably continue to cut his couch like a faggot

>not *caring* other countries exist

fucking gay

> Thread status: fucking screencaped and saved

Pure. Cringe. Gold.

Not gonna lie, looks pretty flimsy.

Actual retard spends hundred of dollah on knives to feel better about the size of his dick

same fag

Surviving the rough terrain of moms basement, cutting open bags of cheese puffs and slashing at the air pretending to be a rogue from world of Warcraft, cutting open the bag of adult diapers you wear, it's a tough world out there

better than nothing

Getting this in the mail soon. Have a couple pocket knives and a karambit lying around in my room somewhere

Are you going to stab Catelyn Stark? She's not real, Timmy. Game of Thrones is just a fiction. You should stop throwing away your money.

When. You. Talk. Like. This. You're. The. One. Making. It. Worse.

No, people are just actually cringing at yall

trips of truth eurofag


>implying your anime lovepillow has feelings

> everyone is the same person on Sup Forums

This thread is just cringe, any normal person would think the same way, fucking retard.

Primary use: cutting the table


CSGO replica knives, i ll say it non ironicaly, kill yourself


for god sake, learn how to take a fucking picture

dud dat dere luuks sic boi 1!1!!


> bait
> knife owner being cringe

Actually, I'm pretty sure he can be real. Even if it's sad.

do these count?


i got that pb beast


the only two posts featuring non retarded edgelord knives

>concealed deadly weapon 12 years

In my pocket right now

Call me boring, got it on sale for $35

I have a Karambit and a CRKT Liong Mah #5

Karambits actually make great utility knives. The ring lets you flip it behind your hand leaving all five fingers free to grasp things without putting it down. It originally was a tool for field work.

Roast me all you want, I know what im doing and you dont.


edgy kids itt

my work knife and my "fancy" knife